BotanibunsHello! This is open for a little bit before I go on hiatus, but I plan to open it again after I get back! The slots will be limited for now, so it'll give me time to work on more without getting overwhelmed. (made the mistake early on and my motivation exploded into tiny pieces) If you're new and haven't seen my interest check thread, here's some info on this species!
Please remember that this is a closed species. You cannot make your own!
What are Botanibuns?
(taken from my interest check page)
Botanibuns are a species of rabbits that live all across the world, however they originate mostly in North America, particularily in Canada/USA. A biologist discovered the first one in the wild and noticed it had the characteristics of a plant, therefore given the name Botanibun (Leofloridae).
There are two subspecies of Botanibun along with 3 categories.
The subspecies are Avian, in which the botanibun sports wings that come in pairs of 2-4, and terrarium, in which part of the torso seems to be made of a flexible glass-like substance that withholds a plant relative to their kind inside of them.
The categories depend on the rarity/vastness of the plant species that the botanibun is related to.
The three are Invasive, Native, and Endangered.
Invasive botanibuns are the most common, and are the easiest to find, natives are the second rarest, and endangered are the most difficult to come across, though in the right conditions, you may be able to grow one c:
How to get one:
Purchase a seed packet (there are three to choose from with increasing rarity) and water it with one of three watering cans (again with increasing rarity) RNG will then roll with the following you picked and hand you your very own botanibun! You can breed two together for different varieties of the parents, or even Hybrids if their plant counterparts are in the same family! (breeding is not yet available!)
• Feel free to edit the design however you like! But you cannot edit the original adopt. It must stay as the plant type is has been assigned, and its subspecies cannot be changed.
• These may be resold for the original price you payed for them, making a profit off of them is not permitted.
• When posting on other sites (like for example) please remember to credit me! I am Sxftsrve on Deviantart.
• No refunds are available for these designs, sorry!
The Shop
Seed packets:
(Determines your Botanibun's subtype!)
Common seed packet
85% Normal, 12% Avian, 3% Terrarium

Rare seed packet
66% Normal, 25% Avian, 10% Terrarium
Epic seed packet
35% Normal, 40% Avian, 25% Terrarium

Watering cans:
(Determines the plant rarity of your botanibun!)
Bronze watering can
85% Invasive, 12% Native, 3% Endangered

Silver watering can
60% invasive, 32% native, 8% endangered

Gold watering can
40% invasive, 45% Native, 15% Endangered

Didn't get the one you were hoping for? Rerolls are half the price!
Be aware that I'm using cashapp temporarily as my payment service!
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