Posted by ✇ Female primal felis cub for auction! ✇
olienotix (#53110)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-04-05 20:15:04
Hello everyone! As the title states, I have a female primal felis cub for auction this month. She is not quite what I'm looking for and am hoping someone else can give her a wonderful pride. Some basic rules:

✽Bids must go up by 150sb or 1GB

✽Only bid what you have please

✽Highest bidder on the last rollover gets the lion

✽When the bidding is over and I send you the trade--If you don't pay for it within one day I send the lion to runner up

✽You can auto buy to buy the lion before bid ends

✽Have fun

Bidding is going to start at 15GB. Autobuy price is 25GB. Bidding will end the rollover of April 25th, so going into April 26th. Please do not back out once you have made a bid ✢

Here is her link :

felis cub

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Mickey (#250504)

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Posted on
2022-04-05 23:21:25

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Vex [G2
Tobiano/Frostbitten] (#260834)

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Posted on
2022-09-16 11:34:16

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Edited on 21/09/22 @ 05:39:12 by Vex (#260834)

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