Posted by War of the Prides (Lion rp)

Mottled)❄️ (#124856)

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Posted on
2022-04-08 11:22:55
Go and join our brand New Clan!! We will be having lots of Raffles, doing group breeding projects and will offer roleplay advice along with Lioden tips! If you need more information feel free to pm me or @Mongoose

Four prides share a territory going for miles. Each believe the territory to be theirs and theirs alone. Which pride will fall and which will win it all! Now you must choose which pride to be apart of.

Pride Sundown:
A pride that lives in the darkest part of the territory. Most have dark colourings and like to hunt at night, they have the upper hand in stealth and sight. It's unlikely any other lion could find a Sundown Lion if they didn't wish to be found. They are ruled by a King and a priestess who holds prayer rituals every moon to thank the Night God Azar for giving them his strengh, not every lion believes in the god or gods at all but no one would dare cross the priestess, not even the King.

Their camp lives in the Nightland, a cave that spans miles and is partially filled with lava, making it dangerous for anyone that doesn't know the land. The cave is apart of a volcano, the only one in the territory most Lions avoid it afraid of it erupting this gives the Sundown pride the upper hand on any pray that live in this area. The cave is hot and dark, most of the light is from the lava so the Lions have developed the ability to see in the dark. The pride members can go outside of the cave but most don't like the light.

Rumours say that this Pride knows magic but who knows if that's true?

Pride Haven:

This Pride lives around a small lake and have a lot of different prey sources. Rocks surround the lake and small dens sit within the grass and the dirt, Giant trees provide much shade, most Lions feel safe here never having to suffer for food or deal with large predators. However this pride also suffers from not having many hardships, they are lazy and are the weakest of all prides. Their only true strengh is being able to climb trees and being the most attractive pride due to their health and sizes.

They are ruled by a young King who is looking for his Queen, he can be irresponsible and lazy, the other prides have noticed their weak King and are beginning to wonder if they should take over. This pride has an alliance with the Snowy Forest Pride due to them being close to each other, Pride Haven only been a few miles away from the Tundra area.

Snowy Forest Pride:

As their name suggests they live in a Snowy Forest area, it can be hard to hunt in these areas, survival often counts on the alliance with the Haven Pride in order for them to eat once food runs out, they spend their winters with the Haven pride and have been close with them for decades. This Pride is run by Queen Amira a cold female who has her eyes set on the King of Haven. She is very small compared to her huge warriors who are made up mostly of Primals and mutated lions thanks to a strange magic that lives in the air, being activated by the cold, they have yet to find out what it is or how to control it.

Their home is situated at the bottom of a mountain that runs into a forest with a small stream that ends into the Haven lake. It rarely stops snowing but this Pride is strong enough to cope with it, at least until the winter when it becomes an unliveable tundra. Lions from this pride are usually white or cool tones. There are not many females in this Pride and most choose to go to Haven in order to raise their cubs safety until they can cope with the cold. This prides biggest problem however is the pack of wolves that lives on the outskirts of the forest, any food the pride can find is often stolen by them. This pride is the strongest but the smallest, most have long furs in order to stay warm.

Pride Savannah:

The fastest of all prides, you will not out run them! They live on a strip of desert building their dens into a large mound of dirt and sometimes along the side of the watering hole that often dries up when it gets too hot. They eat mostly small prey and must run fast in order to steal prey from other territories. Starvation is a problem with this pride. The elders believe that their last King was part cheetah and that is why the pride is so fast, but it is only speculation.

This prides colourings are mostly golds and browns and they keep their fur very short. A King and Queen run this pride, they eat first and rule with irons fists, do not go against them if you wish to live. The weak are left to fend for themselves, it is survival of the fittest in this pride. The stronger you are the better benefits you get. You could say the King and Queen are corrupt they do mostly nothing and take food from whomever they want, they have caused a lot of the starvation in their pride due to their selfishness, a rebellion has begun to spark.


Kings: - None open yet, pm or ask in OOC if you are intrested in the role
King Panther(Honeynectar) -SD

King Malaika (UnovaSolarflare) - Haven

King Solaris(Me) - Savannah

Queens: - Same as Above
Queen Amara(Me) - SF
Queen Rickshaw(Mongoose) - Savannah

Priestess: - Open for Sav, SF and Haven prides. Max 2.
Priestess Noire(Me) -SD
Apollo(Clemintine) - Sundown Pride

Apprentice Pristesses: - Max 2 per pride/Open

Heirs: Not open, pm or message in OOC if you are intrested in this role
Irvona(ShestheZombie) - Snowy Forest Pride
Temptest(Mongoose) - Sundown
Aloe(Me) - Savannah Pride

Royal cubs: - None open. If you are intrested in this role please ask the Royal pair of that pride. Royal cubs may also be other family members like brothers or sisters of the King/Queen.

Princess Aloe(me) - Savannah pride
Prince Beryl(adamant) - Savannah pride

Advisers: - Open/Max 2 per pride.
Umbra(Unova) - Sundown

Healers: Open/ Max 2 per pride.
Romeo(Hermaphrodite) - SD pride
Nirva(Mongoose) -Haven Pride

Sub Queens: Open/Max 2 per pride

Sub males: Open/Max 2 per pride

Guards: Open/Max 4 per pride
Rodrig (Ai) - Snowy Forest
Water Lily(Mongoose) - Savannah
Hyacinth(Mechanical Artist) - Savannah

Cheif Warrior: Open in Haven and Snowy forest. 1 per pride.
Heracles(Mechanical Artist) - Savannah Pride
Lydia(HoneyNectar) - SD

Warrior: Open/Unlimited for now
Roman(Me) - SD pride

Chief Broodmother: Open/ Max 1 per pride

Broodmothers: Open/Unlimited for now
Ziri(Me) - Haven pride
Olive(Clementine) - Savannah

Brood Apprentice: Open/Max 2 per pride.

Chief Huntress Open for all prides excpet SD/ Max 1 per pride.
Heathen(Mechanical Artist) - SD pride

Hunters/Huntresses: Open/Unlimited for now
Viper(Murderthistle|Psychotic) - SD pride
Vijah(ShestheZombie) - SD pride
Iona(Mechanical Artist) - SF pride
Belladona(Clemintine) - SD
Chrissy - Not sure
Glade(Murderthistle|Psychotic) - Savannah

Scouts: Open/Unlimited for now
DaDota(ShestheZombie) - Savannah

Apprentices: Open/Unlimited for now

Cubs Open/ You must ask if anyone is expecting cubs, or if anyone would like to become parents to cubs first. You may also ask to be a pre existing child of a lion too. You may have an abandoned cub as long as it is found or has someone ready to take care of it.

Trixie(TheVibeKing2201) - No pride currently
Apex(o((>ω<))o) - Haven Pride
Clarice((Hermaphrodite) - SD pride
Dutchess(o((>ω<))o) - SD
Vox(Me) - Savannah
Pearl(Unova) - Savannah

Rogues/Loner: Open/Unlimited for now
Rei "Ghost"(Scorpioness) - previously SD
Khaku(Mechanical Artist) - Previously Savannah
Motaji(Murderthistle|Psychotic) - N/a
Basil(Hermaphrodite) - N/a
Coy Fish(Mongoose) - N/a
Arabella(adamant) - N/a
Appalachia(Mongoose) - N/a
Hishiro(Mechanical Artist) - N/a
Mercy(Me) - Born in SD
Hognose(adamant) - N/a
Friesian(Mechanical Artist) - Is an omen
Junius(what if. {troll/it}) - Used to be a prince
Marrow(Mechanical Artist) - N/A
Marshy(TheVibeKing) - N/A
Eidolon(Murderthistle|Psychotic) - N/A
Jinx(TheVibeKing) - N/A

If you need more info pm me. Also if you wish to be one of the Kings or Queens please also pm me!


Please be nice, try not to be rude.

Please do your job in the pride, we are gonna need food XD

The royal family has their own den/living space. Most ranks live together having a den for cubs, broodmothers, hunters, warrior and so on. However if there is a couple they may make a new den or living space if they wish to. Anyone unmated must live with those of the same rank. Apprentices either live with their parents or in with the ranked lions that they hope to join.

Only Scouts, rogues and Warriors can leave the territory without permission. Each territory has hunting grounds so hunters don't need to leave, but can if it is plot driven or if they are starving. Cubs never leave the camp and live with their mother until they can eat meat, then they are moved into the cub den with the others.

When you become an adult (2yo) you are welcome to seek out a mate if you wish to have cubs please either play the cub yourself or seek out another person to play your cub. I will make an oc chat for such questions. If you are looking to play a cub ask for parents there or you will have been abandoned or orphaned.

Lions can mate outside of the pride if they are not mated, but the cub will be given a lower rank(Hunter, Brood Mother) and will be looked down upon.

All the usual roleplay rules apply!

No crazy op lions please :) everyone has their strengths and weaknesses.

No killing unless that Lion has asked you to or unless it is plot driven.

You can have as many characters as you like!!

You don't have to have fantastic grammar or writing skills (I don't) But your writing needs to be understandable please :D

Feel free to ask if you have any questions, or if you don't know what things a certain rank does. I may update and add more info on the ranks at a later date but most of them are obvious as this rp is based somewhat on the game.

Please fill this in and post it one the character sheets post linked bellow :D <3

Rank Wanted:

I hope you have fun (This is brand new and may take a while to start I'll be working on it for a bit but you are welcome to place a character sheet once I've made the thread for it.)


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Edited on 07/05/22 @ 09:10:57 by 🌸Siren(Clean Glass) (#124856)

🦌Finch_Dane (#276751)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-09-17 22:22:11
(This may or may not be my last attempt to revive this thread cause honestly the RP and people are great!)

Fritz - Haven

|The cub purred at the thought of the group hunting down a herd of buffalo together, tho, he was unsure of how he could be of help, due to his small size and lack of experience when it comes to hunting. He didn't want to get the mood down however, so he smiled wide, thinking about only the good things that come with hunting buffalo together, like lots of food and such!| "This is going to be fun!" |He proclaimed before a yawn escaped him, he hadn't realized that the night was approaching. He didn't dare say anything, hoping the older lions wouldn't realize the slowly darkening sky and make him go to bed for the night. As he kept eating, listening to them all talk above him, his eyelids grew heavier and heavier, before eventually he just gave up, closing his eyes and falling asleep. His snout was slightly pushed into the carcass, the scent of the buffalo's blood filling his dreams, making him imagine himself much larger, and hunting for his new family, making his squirm as he slept.

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