Posted by Design my King! [FINISHED]

Wolv [Arctic 6.8k+
Stat Ferus] (#125697)

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Posted on
2022-04-12 14:33:52

This contest is COMPLETED! View the results here:

Hello, back with another contest! I've been thinking of replacing my king on my side for a while, so I'll ask for designs again!


I'd like a design that looks mostly like this character! You can make the design have additional details if you think it'd look cooler that way, but generally it should be a design based off of her.
(Dias, from the Distortion Detective, a webnovel by Project Moon)

Please post a wardrobe link or a picture of the design + the markings and base information.
You can submit an unlimited number of designs, but you can only win one prize.


The winner gets 40 GB icon-beetle-gold.png!
Runner-ups can still get 15 GB if I like the designs a lot!
Special mentions might get 5 GB, also! So, there's a lot of opportunities to get something nice even if you aren't the top winner!


- Bases: Dawn, Interstellar, Elysian, Leonid, Sunrise
*A lot of these bases are totally different from the character's, so part of the challenge is finding a way to smoothly hide most of it!
(As a king I need the base for breeding...)

- Markings: NONE that are unable to be applied directly
*UNLESS the base is Interstellar, in which case please don't add more than 2
**Simiarly, don't pick any breed-only eye colors!

- Marking Total: More than 3 markings total, maximum 10 body markings total (Mane markings can be in slots 11+ if you want them)

- Mutations: Must be Primal, Primal (Felis), Primal (Smilus), or Primal (Ferus)


- Adult poses only! LTF is totally fine.

- I won't be considering apparel when judging, but you can add it if you want to!

- I have a personal bias for eyebrows on my lions (I think they're endearing!) so a quick way to increase my opinion is to stick an Eyebrows or Taper marking on the top : )

- I like markings that are clear and distinct!

The submission deadline is around May 29th.

I'll decide on a winner by June 1st.

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Edited on 30/05/22 @ 16:03:38 by Wolv [Arctic 6k+ Stat] (#125697)

Whisp {MAIN} (#152175)

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Posted on
2022-05-30 17:04:17
Congrats!!! Im hella happy I was one of the honorable mentions ^^

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xlMidnightlx (#131382)

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Posted on
2022-05-30 19:49:05
Congrats :)

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Starsub (#171209)

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Posted on
2022-05-30 19:51:29
Thank you so much! I am honored to be in your honorable mentions!

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