Posted by The Isk

Wally. (#234281)

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Posted on
2022-04-30 19:33:12
So these are the Isk, axolotl-dragon things that are technically a bit of my fantasy world but i need gb to fuel my ice base craze
Raj caste. Ruling caste, basefills will cost up to 5gb depending on complexity. Most powerful, and made up of military and political leaders. Live in upper sectors of Lys
Next, the Ani caste. This is the most common, and the one the vast majority of commoner Isk belong to. Dwells in the lower parts of Lys. Basefills cost 4gb depending on complexity
Next, the Skru caste. These isk are the next-to-least powerful, and dwell in the catacombs below Lys, with the slightly more wealthy ones living in the very outskirts of the city. Basefills cost 2gb depending on complexity
And finally, the Kraa caste. These are the least powerful of the Isk, and live in the dark caves surrounding the city. They're feared by the other castes, and are typically avoided at all costs.
Basefills cost 1gb depending on complexity
And now lore!

Isk are ancient life-force-eating dragons, the first of whom came from beyond the stars. They reproduce via parthenogenesis, and have a extremely rigid societal structure. The upper 3 castes have powers, though the strength of said powers widely varies.

Common powers for Raj caste Isk involve energy and starlight, as well as weak mind-control. They, however, do not all have these powers, and the ones who do are concentrated in the military

Ani powers are more centered around telepathy and weak energy manipulation. As with the Raj, said powers are fairly uncommon

Skru powers are extremely weak, though some do have a ability to summon a brief glow to light up their surroundings

And Kraa have no powers at all.

The caste in which young Isk are placed is largely determined by their parent, as well as what powers they do or don't have. The Isk of different castes are given different foods in youth. Young Raj enjoy the best of the best, to assist their frill and gills in developing to the fullest extent, and the quality of meals goes down from there.

Live in a sprawling underground city called Lys, exposed to daylight via a vast sinkhole above it. Carved of solid stone and lit by strange crystals, bone incorporated into some buildings.

Colors and physical description

Most Isk are darker colors, the most common ones being grey, faded blue, and grey-red. Albinos and leucism are also possible, though rare. As well, a rare Isk can be a paler shade of white. Markings are possible, and quite common, the most seen being stripes and swirls

Eyes are inverted, being almost all black with a spot of color in the center serving as a pupil

Frills are usually the same color as the center of the eye, and are slightly transparent. Gills can be any range of colors, though are always darker than the Isk's skin.

Isk do not have scales, instead, their skin has a shark-skin-like texture.
Mutations can include piebalds and frill-less. Mutations will add 1gb to the cost. MUTATIONS CAN ONLY EXIST IN RAJ AND ANI CASTES.

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Edited on 30/04/22 @ 19:34:45 by Wally. im not okay dont ask (#234281)

muskegstar (#218028)

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Posted on
2022-04-30 20:23:02
i'll take your entire stock.

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Wally. (#234281)

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Posted on
2022-04-30 20:23:44
which base would you like? any specific features?

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muskegstar (#218028)

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Posted on
2022-04-30 20:26:14
I'll take a kraa caste! i love the smoothness of them, they remind me of newts ^__^
i'd love to see what one would look like if it had leopard-gecko type markings! perhaps a murky mustard yellow base with spots?

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Wally. (#234281)

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Posted on
2022-04-30 20:26:55
alright! I'll get right on that!

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