Posted by An UNGODLY Amount of Decor for Sale

Yorklin [G1 TR
Ennead Pie] (#104379)

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Posted on
2022-05-05 20:43:26
So I've been hoarding decor since I first joined back in 2017 and I figured it was about time to clear some of it out that I never intend on using. So listen up! I have any and all right to decide not to sell a piece of decor later on even if I have it listed when this thread goes up, besides that I'm more than willing to negotiate and try to work a deal that benefits both of us just DM me. I will be basing prices off of the lowest branch prices of the full use ones if they're full use or the lowest not full uses if they aren't full use and then taking some off of that price. Not all items will be full use, but I will not sell items that are supposed to have multiple uses that are only left on 1 use. If an item is not listed at all in the trading center nor the branches it will have the word "offer" next to it as I will have no idea of the worth of the item. I'll decide if I think the offer is fair and if I want to accept it. If you want to buy multiple decors and add their prices together and convert it to GB then I value 1200SB as 1GB. Without further ado, lets get onto the decor I have for sale/offer.

Normal Decor

1x Adjule (5 Uses) - 900SB or 1GB
1x African Bush Viper (5 Uses) - OFFER
1x African Flower Ornaments [Baby Violets] (5 Uses) - 950SB or 1GB
1x African Flower Ornaments [Freesia] (5 Uses) - 950SB or 1GB
1x African Flower Ornaments [Herbal] (5 Uses) - 750SB or 1GB
1x African Flower Ornaments [Purple Phlox] (5 Uses) - 450SB
1x Agathosma Crenulata (5 Uses) - 350SB
1x Aging Hyena (8 Uses) - 3000SB or 3GB
1x Alanqa (5 Uses) - 450SB
7x Albino Ball Python (3 Uses each) - 150SB each
2x Albino Porcupine (10 Uses each) - 150SB each
2x Albino Serval (10 Uses each) - 500SB each
1x Albino Wolf Puppy (10 Uses) - 450SB
1x Allosaurus (10 Uses) - 1800SB or 2GB
4x Ancient Lion Mask (5 Uses each) - 450SB each
1x Angola Cave-Chat (1 Use) - 400SB
1x Anjouan Scops Owl (1 Use) - 125SB
1x Annobon Scops Owl (1 Use) - 100SB
1x Archer's Buzzard Feather Decor (5 Uses) - 250SB
1x Ascension Night Heron (3 Uses) - 25SB
1x Baby Meerkat (5 Uses) - 450SB
1x Bank Cormorant (1 Use) - 75SB
2x Baoball Goalie (3 Uses each)- 75SB each
1x Barbary Fig (5 Uses each)- 100SB each
1x Beaudouin's Snake Eagle (1 Use) - 150SB
5x Bi (5 Uses each) - 150SB each
1x Big Cat Bodywear: Jaguar (10 Uses each) - 200SB each
13x Big Cat Bodywear: Siberian Tiger - 300SB for the 3 uses one OR 450SB for full uses ones
3x Big Cat Headwear: Jaguar (10 Uses each) - 150SB each
12x Big Cat Headwear: Siberian Tiger - 100SB for the 3 uses one OR 150 for the full uses ones
1x Black Harrier, the Fire Carrier (4 Uses) - 6800SB or 7GB
1x Black-And-White-Casqued Hornbill (3 Uses) - 425SB
1x Black-Eared Mantella (3 Uses ) - 550SB
1x Blood Splatter: Belly (5 Uses) - 500SB
3x Blood Splatter: Face (5 Uses each) - 1500SB or 1GB each
1x Blue Disa Orchid (4 Uses) - OFFER
1x Boer Goat (5 Uses) - 2500SB or 2GB
1x Canary Island Pine (10 Uses) - 450SB
1x Cape Snow Bush (10 Uses) - 650SB
1x Catoplebas (5 Uses) - 450SB
1x Celestial Wings - Sunset [Top] (4 Uses each) - 1000SB or 1GB each
1x Chaplin's Barbet (1 Use) - 150SB
2x Chilly Wind (10 Uses each) - 3300SB or 3GB each
1x Claw Extensions [Silver] (5 Uses) - OFFER
1x Craneflower (5 Uses) - 3800SB or 4GB
1x Creeping Rat Decor (2 Uses) - 150SB
1x Crocodile Skull Decor (5 Uses) - 75SB
3x Crocotta (5 Uses each) - 850SB or 1GB each
1x Curious Fanaloka (3 Uses) - 250SB
1x Dead Ridgeback (5 Uses) - 100SB
1x Dirty Crocodile (5 Uses) - 1100SB or 1GB
2x Dirty Fur (5 Uses each) - 75SB each
1x Dried Chick Necklace (4 Uses) - 2200SB or 2GB
4x Easter Palm (5 Uses each) - 20SB each
1x Falling Petals [Indigo] (3 Uses) - 450SB
2x Feathered Leg Wraps - Guineafowl (5 Uses each) - 1400SB or 1GB each
1x Feathered Leg Wraps - Purple Starling (5 Uses) - 850SB or 1GB
1x Feathered Leg Wraps - Shrikes (5 Uses) - OFFER
1x Fiend Horns (5 Uses) - 1800SB or 2GB
1x Fine Grass (5 Uses) - OFFER
16x Flesh of the Unworthy (5 Uses each) - 100SB each
1x Fluffball Teeth (5 Uses) - 150SB
2x Fluffy Bracelets (5 Uses each) - 20SB each
1x Foreground Dry Grass (5 Uses) - 1800SB or 2GB
1x Fossa (3 Uses) - 300SB
2x For-Toed Hedgehog (3 Uses each) - 30SB each
1x Fances' Sparrowhawk Male (3 Uses) - 30SB
1x Frozen Branches (10 Uses) - 250SB
1x Fruit Bats (3 Uses) - 1100SB or 1GB
1x Gabela Bushshrike (1 Use) - 150SB
1x Garland of Rebirth (20 Uses) - 3800SB or 4GB
2x Grandidier's Tufted-tailed Rat (3 Uses each) - OFFER
4x Hare Bone Piercings (5 Uses each) - 75SB each
1x Heavy Foliage (5 Uses) - 4500SB or 4GB
1x Horse Hair Body Ornament (4 Uses) - 3400SB or 3GB
5x Human Remains (5 Uses each) - 850SB each or 1GB
1x Hyena on Fire (4 Uses) - 2000SB or 2GB
1x Hyena Teeth Headwear (5 Uses) - OFFER
1x Jonquils (5 Uses) - OFFER
3x Large Bone (5 Uses each) - 950SB or 1GB each
1x Little Rascal - Tailless (5 Uses) - 450SB
1x Long-Tailed Widowbird (10 Uses) - 3800SB or 4GB
6x Lucky Rabbit Foot Necklace (5 Uses each) - 20SB each
1x Madagascan Blue Pidgeon (3 Uses) - 1000SB or 1GB
1x Maghreb Magpie (5 Uses) - 250SB
1x Malagasy Giant Chameleon (3 Uses) - 950SB or 1GB
1x Malagasy Scops Owl (3 Uses) - 400SB
1x Massive Termite Mounds (3 Uses) - OFFER
1x Masuku Tree (2 Uses) - OFFER
1x Melanistic Caracal (9 Uses) - 300SB
2x Meru Oak - 1GB for 4 Uses one OR 2GB for full uses one
2x Messy Den (5 Uses each) - OFFER
1x Mngwa (5 Uses) - 600SB
2x Muddy Rocks (5 Uses each) - 75SB each
3x Muddy Roots (5 Uses each) - OFFER
1x Namaqua Dove (3 Uses) - 150SB
1x Nandi Bear (5 Uses) - 950SB or 1GB
1x Nest of Mice: Ginger Girlfriends (5 Uses each) - 450SB each
3x Nest of Mice: Midnight Mates (5 Uses each) - 450SB each
4x Nest of Mice: Patchy Pals (5 Uses each) - 8000SB or 8GB each
1x Nigerian Dwarf Goat (5 Uses) - 450SB
1x Omen: Cervid (5 Uses) - 2200SB or 2GB
1x Pack of Rats (5 Uses) - 1200SB or 1GB
1x Pearl and Flower Ornaments [Herbal] (4 Uses) - 1100SB or 1GB
1x Pentacle Wristband (5 Uses) - 1100SB or 1GB
1x Pitcher Plant Meadow (3 Uses) - 1100SB or 1GB
1x Playful Fanaloka (3 Uses) - 950SB or 1GB
1x Provoked Cape Cobra (3 Uses) - 200SB
1x Purcell's Hunter Slug (3 Uses) - 200SB
6x Rabbit Bone Braclets (5 Uses each) - 30SB each
6x Rabbit Bone Chest Wrap (5 Uses each) - 30SB each
1x Rabies (5 Uses) - 950SB or 1GB
1x Rainbow Burrowing Frog (3 Uses) - 950SB or 1GB
1x Reunion Ibis (3 Uses) - 30SB
1x Resting Crocodile (4 Uses) - 1800SB or 2GB
1x Ring-Tailed Mongoose (3 Uses) - 400SB
4x Rompo (5 Uses each) - 200SB each
Rudolph the Lost Reindeer (10 Uses each) - 450SB each
1x Sacred Ibis Feather Decor (5 Uses) - 250SB
1x Shadow Battle Mask (3 Uses) - 1400SB or 1GB
1x Shoebill Feather Decor (5 Uses) - 150SB
1x Sitting Fossa (3 Uses) - 325SB
1x Slippery Rocks (3 Uses) - 500SB
1x Slithering Chaos (5 Uses) - 1400SB or 1GB
1x Snake Skin Bodywear [Brown] (5 Uses) - 2500SB or 2GB
1x Spiderweb [Scarce] (4 Uses) - 9000SB or 9GB
1x Spineless Cactus (5 Uses) - 300SB
1x Starving Cub (5 Uses) - 175SB
1x Starving Puppy (5 Uses) - 75SB
1x Subantarctic Fur Seal (3 Uses) - 1800SB or 2GB
1x Survivor (2 Uses) - 2200SB or 2GB
1x Traveler's Palm (3 Uses) - 1000SB or 1GB
2x Two Little Rascals (5 Uses each) - 70SB each
1x Van Dam's Vanga (3 Uses) - 300SB
1x War Mask: Elephant (4 Uses) - 1000SB or 1GB
4x Warthog (5 Uses each) - 70SB each
3x Warthog Piglets (5 Uses each) - 1200SB or 1GB each
1x Waterfall Cave Mouth [Night] (5 Uses) - 8000SB or 8GB
1x White Horse of Pestilence (4 Uses) - 900SB or 1GB
1x Zanzibar Leopard (10 Uses) - 9000SB or 9GB
1x Zephyr (10 Uses) - 800SB or 1GB
1x [GE - Andalusia] Andalusian Horse (3 Uses) - 1700SB or 2GB

Custom Decor - All are no longer sold

1x Ishtar's Cloak [Ferus Mal (9 Uses) - OFFER
1x Newborn Leopon Cub (8 Uses) - OFFER
1x Unholy Wolf Pups (3 Uses) - OFFER


1x Andohahela (3 Uses) - 7000SB or 7GB
2x Brumous Cold Morning (5 Uses each) - 1700SB or 2GB each
1x Crashing Wave (3 Uses) - 2800SB or 2GB
2x Dark Forest (10 Uses each) - 2000SB or 2GB each
1x Feast in the Shade (5 Uses) - 1800SB or 2GB
1x Hyena Clans (5 Uses) - 150SB
4x Hyena Kingdom (5 Uses each) - 1800SB or 2GB each
1x Hyena Wastelands (5 Uses) - 200SB
1x Necropolis (5 Uses) - 2000SB or 2GB
1x Otter Beach (3 Uses) - 1900SB or 2GB
1x Savannah Ridge (10 Uses) - 1300SB or 1GB
1x Snowy Forest (10 Uses) - 6000SB or 6GB
1x [D] Ngorongoro (10 Uses) - 2400SB or 2GB
1x [D] Zambian Bush (10 Uses) - 2800SB or 3GB

Items I Accept

Great Tit - 8GB
Grain of Paradise - 10GB
GMO Cow - 45GB
Lion Scrotum - 25GB
Buffalo Scrotum - 30GB
Lion Meat - 8GB
Hyena Meat - 1GB
Black Stallion - 2GB

Ask about Apps, not really interested in common apps.

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Edited on 18/05/22 @ 22:39:48 by Yorklin (#104379)

🥝Kiwi <3🥝 (#271167)

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Posted on
2022-05-05 23:01:04
you made 4 trades?

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Yorklin [G1 TR
Ennead Pie] (#104379)

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Posted on
2022-05-05 23:01:43
Oh yes, you can only put 100 items per trade, so I split it into 4 trades each for 1GB

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🥝Kiwi <3🥝 (#271167)

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Posted on
2022-05-05 23:02:34

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WitheredBO (#238890)

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Posted on
2022-05-07 02:04:09
Hiya! Are you still selling? I'd want to buy the Amani Sunbird and Nest of Mice: Ginger Girlfriends if it's possible?

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Yorklin [G1 TR
Ennead Pie] (#104379)

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Posted on
2022-05-07 02:05:23
I sure am! Lemme just setup the trade real quick :)

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WitheredBO (#238890)

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Posted on
2022-05-07 02:07:20

Now to find a final decor I seem to never find ;-;

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Yorklin [G1 TR
Ennead Pie] (#104379)

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Posted on
2022-05-07 02:07:39
Which one is it? Owo

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WitheredBO (#238890)

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Posted on
2022-05-07 02:08:24
The Painter

It's more on the expensive side but I need it for a project lmao

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Yorklin [G1 TR
Ennead Pie] (#104379)

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Posted on
2022-05-07 02:09:31
Don’t have that one unfortunately :(

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WitheredBO (#238890)

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Posted on
2022-05-07 02:10:58
Yea it's pretty rare...

I've also been trying to find Tail Tuft Hairs but those seem to be just as scarce XD

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Yorklin [G1 TR
Ennead Pie] (#104379)

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Posted on
2022-05-07 02:11:27
Yah lol 😂 people are trying to gather them up for this month’s apps

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WitheredBO (#238890)

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Posted on
2022-05-07 02:13:42
I just want them to craft The Painter XD

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Yorklin [G1 TR
Ennead Pie] (#104379)

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Posted on
2022-05-07 02:14:18
Lol 😂

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🥝Kiwi <3🥝 (#271167)

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Posted on
2022-05-07 08:34:37
do you have pan coloerd decore?

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Yorklin [G1 TR
Ennead Pie] (#104379)

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Posted on
2022-05-07 09:12:53
I don’t believe so, I’m sorry :(

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