Posted by Colorbomb Breeding Center [CLOSED]

🌟Starfruit🍑 (#171151)

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Posted on
2022-05-18 17:53:57
Colorbomb Reverse Breeding

Progress | Chat | Sales | Recruits | Stud | Events | Reverse Breeding

Diara notices that there are more lions going in heat, and she cannot breed to get more cubs as there will be no room left. She notifies the ones that is in heat, and they all agreed to the decision. Soon out, Diara makes signs, advertising their services.

1) This is for the full heat! If you don’t want the cub, I will take them to be added to colorbomb recruits or in some cases, keep them.
2) You have to provide a nesting material and a food bundle, including stud fee. You can provide any other items of your choice. We will do it the traditional way so I can edit the description of the cub’s info like all the other cubs born in my pride, and will send when reach 5 months old
3) First come first serve!
4) They are still part of the colorbomb pride, so please give them a forever home! It shows respect and both prides will be happy. Take care of the cubs!

In Heat
Check the Pride Members and Royal Dens! Sear, Stride, Festy, Fusia, are all in heat!

Heat Soon

Base: Sorrel Base
Eyes: Pink
Mane: Mane: Diabolic Mane - Ice color
Slot 2: Arctic Smoke (59%)
Slot 3: Fuchsia Feline (54%)
Slot 6: Feline 6 Orchid (57%)
Slot 7: Ardor Shepherd (18%)
Slot 8: Hibiscus Feline (66%)
Slot 9: Vitiligo 3 (40%)
Slot 10: White Soft Unders (40%)
Breeding Fee: 300
Reserved By:

Base: Cinnabar
Eyes: Sapphire
Mane: Royal Mane - Noctis color
Slot 3: White Feline Unders (46%)
Slot 4: Noctis Ghost Feralis (81%)
Slot 5: Under White 4 (92%)
Slot 6: White Blaze (50%)
Slot 7: Ardor Shepherd (61%)
Slot 9: Pulsar Dim (100%)
Breeding Fee: 300
Reserved By:

»»————- ♔ ————-««


Base: Brass
Eyes: Pink
Mane: Incubus mane - Lilac color
Mutation: Piebald (Frail)
Slot 1: Cherry Reverse Vitiligo Mash (84%)
Slot 2: Feline 6 Orchid (100%)
Slot 4: Feline 9 Ebony (84%)
Slot 8: Celestial Speckles (76%)
Slot 9: Vitiligo 4 (95%)
Slot 10: White Lace (99%)
Breeding Fee: 600
Reserved By: Upsidedown (#183447)

»»————- ♔ ————-««


Base: Silver
Eyes: Pink
Mane: Scarce Mane - Slate color
Mutation: Piebald (Cracked)
Slot 1: Hibiscus Rogue (86%)
Slot 2: Arctic Rogue (90%)
Slot 5: Feline 9 Orchid (56%)
Slot 7: Ardor Shepherd (19%)
Slot 10: White Soft Unders (38%)
Breeding Fee: 500
Reserved By:

»»————- ♔ ————-««


Base: Zarafshan
Eyes: Black
Mane: Hellraiser Mane - Cairngorm color
Mutation: Piebald (Dappled)
Slot 1: Feline 1 Ebony (43%)
Slot 3: Gold Cheetah Royal (58%)
Slot 5: Glacial Lace (63%)
Slot 6: Vitiligo 3 (42%)
Slot 8: White Marbled Unders (54%)
Slot 9: Celestial Speckles (71%)
Breeding Fee: 400
Reserved By:

»»————- ♔ ————-««


Base: Titanium
Eyes: Blue
Mane: Diabolic Mane - White color
Mutation: Patches (Torn)
Slot 1: Onyx Ends (92%)
Slot 2: Fuchsia Lace (64%)
Slot 3: Pulsar Cheetah (100%)
Slot 4: Merlot Mist (40%)
Slot 8: Noctis Snout (70%)
Slot 9: Noctis Thrashed Chest (82%)
Breeding Fee: 500
Reserved By:


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Edited on 19/09/22 @ 04:43:40 by 🌟Starfruit🍑 (#171151)

Moon (#248195)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2022-07-04 20:09:39
Coven walks back up to the pride, his ears flick. He waited for Diara.

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🌟Starfruit🍑 (#171151)

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Posted on
2022-07-04 20:19:03
A cry was out. A cub has been born.

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🎃Finch🎃 (#294995)

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Posted on
2022-07-30 09:51:17
Mubiru padded along looking at the beautiful lionesses. He thought for a bit before purring out "Starlight is a beautiful lioness! I would love a chance with her, if that is okay?" A smile on his muzzle.

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🌟Starfruit🍑 (#171151)

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Posted on
2022-07-30 12:08:33
"Starling? Yes yes!" Diara said. "Follow me in the den, she's waiting for you! And make sure to give the items and the fee too!"

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🎃Finch🎃 (#294995)

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Posted on
2022-07-31 08:51:13
Mubiru followed behind happily :3

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Bear (she/her) 👾 (#269432)

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Posted on
2022-08-07 20:12:35
A young male walks through the lionesses, dipping his head to each with a smile before addressing you “hello! I’d be grateful if slya would spend her night in my company, I’d like for her to have a zebra heart before she joins me if that’s alright? Would you be okay with an instant feather after our night together?”

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🌟Starfruit🍑 (#171151)

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Posted on
2022-08-08 06:45:39
Diara looked up and smiled.
“Yes, please follow me to the den! She will be waiting for you!”

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Moon (#248195)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2022-09-11 20:42:16
Scorching Rose approaches and calmly asked, “ could I spend the night with Miss Luna?”

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[G5|6K|TICKED PIE] (#342672)

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Posted on
2022-09-11 21:57:45
"I wish to reserve a night with Slya." Came a gruff voice followed by the large figure of a dark furred primal. Ra'gnarrok stopped and took a seat, sapphire gaze scanning Diara.

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