Posted by lion skull
Meowri (#286292)

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Posted on
2022-05-26 03:11:09
heyheyhey! I have a lion skull and don't really need it so I'm selling/trading it!

I'm thinking of selling it for about 100-200 SB or 1-2 GB, is that too much? I just looked at what other people are selling it for and went off from that lol


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Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2022-05-26 04:12:02
Lion skulls sell for 56 SB back to the monkey. And say you have10, it would be 560 SB. They aren't really that hard to find in this event or in explore.

They can be used to craft some base applicators or lion skull decor, but beyond that they don't really have much use except as a toy for your lions. So to me they aren't worth that much by themselves, but if you have a whole bunch then sure, GB is a possibility.

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Flupdii (#255734)

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Posted on
2022-05-26 05:16:32
You could sell one with full uses at 150 SB, at 10 SB per use. (I usually use this to leverage my food pricing as well). It won't sell quick, but you will be able to do so in the long run.

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Bikersarehot (dm me
pie!🎀) (#398789)

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Posted on
2023-04-20 01:57:32
i have 2 lion skulls and I might sell them but check their uses first then haha

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