Posted by Lf: Items of all kinds :P // Slots Closed

Bean (#287502)

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Posted on
2022-06-05 17:24:50
So I saw this board here, and I thought this would be a great place for me to put this. So hopefully I'm right

I'm a bit of a new player, like I joined 7 days ago new. Whoops.
Meaning I'm not actually sure at how things are particularly valued around the site just yet, and if I make a mistake in assuming something is worth more or less than it actually is, please, please correct me so I can learn! I don't want to lowball you, and I'd love if I didn't get lowballed. That'd be a real kick in the balls :P



Anyways, if you actually read all that and went through my terrible joke, I'm sorry. Time to get to the real nitty gritty.
Currently, I have a not so pretty king. If dreamboat was actually based on your appearance, I'd have never gotten it. That kind of not so pretty; because of this, I am looking to get my hands on some applicators, and while I must admit I do certainly have some golden beetles to spend, it's not as much as I'd need for all the things I'm wanting to do. Dear me, what have I gotten myself into right?

Not only am I looking for applicators for those of you who might want to skip all my chatty cathy typing, I am also looking for any other items you might be able to offer me! I will say I don't want anything you can get from exploring, as I'm constantly on wasting all my energy when I'm bored. So anything easily obtainable is a no-go for me.
That said, I definitely prefer applicators > other items. However, breeding items and other fun "elusive" items are probably on the same tier. I have gotten myself familiar with the wiki and read more than I'd like to admit about what many of the items on this site do, so while pricing might not be my strong suit, I certainly know what most items do.
Though I can't say I've seen or have gotten to know every single item in the game; and again, I've only been here for 7 days, so if I ask exactly what you're offering me, please don't be offended and help me out! I'd greatly appreciate it.

Now that I've gotten all of my rambling out of the way,
and if you've skipped to this part because of the spoilers...

- I am a new player
- I am looking for any sort of items you got, but mainly applicators and other expensive/"elusive" items
- I also like gb(Who doesn't!?)
- reason is I want to pretty-fy my king
- I am offering art in return! Though, I do have 25gb to my name as well(However it'd have to be for something I really want and for cheap because I'm a greedy little grubby and need to keep my hands on my gb for spending purposes)

Onto the items I want:

Hopefully you read that,
and now that you have...I have my examples and my pricing list already on my art shop!
I must admit I didn't think it'd be great if I cluttered my entire art page with willy nilly chattering, so I think it was best for me to get it all out here.
I talk a lot,
I'm aware and I'm sorry if you ever decide to have a chat with me.

Also, I decided to just add my examples here, but please check out my art shop for a general price range!
Thank you!
Click below for my examples :D

Here is the link to my art page

I'll also say that I can "cut prices in half" for certain things you want if you offer me things I absolutely "NEED"
Can also say I might do different art pieces that aren't listed on my shop :P
This goes for anything I might want or need though, so if your offer is good then I'll go for it.

If you have any questions feel free to post them or private message me and we can talk it out!
This goes for any offers you have as well!

Thank you so much for taking a look and I truly hope you have a very lovely day!

I'm offering art mostly in return! Please check out my art page! Thank you. No low balls!!!**

Update 2: if you so wish, you can also offer studding :D Though, that's along with breeding items or something else(Unless it's a really cool king lol)

Adding this onto here so people can see my slots! Keep in mind I have two art pages, so if you are ordering a piece please keep this in mind!

If you'd like to place an order, please keep in mind I'll have ONE slot open at a time.(Maybe more at my discretion.)
This is so I don't overwhelm myself by taking too many orders at once.
1. Open!(Two users pending on my main art thread.)

Side Slot Aka the “busy slot” for those “big spenders” who purchase more than one art piece, they have their own slot that I’ll do at my own pace separate from my regular schedule! Right now, this busy slot is taken by #149069(Payment: 3 applicators. RelAnub, Sutekh base, and GregSwarm. 0/3 Pieces completed.)

Finished and Paid commissions:
#103352 Fully Shaded Headshot /w Background - 20gb Paid!

If you'd like to claim the slot, please fill out this form and post it to the thread.
Due to me only having one slot open at a time, unless I specify when I open my slot, these will not be first come first served. Sorry, but this is so I can choose my workload. You're free to repost anytime I reopen my slot though.

If you can't pay once I finish your commission, please don't order.

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Edited on 09/06/22 @ 15:12:14 by Bean (#287502)

Bean (#287502)

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Posted on
2022-06-05 18:44:56

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Edited on 21/06/22 @ 09:18:44 by Bean (#287502)

dess (#278428)

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Posted on
2022-06-05 19:31:15
Hello! I currently have a mane app, if you count that as a app. Are you interested?

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Edited on 05/06/22 @ 19:31:22 by lioden._.lgbtq._.goddess (#278428)

G2 Felis Cloudburst (#143857)

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Posted on
2022-06-05 19:32:22
Hello! I have all these apps!

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Bean (#287502)

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Posted on
2022-06-05 19:44:18
@278428, which one? I don’t want to be lowballed :0 Nothing under…Let’s say 5-10gb?

@143857, I’ve been trying to look at and find all of what you listed so I can see what they look like and such, but I’m not sure I’ve found everything? Do you mind pming me with what some of them are or look like? Maybe I didn’t look well enough and if not so sorry!

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dess (#278428)

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Posted on
2022-06-05 19:57:17
Hmm.. I’ve seen the Feast of saint patrick go for 8GB before, is that good?

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Bean (#287502)

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Posted on
2022-06-05 20:00:22
Would you like to pm me to discuss? :D
I’m not particularly interested in feast of st patricks so maybe we can work something out and such ^_^

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dess (#278428)

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Posted on
2022-06-05 20:01:04
Alright! I also have 3 may apps that I hate, so we can discuss those too

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Edited on 05/06/22 @ 20:01:26 by lioden._.lgbtq._.goddess (#278428)

julie! ☀︎ g3
smilus mrlc (#149069)

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Posted on
2022-06-05 20:06:34
Heya! Welcome to Lioden!

Before I get into it, are there any species, characters, or themes you're not willing to draw? Asking because the fella I've got in mind is my analog horror-themed mascot Gittgot Gameover, who's a feral feline but with (obviously) horror themes and bright not sure if you'd wanna draw GG or not!

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Bean (#287502)

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Posted on
2022-06-05 20:13:28
I can’t draw humans very well, if at all(Need to practice again before I decide to sell art with them), but that’s probably about it for what I can’t do well. Maybe if I’m presented with a species I’ve never drawn before, but I guess if it’s furry/feral-esque I’m golden! As for horror-themes I’m great with them, don’t mind it one bit! I haven’t drawn horror in awhile, but I have no problems with bright colors and horror subjects :D! So long as it’s within Liodens rules, obviously.

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julie! ☀︎ g3
smilus mrlc (#149069)

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Posted on
2022-06-05 20:19:44
Awesome, thank you for clarifying! Here's a link to GG's gallery if you want to make sure you'd feel comfortable drawing it, but its very tame; just analog horror & glitchy stuff plus bright colors!

As for apps, I've got: Lycaon Heavy, Lycaon Heavy Inverted, Proteles Heavy, Proteles Scarce, 5x Scrapped Grunge, Augur Prophecy, Frostbitten Skin, Gregarious Swarm, Hirola Markings, Ivory Carvings, Nacre Carvings, RMA, Relic of Anubis, The Aardwolf, The Guardian, True Titan, Vestige of Anubis, Vestige of Seth, and Victor's Secret!

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Bean (#287502)

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Posted on
2022-06-05 20:23:31
Ooh that is a very cool looking character…How fun!

As for the applicators you’ve mentioned, I see some that have actually piqued my interest if you’d like to pm me we could discuss some more further! I’d like to see your pricing for them :D

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♡✨Mel✨ Ankh x2
Ros♡ (#259028)

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Posted on
2022-06-05 21:25:18
I have feast of saint Patrick and lion meat.

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Bean (#287502)

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Posted on
2022-06-05 21:35:01
Saw that feast of saint Patricks was going for about ~499 SB in the branch sales, unless I misread, so I don't think that item interests me whatsoever...However the lion meat intrigues me :P
Would you like to pm me to see if we can work something about perhaps?

I haven't technically had my "slot" taken up just yet so, just as a warning to everybody, I still am starting from best offer and going down the list! (As I'll only be doing one commission at a time of course, meaning I'll accept one at a time ^_^)

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Bean (#287502)

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Posted on
2022-06-06 10:07:46
Examples added to this page! They were on my art page as well, but this is for ease of access for everybody :D

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🌱 whales0ng (#138230)

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Posted on
2022-06-06 12:52:23
If you want to change your king’s eyes, I have the applicators for Cloudy and Mist eyes! Would either of those interest you?

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