Posted by Dagadan Adoption Centre [CLOSED]

scarlet (#272072)

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Posted on
2022-06-06 00:16:10

Update posted 23/6/23:


Thank you everyone for your support in the adoption center! However, I've been inactive for a few months due to life getting in the way. I'm taking this moment to officially close the center.

I love Lioden and will keep trying to play casually, but I don't have the time to run the center anymore. Thank you again <3

PitaPata Cat tickers

Rehomed lions: 146

Current Capacity:

Adult Males: 1/1

Lionesses: 5/8

Adolescents & Cubs: 3/60

The crashing of water greets your ears as you push through the jungle, following a river to its source. Your trek is rewarded by the sight of a magnificent clearing. Lions play in a pool fed by a waterfall that cascades down a cliff.

An older lioness - she seems to be the oldest, from what you can see - perks up at your presence. She is covered in scars, and cubs bound at her feet. She has a humble murex wrapping, and walks with a permanent hobble.

"Greetings!" she says, "Welcome to Dagadan. I am Siltral, one of the pride's elders. Please, follow me."

She leads you to the cliff-face, clambering up a path carved into the stone and beaten down by lion paws. The path leads towards to waterfall, and spray hits you in the face as you dip into a gap between rock and water.

You discover there is a cave hidden behind the waterfall. More lions gather here, and they watch you curiously. Siltral guides you to a smaller cave, with flowers decorating the outside.

Inside, there are mostly cubs and adolescents, with a few lions as well.

"Welcome to the adoption cave," Siltral says, "I was lucky enough to find a forever pride, and I hope that these lions will find one too. We can't keep them here, and most of them are excited to find a new home. Please, talk with a few of them, see if one of them can join your pride."

Siltral pauses, "Please only take them if you intend to give them a new home. Don't if you only plan to send them to the nature reserve, chase them, or - " she shudders, "- Tefnut forgive, kill them."

"If you have a pride member looking for a new home, you can send them here too. We can't guarantee to keep them forever, but I know how hard it can be to find a forever pride, and it can be easier when there's a dedicated place. We can't promise to take all of them either - please ask before sending them to me - after all, we only have so much space. Maybe one of them will find there forever home here. If not, they'll be available to other kings like you."

Welcome to the Dagadan Adoption Centre! Please follow these rules:
- Elders are not up for adoption, neither are their nursing cubs. If you're not sure, lions with a cross are unavailable
- Roleplaying is highly encouraged! If you're roleplaying, reply to this thread. No need to be good, this is a safe space
- If you want to nab a lion without roleplaying, it has to be done in PMs
- I will take other lions and put them up for adoption, but it MUST be organised beforehand. Don't send me lions out of the blue
- If you offer a lion to be added to the centre, I may turn you down on the basis of space
- If a lion isn't being adopted, I'll try and sell them to raise funds. If they just aren't shifting they'll likely end up nature reserved to free up space. This is a last resort! I'll do everything I can to get these lions to a new home
- If you adopted a lion here and no longer want it, try and send it back so they can go back up for adoption. Worst case I can't take it, in which case try to give it away yourself before kill/chase/nature reserving
- When roleplaying, use the name of the lion you want! All my lions have unique names, so this system is easy for me

Adoption Cave is here!

The amount of lions is dizzying. Sensing your bewilderment, Siltral beckons a few over with a flick of her tail.

"These lions are the most urgent cases," Siltral explains, "or they're just eager. Consider this a highlight section. All lions in this cave are up for adoption, but these are quick access. The lions in this group rotate every few days, unless their case is very urgent."

Disclaimer: Lions do not come with a pose unless otherwise stated. Images are clickable.

There's no one here right now!

Just are you are about to choose a lion, a sub-male stumbles into the cave and makes a beeline for you.

"Eiresti!" Siltral scolds.

Eiresti hastily dips his head in apology, and turns his attention back to you.

"I'm sorry if I'm intruding," he says, "but I just had to ask. When we take care of these lions, we feed them, amuse them - no one goes unsatisfied in the Dagadan pride. If you have something spare to donate - a carcass, a gem, a feather, it would be greatly appreciated. Everything we don't use will be sold to fund territory expansion, and increase the centre's capacity."

"I want to emphasise that this is entirely optional. These lions are, and always will be, free. No grudges if you don't. We aren't that kind of pride."

Eiresti bows, "I hope you find a new pride member. These lions deserve the best, and I do hope to see you again."

He steps aside, and goes to play with the cubs in the den. Siltral watches him go fondly.

"Everything is completely free," she emphasises, "money isn't our priority. But enough from me. I'll let you go meet the lions."

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Edited on 23/06/23 @ 19:06:35 by scarlet (#272072)

scarlet (#272072)

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Posted on
2022-06-09 17:37:00
Siltral smiles at you, "I'm certain Ember will find a wonderful home at your pride, you seem like a gracious King. Many thanks, ahead of time, if you do bring us a carcass."

(sending her now!)

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GoldenPai (#291093)

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Posted on
2022-06-09 17:47:59
Old GoldenWind padded hesitantly into the den, his tail flicking as his gaze darted from each lion until he seen Siltral. He changed course and padded up to the old lioness. GoldenWind dipped his head respectfully.
"Are you the one to speak to about taking in a lion?" He asked, his tone soft and kind. while waiting for a response GoldenWind glanced around at all the cubs, adolescents, and adult lions that needed a pride, and his gaze locked on Josira. The King hesitated then looked back at Siltral.
"does she need a pride to go to?" he asked, flicking his tail in Josira's direction.

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scarlet (#272072)

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Posted on
2022-06-09 18:31:11
"I am the one to speak with," Siltral says, "and Josira is looking for a new home."

(sending now!)

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Pandemonium (#208046)

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Posted on
2022-06-09 18:58:22
Silently walking alone the paw worn trail a icy pelted lion walked, his breath frosted the air Infront of his muzzle despite the warming spring air around him. His voice soft like a chilling breeze shifting his iced whiskers, "This one, is she available?" He flicked his tail in jade's direction, a curious glance over to the reddish cub. "I would like to take her in if able, I have brought a gift for your fine establishment as well. To aid in the further care of these young lions." A smaller male lion peaked his head from around the icy one, a foldie with a bright array of colors on his pelt as well as the many flowers he wore over himself. "Yes! Gifts! For the cubs" he set down a hide he had been using to hold a collection of all sorts of fun goodies, starting to hand them out to the cubs. The frosted lion ignored the actions of his submale and watched the lioness instead, waiting for her word on Jade.

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scarlet (#272072)

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Posted on
2022-06-09 19:12:44
"Many thanks for your gift, kind King," Siltral says, watching the cubs play with their new toys with delight, "and Jade is looking for a new pride."

(sending her now!)

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Mickey Rat (#285623)

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Posted on
2022-06-09 19:14:06
@scarlet sorry D: I did read that but forgot as i closed my laptop and left it for a bit

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scarlet (#272072)

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Posted on
2022-06-09 19:15:41
You're forgiven, message me and we can get those adoptions sorted out!

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Pandemonium (#208046)

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Posted on
2022-06-09 19:18:53
The seemingly younger of the two spoke up again, his floppy ears Infront of his eyes a bit before he tossed his head to get them out of the way, "Are we able to take two home?" He looked quietly over at sunset. His interest shifted the icy lion's gaze over to the second cub as well. Stood beside jade, the cub happily nuzzling his legs, ecstatic to be being adopted.

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Vyrani (#187166)

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Posted on
2022-06-09 19:31:05
Silesian had been passing through when he heard about an adoption area. He happened to be out with his submale and gestured to Steinbitr. "Go check them out. I'll stay here. You're more... flashy than I am."
Steinbitr rolls his eyes then grabs what they had caught on their way. Catching sight of Siltral, he sets the meat at her paws. "I'm just gonna take a look around," he says as he pads in.
When he returns, he keeps glancing behind him. "I think that one over there caught my eye. She's very upbeat and greeted me when I approached. Her energy would be a welcome addition to our pride. Oh, right, I think her name was Rust."

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Mickey Rat (#285623)

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Posted on
2022-06-09 19:36:27
@scarlet I messaged you a bit ago and I think i accidentally sent two oops

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scarlet (#272072)

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Posted on
2022-06-09 20:53:59
@Pandemonium (#208046)

"Yes, you can," Siltral says, "the more, the merrier."

(sending now!)

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scarlet (#272072)

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Posted on
2022-06-09 20:57:18
@Vyrani (#187166)

"Ah yes, Rust is a delightful little lioness. I'd be glad to see her go to a home where her energy is appreciated."


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Pandemonium (#208046)

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Posted on
2022-06-09 21:01:46
The pair softly dipped their heads, taking their new pride-mates off to their new home. The icy pelted lion walking calmly as the younger male bounced along with the cubs after him.

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Leana (#289524)

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Posted on
2022-06-10 03:47:32
Xing Trotted into the den, head high and eyes sharp looking around. « Hm, interesting markings on this one. Seiveril Was it? » he would trot over to Sitral and call « I have found one, I want Seiveril please. »

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scarlet (#272072)

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Posted on
2022-06-10 03:59:55
"Of course," Siltral says, "Seiveril, darling! Over here!"

(sending now!)

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