Posted by -LOCKED - Crafting

WolfPetals (#287062)

Prince of the Savannah
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-06-11 06:09:39
Is there anyway possible in the Crafting you can put an area to let us know what we have that can be crafted?

Say if I have the x amount of things needed it would show me that I can craft that one.

I am a new player and the Crafting tab is overwhelming with all the craft-able items, it would be great to see what I can craft. The listing is fine, just wish there was a box area on top to show what I can craft and have the craft list under it.

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Posted on
2022-06-11 08:15:00


This has been suggested here already: Link.
If you'd like to, please pledge your support on the thread linked above!
To avoid having duplicate suggestions within the Development Boards, we'll lock your thread.

We hope that you'll understand!

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