Posted by Soundhounds! Closed species adopts and exploration
Wolfy (#246093)

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Posted on
2022-06-16 19:04:13
Soundhounds are a Closed species I made! And I have decided to let some find a home on here through exploration! Here you simply reply asking to explore an area listed and then send over the gb! If you also choose to purchase a treat this can mold your chances of getting a certain type or certain charecteristics in your Soundhound. After replying and paying I will reply to you with your soundhound! The rarity of aspect of your soundhound is detirmind by the area treats and for other aspect by a wheel!. You may do whatever you'd like with your soundhoud after, it's yours! There will also be adoptions! In the adoptions center you can pick out a soundhound and pay the adoption fee to get it! And if you have two Soundhounds from either of those you can do the breeding option! And pay 2gb to get a litter from the two of them!

Soundhounds are large blind creatures whom come in infinite variations. Each one is unique! They cover this land and nearly dominant it. They are allways partially made of a glass container(wich can be places anywhere, head, chest tail ect.) They use this to store valubles food or other things! They are all embeded with ancient magic, some more then others, that they use in their every day life. Over time people like you and me have domesticated a few but thousands of wild ones roam this land looking for someone like you to tame them!


You approach a stand in the middle of town and a voice calls after you. "Hello outsider! You must be here for the Soundhounds right?" She flipped a little wooden sign to say 'open'. "Well your gonna need something to lure em!" She waves her paw over the stacks of items on the table of the stand "pick whatcha want sweetheart"

Baked treat-1gb
100% chance domestic type

Grass bundle-2gb
100% chance of land type

Crickets- 3gb
100% chance of bug type

Bottle o' cloud-4gb
100% chance of flight type

Berries- 5gb
100% chance of plant type

Rattle snake tail: 6gb
100% chance of heat type

Crystal: 7gb
100% chance of Mineral type

Fish bundle- 8gb
100% chance of water type

Star in a bottle-10gb
Will give your soundhound a mutation!

Growth potion-10gb
Will garentee long haired Soundhound

Enchanted dust- 11gb
will garentee a magical(rarest) trait on your sound hound


You can explore any of these area for their cost! The more expensive the more likely of rarer traits. The area also affects their background and somtimes coloring (not always).

You have equal likely hood to get any type or trait here but it's only a 5% chance to get a soundhound here while everywhere else it's garenteed.

TOWN- 6gb
80% domestic type
15% land type
5% plant type

SWAMP- 8gb
60% bug type
30% water type
10% plant type

80% water type
10% land type
5% mineral type
5% heat type

80% sky type
10% bug type
10% plant type

50% plant type
20% land type
20% bug type
10% sky type

80% heat type
10% plant type
5% land type
5% sky type

70% mineral type
20% bug type
10% land

Equal chance to get any type but Will get up to 3 magic (rarest) traits!

"Wellcome to the adoption center!" Says a small squeaky voice. You look at the counter. "HERE you can adopt a variety of sound hounds! Mostly domestic but we get a couple strays!" She smiles and walks you over to the kennels.


Here you can breed two fo your soundhounds to get between 1-8 pups! Any two genders can breed because soundhounds reproduce through magic!

Magic booster-2gb
This treat boosts the magic of your soundhounds and insures you have 2 more pups then the wheel decides

Breeding fee: 4gb
(Breeding will get you a drawing of the "mother figure" and the pups it will cost 1gb each to get adult versions ^^)

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Edited on 03/07/22 @ 09:50:23 by Wolfy (#246093)

Wolfy (#246093)

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Posted on
2022-06-19 11:28:34
Of course! Who are you choosing as the mother figure? (The one that'll be in the picture with the pups) gender doesn't matter just the one fostering them! ^^

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HG_Falna78 (#210363)

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Posted on
2022-06-19 11:30:41
Hmm I'll go with the mineral soundhound
I'll go ahead and send payment now

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HG_Falna78 (#210363)

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Posted on
2022-06-19 11:31:41
Oh how much will it be? 6gb total? If more that's fine too

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Luxaeus (#78363)

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Posted on
2022-06-19 11:38:44
could i do an enchanted forest for 16gb? :o

will I get a guaranteed soundhounds if I explore? sorry I was confused omg

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Wolfy (#246093)

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Posted on
2022-06-19 11:41:03
Yes you get a garenteed soundhound everywhere but trail!

Hg falna yes 6gb ^^

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Luxaeus (#78363)

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Posted on
2022-06-19 11:43:10
oh okay! can i send the gb now then? :)

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Wolfy (#246093)

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Posted on
2022-06-19 11:44:00

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Wolfy (#246093)

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Posted on
2022-06-19 14:00:46
HG_falna! Here's your5 pups litter! And number 4 is a hybrid!


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HG_Falna78 (#210363)

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Posted on
2022-06-19 14:46:55
Awesome!! Is it possible to get an adult version for all of them? (As well as the traits they each have if possible). I know it's 1gb each but I'll give a little extra hehe. And take your time with them/take breaks if needed! I know I've been throwing a lot at you these past few days

Edit: also the pups are all so cute! I love how they each look like they have different personalities too

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Edited on 19/06/22 @ 14:48:41 by HG_Falna78 (#210363)

Rev | x3 ros ticked
heavenly (#216172)

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Posted on
2022-06-19 14:53:55
May I explore the mountains? :]

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Wolfy (#246093)

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Posted on
2022-06-20 08:51:11
Ok I'm going to do luxaenus and alliumbos, when they send the gb, when I get home today! Then I'm going to take a very small break to draw some of the treats and backgrounds and a art break to not get burnt out probs not more then a week if even that! (HG_falna do you mind if I do the adult version after the break?)

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HG_Falna78 (#210363)

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Posted on
2022-06-20 11:43:28
Yeah that's fine with me! I 100% support taking breaks. Take your time and don't worry about how long it takes

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absinthe (#103009)

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Posted on
2022-06-21 11:23:30
Can I buy crickets and then explore town?

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Wolfy (#246093)

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Posted on
2022-06-21 14:16:00
Luxeanus! Here's your soundhound! Yoy got a plant type which I themed off the "bleeding heart" flower


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aukki (#259296)

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Posted on
2022-06-21 14:49:38
Hey! I found a sound hound a few days ago and it hasn’t come yet. No rush lol just wondering when!

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