Posted by Sale
Gemini (#278671)

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Posted on
2022-06-18 07:18:26
What's the average price to sell lions with 2-4 markings? I have lots up for purchase, cubs and adolescents

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Nox | G3 Cinna MR
Symme (#75398)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-06-18 16:27:28
It really depends on what other attributes the cub have.

For example, the cub could have a common base like Dun and have 1 marking, but the marking is Mottled Rosette. Another cub can have the same base (Dun) and have 2 markings that are all common/wild markings. Obviously, the first cub with the Rosette would go for significantly more.

I would recommend reading up on LD's Marking Wiki page. At the very top, it will list all the tiers (T0 to T6).
Generally: T0s are worth pretty much nothing, T1s aren't worth too much either, T2 are sought out for, T3 are average, T4 are sought out for, T5 are sought out for, T6 are alright but usually depends on the buyer.
You can see what tier your lion's markings are by putting them in the wardrobe.

Cubs with special or rare bases are also worth more too.

General basis though, if the cub doesn't look physically appealing and they don't have the best Tier markings, a lot of players would just consider the cub as fodder. I personally price my fodder at 10-50SB. I would also go check out the trade center and look at some trades to see how other players price their lions.
There's also a bunch of pricing guides out there you could check out. When I first started, I use one of these. Pricing guide search.

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