Posted by 2 ESR Nuetron Greige Dawns

Ren {FullBo 3xRos G1
Dawn Pie} (#192328)

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Posted on
2022-06-19 07:37:36
Auction will end when an autobuy has been made, I recieve an offer I'm satisfied with, or if the lions reach the age of 1Yr/11Mnths. Some lions may be unfortunately dirty, but can make for some great appearance reps!

I reserve the right to cancel auctions at any time, or extend auctions if I do not recieve any offers I'm happy with.

Having to unfortunately add this; this is an auction. Please don't back out, especially if you have outbid another user. Only place a bid if you are certain on purchasing the lion if your offer is accepted. Otherwise, you will be blocked and forbidden from participating in any future auctions. No exceptions.

I will take items at their lowest branch/TC price, and prioritisng GB and breeding items. The only app I will take is RMAs. Lowballs will be ignored and will likely result in a block. If you want to offer something but are unsure, feel free to ask here or in PMs.

BO traits will be bolded, and rare slots will be underlined.

Disclaimer: Lions sold do not come posed, and are simply shown in a manner that best displays their traits.


**One of two on site with nuetron eyes!**

Base: Dawn (Greige Skin)
Eyes: Neutron
Mane Type: Sideburn
Mane Color: Ebony

Slot 2: Lycaon Heavy Inverted Resin (17%)
Slot 3: Hyena Blots Scarce Ginger (34%)
Slot 4: Ebony Soft Rosette (10%)
Slot 9: Feline 5 Gold (15%)

SB: 30GB
AB: 100GB

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Edited on 26/07/22 @ 05:55:38 by Ren {FullBO G1Echo 3xROS Dawn} (#192328)

🐸 Jeepers
Creepers 🌈 (#100737)

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Posted on
2022-07-25 21:57:13
50GB on the full BO dawn please!

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Ren {FullBo 3xRos G1
Dawn Pie} (#192328)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-07-26 00:03:52
Updated! Thank you

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Ren {FullBo 3xRos G1
Dawn Pie} (#192328)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-07-26 05:53:31
The first dawn has been autobought! Thank you to everyone who took part in the auction.

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