Posted by GMO Cow Mutie Chance - Data Needed

Kate (she/her,
fae/faer) (#178966)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-06-23 07:31:03
Hello, I am curious about the chance per cub of a mutated cub, and what kind of mutation when a GMO cow is used. If you end up using a GMO Cow and are willing to participate, please say the number of cubs born, the number of non mutated cubs, the number of mutated cubs, and what kinds of mutations. If there are not any mutations, please write that as well. I will keep track on here and update the percentage of mutations per cub, and chance of a specific mutation or group of mutations. I understand that GMO cows are ridiculously expensive, so this is probably going to take a long time to get accurate results.

I moved this to the user created guides because of the fact the CRB tracking one was here...

In addition, please do not log ones in which a CRB was also used, as that may change the data from what we (well, kind of me), are looking for

Total number of cubs born: 62
Total number of unmutated cubs born: 20
Total number of mutated cubs born: 42
Total number of non-passed mutated cubs born: 40
Total number of cubs with visible at birth mutation: 23
Total number of cubs with visible at birth non-passed mutation: 21
Total number of cubs with achromia: 7
Total number of cubs that are blind: 2
Total number of cubs with folded ears: 6
Total number of cub that are clawless: 2
Total number of cubs that are bobtail: 2
Total number of cubs with overgrown tongue: 1
Total number of FIRST GEN TIGON : 1
Total number of cubs with adult mutation: 19
Total number of cubs with overgrown teeth: 1
Total number of cubs with Mane Silky: 1
Total number of cubs with mane whiskered: 3
Total number of cubs with Mane Fluffy: 1
Stats for mutations that were passed:
Total number of cubs with mutations passed: 2
Total number of cubs Piebald Scattered: 1
Total number of cubs with unspecified piebald: 1

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Edited on 05/10/22 @ 06:10:04 by Kate (she/her) (#178966)

Rumshop | G2 Jelly
Felis (#227300)

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Posted on
2024-03-31 13:01:43
Omg this litter! An achromia and 3 AMP's!!!
Update: mane frizzy, mane silky, mane whiskered

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Edited on 25/04/24 @ 09:54:15 by Rumshop | G2 Jelly Felis (#227300)

I2Lions [Lights Off] (#200128)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-10-04 23:25:00
Litter #16
Total Cubs: 3
Non mutated father/Mane Silky mother
Cub 1: No Mutation
Cub 2: No Mutation
Cub 3: No Mutation

Litter #17
Total Cubs: 4
Non mutated father/Folded Ears mother
Cub 1: Achromia
Cub 2: AMP
Cub 3: AMP
Cub 4: No Mutation

Litter #18
Total Cubs: 3
Non mutated father/Achromia mother
Cub 1: No Mutation
Cub 2: No Mutation
Cub 3: No Mutation

Litter #19
Total Cubs: 3
Non mutated father/Mane Scruffy mother
Cub 1: Folded Ears
Cub 2: No Mutation
Cub 3: No Mutation

Litter #20
Total Cubs: 3
Non mutated father/mother
Cub 1: Achromia
Cub 2: AMP
Cub 3: AMP

I will update when the AMPs age up

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.-RainStep-. MAIN (#478351)

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Posted on
2024-10-10 11:13:26
First litter using gmo(on my side acc): parents were non mutated, lioness fert was Very low (i think it impacts mut chance): 34 percent. 3 cubs: 1:bob tail. 2:AMP clone. 3:non mutie.

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Helix (#260952)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2024-10-22 16:55:14
Last one was one tailless the other acromica (both mutinies) will be having more tomorrow so fingers crossed.

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Helix (#260952)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2024-10-23 05:43:02
3 cubs no mutation

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