Posted by Beasties Forest -- Adoptables!!

Rosesociety (#158052)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-06-26 22:29:26

- Be Nice! i want this to be a relaxed environment and i will block anyone who is rude/hateful
- Please be patient, i work and attend college so i might be a bit off for a day or so sometimes
- First Come, First Serve!
- Thank You :)

all purchased art can/will be sent at its original size.
if you have any questions pm me :)


1 = 900
lion meat = 8
lion scrotum = 20
GoP = 12
Buffalo scrotums = 20
crunchy worms = 50
canopic Jellyfish = 15
jellyfish = 20
turritopsis Jellyfish = 5
cotton Root Bark = 1
yohimbe bark = 20
gmo cow = 60
mukombero = 400 + unlimited free breedings to my stud(s) per

The Bog

-bandit boi
MidNight Base & White-Bandit Marking
Soul Bowl Critters/Items: 0
Eyes: Bog Beast
Mutation: None
Price: 5

-moss ball
Basil Base-Sage Moss Marking + Sage Freckles
Soul Bowl Critters/Items: 0
Eyes: Bog Beast
Mutation: None
Price: 10

Lilac Base-Banana Cow Print + Sky Fog
Soul Bowl Critters/Items: 0
Eyes: Bog Beast
Mutation: None
Price: 10


The Volcano

Scarlet Base-Blossom Cracks
Soul Bowl Critters/Items: 0
Eyes: Possessed
Muation: None
Price: 1


The Forest

-tree nymph
Toffee Base-Sage War Paint + Sage Pinto + Oak Bark
Soul Bowl Critters/Items: 0
Eyes: Possessed
Mutation: None
Price: 15

Pine Base-Sage Vines + MuddyBits
Soul Bowl Critters/Items: Tree Frog
Eyes: N/A
Mutation: Branches lvl 1 (blind)
Price: 20


The Caves

Sky Base-Lilac PolkaDots
Soul Bowl Critters/Items: 0
Eyes: Possessed
Mutation: None
Price: 5


The Depths



The WasteLand

Cream Base-Navy + Blossom Jaw-Breaker
Soul Bowl Critters/Items: 0
Eyes: Possessed
Mutation: None
Price: 10

Ash Base-Charcoal Spine + Blossom Tips + White Pinto - War Paint
Soul Bowl Critters/Items: Sparkles
Eyes: Carnival
Mutation: None
Price: 20

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Edited on 29/06/22 @ 13:38:14 by Rosesociety (#158052)

Rosesociety (#158052)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-06-26 22:52:36
saving spot-----

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Rosesociety (#158052)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-06-26 22:52:52
saving spot-----

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