Posted by 300 Monkey Teeth Offer

Simerali (#229212)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-06-30 07:28:57
Right so I have 300MT, I'll buy whatever app you want just please make a reasonable GB offer. To give you an idea of the current market prices, I've included what certain apps are going for at present on branch sales. NOB stands for None On Branches, i.e. there are none available on the branch sales presently. FA stands for Feline Applicator.

Auburn Markings: NOB
Doubloon Markings: NOB
Kimanjano Markings: 65GB
Ochre Markings: 50GB AND 50,000SB
Pulsar Markings: 55-75GB
Sepia Markings: NOB
FA Auburn: NOB
FA Ebony: 65-80GB
FA Elysian: 50-70GB
FA Maroon: 45GB
FA Orchid: NOB (have been told these usually go for 50GB or above usually)

You can also ask for Lion Meats and the like, again just give a reasonable offer.

Please do not give unreasonable offers that will just waste both our time. Begging will not be tolerated and I will simply block you (as in pestering for the price of something to be decreased, trying to get me to buy more than you're paying for etc)

Edit: Please feel free to just reply to this thread to put in an order, or you can pm me whichever.

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Edited on 30/06/22 @ 09:38:39 by Simerali (#229212)

Khaleesi (#244108)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-07-26 13:57:38
Is this still available?

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Simerali (#229212)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-08 08:40:19
yes, apologies I had not replied sooner, send a pm if you're still interested in this offer

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