Posted by Mutated Accesories

🦌Finch_Dane (#276751)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-07-08 13:12:37
I feel like primals and mix breeds (like gons and pons) should be in the same position as their non-mutated counterpart, for example, while they are cubs and adols, primals stay in their normal poses, so you can put accesories on them. But you can't put accessories on all the adults, the only one i can think of that you can is the primal female. If they can't be in the same pose as the normal ones, then make accessories more usable on them! The only kind that work on most primals and mix breeds are ones that aren't clothing, like lions or animals. I want my primal boy to have some accessories dang it! So if the poses can't be changed, then just alter the way accessories look when put on any primal or mixed breed lions please! It's driving me crazy! I know it seems like i just want to dress up my lions and that's the end of it, but there are plenty more people who want the same thing for their lions!

This suggestion has 37 supports and 5 NO supports.

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✃ ferus (#316761)

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Posted on
2022-08-17 01:40:49
Yea, full support. I just want my ferus boys and girls to have fancy jewlery dang it!

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