Posted by 🐉Draggy Adopts! (GRAND OPENING) 🐲

🦗Aunt Cricket🦗 (#25961)

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Posted on
2022-07-12 16:58:13

Z49APPj.pngDraggy Adopts


Hello everyone! I am opening up adopts once again, but now with a new set of linearts! These linearts and edits were made by Micah(#29140), so please give them credit where credit is due!




#1: Be kind to everyone!
#2: No arguing!
#3: No stealing!
#4: Give credit where credit is due!
#5: Have fun!

Rules are subject to change if I see there is a problem somewhere and/or I need to clarify something!

Minimum increase will always be 500 unless stated other wise. All sales are final. You are welcome to do whatever you want with these adopts just as long as you give credit! Please be nice to me and everyone else! Do NOT get mad if you are outbid or someone bought the adopt you wanted! This would be very childish!


Hmmm there doesn’t seem to be anyone here right now, check back later maybe?

(Down below is just a template to make things easier for me. There are no adopts here atm!)
Auction #1:



Hmmm there doesn’t seem to be anyone here right now, check back later maybe?

Forum HTML by Pun (#139), Editing by Betta Mom (#25961)

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Edited on 14/07/22 @ 15:23:47 by 🐡Betta Mom🐙 (#25961)

🦗Aunt Cricket🦗 (#25961)

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Posted on
2022-07-14 15:07:46
(It’s no problem!)

Explore #1(pt3)

You decide to approach it calmly and slowly, but it tenses up as it notices you. You quietly talk to it trying to calm it down. It starts to be less likely to run off, so you start to inch closer and closer. It watches you cautiously, but doesn’t seem to mind your presence. This seems like a good chance to get closer! It starts to sniff the air, seeming to take your scent in.
(I need you to pick a number from 1-4)

Which do you choose?

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🌙 lumnar :D [G1,
14/15 BO] (#157209)

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Posted on
2022-07-14 15:08:25
hmmm 2

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🦗Aunt Cricket🦗 (#25961)

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Posted on
2022-07-14 15:10:45

You choose number 2! Very wise choice, but this number choice was not good enough for the draggy. It huffs at you and climbs back into the trees. Aww dang! That stinks!

Proof of number generator:

End of explore #1

Edit: forgot to ask if you were ready for explore #2?

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Edited on 14/07/22 @ 15:11:38 by 🐡Betta Mom🐙 (#25961)

🌙 lumnar :D [G1,
14/15 BO] (#157209)

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Posted on
2022-07-14 15:12:02
i'm ready

this time I'll snag one

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🦗Aunt Cricket🦗 (#25961)

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Posted on
2022-07-14 15:23:29
(Fingers crossed!)

Explore #2(pt 1)
You make your way out of your home in the mountains and see that someone…or something had been sleeping on your porch. You see some hair/fur tufts on your front floor mat, so you decide to look around. You see a trail of red on the green grass and some on the petunias. “What in the world?” you ask yourself out loud. Suddenly you hear yowling (or was it roaring?) coming from the edge of the wood line. Do you…:

A) Run inside and call emergency services?
B) Run inside to grab your first aid kit?
C) Cautiously walk around your house, towards the wood line to see what’s making the horrifying noise?

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🌙 lumnar :D [G1,
14/15 BO] (#157209)

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Posted on
2022-07-14 15:26:16
hmm C

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🦗Aunt Cricket🦗 (#25961)

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Posted on
2022-07-14 15:33:06

Explore #2(pt2)

You decide to go to the back of the house and check out what was making the noise. You see more and more of the red liquid coating the green grass and foliage leading to the woods. You get more and more concerned as the howling/roaring gets louder and louder. Poor creature is in misery, whatever it may be. You decide to run back inside and grab your first aid kit just in case someone or something needs medical attention. When you come back outside, it had become eerily quiet. You quickly make your way towards the woods once again in hopes that the thing making the noise was still there. Maybe it was asleep? Hopefully…hopefully it was asleep. You get closer and closer to the woods and see a grand creature breathing heavily and quickly. It was definitely the someone making the noise as you saw red splattered all up against its leg and body. Poor thing!!! You gather yourself and quickly, but cautiously approach the…dragon? You must be out of your mind. There were no more dragons in this time of day. Well obviously that’s not the truth any more because here was one sitting right in front of you!!! As you approach the dragon, it quickly snaps its large head up and roars with pain. It had a look of despair in its eyes. Do you…:

A) Approach it carefully?
B) Go back inside and call medical services?
C) Try to help it?

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🌙 lumnar :D [G1,
14/15 BO] (#157209)

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Posted on
2022-07-14 15:34:33

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Falkenstern25 (#224312)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2022-07-14 16:13:16

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🦗Aunt Cricket🦗 (#25961)

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Posted on
2022-07-14 17:02:56
Ok! I’ll be right with y’all! I’m on the way home now! 🥰

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🦗Aunt Cricket🦗 (#25961)

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Posted on
2022-07-14 17:11:16
Explore #2(pt3)

You decide to try and help the poor thing! You edge your way towards the dragon, but it growls at you due to being scared out of its mind and in pain. You speak to with a soothing voice and it finally settles down letting you inch closer to it. As you get close enough to look at its wounds, you notice that it has a gash on its shoulder and a cut underneath its eye. As you get ready to bandage it up, you lay out your instruments and explain each one to the dragon, not knowing whether it could understand you or not. It seems to relax a bit, but when you go to touch it’s shoulder, it lifts it head a bit and shows its sharp teeth. You make sure to calm the dragon by showing that you have numbing spray to help take the pain away. When you spray the dragon, it whimpers, but endures the pain. Several minutes later, the dragon is all patched up and ready to go.
(I’ll need you to pick a number between 1-4)

Which do you choose?


Explore #1(pt2)

You decide to check it out, but a bird flies towards the object and snatched it up. Oh well…maybe next time. When you get ready for the day, you hear a knock at the door. Do you…:

A) Ignore it?
B) Check it out?
C) Scream: “Who’s there?!”

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🌙 lumnar :D [G1,
14/15 BO] (#157209)

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Posted on
2022-07-14 17:12:09
uh,,,, 1

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🦗Aunt Cricket🦗 (#25961)

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Posted on
2022-07-14 17:15:52

Explore #2(pt4)

You pick number 1! Very nice choice, but will it be enough to impress this brave dragon?

…verdict is: YES!!! Congrats on taming this amazing dragon!! (I’ll get your dragon up in just a few minutes! I’m just now getting home! I’ll have to get on my iPad where the premade dragons are!)

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Falkenstern25 (#224312)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2022-07-14 17:17:56

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🌙 lumnar :D [G1,
14/15 BO] (#157209)

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Posted on
2022-07-14 17:20:31

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