Posted by Lunar's everything forum! Dwarf heat, felis, inter
Lunar (#308232)

Scourge of Lions
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-08-03 03:13:04
This forum is for me to organise all of my forum things in one place! That includes my heats for these lovely ladies: my dwarf Coffee and my Felis Moon and the bidding forum on Kanis, my intersteller rosette.

This section of the forum is to host the bidding on Kanis, My interstellar based rosette adol. This is her picture at 100% opacity on all markings and posed. The bidding will most likely end after i use her first heat which is in a few days (Shes still an adol so its gonna be a littllleeee while). I also will possibly attempt to add some markings to her.

MI: 200SB
CB:25GB Mickey (#250504)

Btw these are what im taking for prices and if you have anything i havent listed pm me and ill see what ill price it at!

Lion Scrotum: 45GB
Buffalo Scrotum: 20GB
Grain of Paradise: 10GB

Also free to discussions on these prices btw^^^

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Edited on 30/08/22 @ 04:12:00 by Lunar (#308232)

Lunar (#308232)

Scourge of Lions
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-08-28 15:32:19
Thanks! Buffys are placed at 30GB and im adding you rn

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Lunar (#308232)

Scourge of Lions
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-08-30 02:40:08
Hello to everyone, I have a quick announcement about the pricing on the buffy ball. I am decreasing the Buffy scrot's value. I realise that 30GB is much too high for a buffy and it will be decreased to 20GB which is a much more appropriate pricing. In light of this, I will be placing Mickey's bid (25GB) back as the CB unless told by them otherwise. Thank you.

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