Posted by New Hybrids

FoxyFabulous123 (#162340)

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Posted on
2022-08-17 01:22:24
I think it would be really cool if there could be more hybrids included in Lioden. We have Tigon and Leopon but what if there was more?

With Tigon we already have a start! We could do Ligons as a small event for one month maybe to have the opposite (as Tigons are female lions with male tigers and Ligons are male lions with female tigers) and have it be a rare encounter or mutation.

I've seen in chat that some people have wanted Bobcat x Lion hybrids, Cheetah x Lion hybrids; and I personally would love Panther x Lion hybrids.

Bobcat Lion hybrids could be called Lobs and could be smaller sized Lions with bobbed tails and shorter mains and maybe even tipped ears (Juno #287962's idea)

Cheetah Lion hybrids could be called Chetons and could be slimmer than normal lions with a special pose as well (Hidden #236043's idea)

Housecat Lions I wouldn't place necessarily as a hybrid but it would be cute to have as well! Little housecat sized lions with maybe fur length changes even (Cortney [G3 | Ankh | Smilus] #294783's idea)

and Panther Lion hybrids could be similar to Leopons as a base to go off of.

I just think Tigons and Leopons is a start and we could totally do more regarding hybrids whether theyre achievable in real life or not!

If you have any further ideas of more hybrids that could be added mention them below! I'd love to hear what everyone else thinks!

I'll also attempt drawing what I think each suggestion could look like and will update as I go! tysm!

Hybrid ideas so far:
Bobcat x Lion
Cheetah x Lion
Panther x Lion
Housecat Lions

This suggestion has 32 supports and 39 NO supports.

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Brutus - x2 Ros
Serruria (#153099)

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Posted on
2022-08-17 14:00:00
What exactly do you mean by panther x lion hybrid? The word panther can refer to multiple species.

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FoxyFabulous123 (#162340)

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Posted on
2022-08-17 18:59:30
@#153099 In my specific thought process I was thinking Black Panthers x Lion's specifically, as Black Panthers are one of my favorite big cats <3 however any other type of panther would work as well! I just think it would be fun to implement more hybrid mutations

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Brutus - x2 Ros
Serruria (#153099)

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Posted on
2022-08-17 19:07:06
Black panther still refers to multiple species, usually a leopard or jaguar with melanism. I do like the idea of a black jaguion tho if that’s what u mean

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FoxyFabulous123 (#162340)

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Posted on
2022-08-17 19:10:55
Yes! And honestly Jaguion is a perfect name as well!

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Starling (G2 Ice Pie
2xRos) (#259233)

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Posted on
2022-08-17 19:15:57
First things first, it’s not genetically possible for a lion to have offspring with a bobcat, house cat, or cheetah. Also, what do you mean by “panther?” A panther is any big cat in the genus panthera, which includes tigers, lions, jaguars, leopards, and snow leopards (these are the only species that lions can interbreed with). And also, the offspring of a male lion and female tiger is called a “liger”, not a “ligon”.

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Ky 🐓|Hiatus| (#2104)

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Posted on
2022-08-17 19:17:10
The hybrids we have currently are real crosses that can happen in captivity and have been documented as such. A lot of these I could not see happening in lioden. Jaguars are also quite similar in appearance to leopards and I couldn't see a Jaguar/Lion cross looking much different unless it was done with a melanistic Jaguar.

Felid Hybrids and Panthera Hybrids on wikipedia here if you want to see what has been documented before.

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FoxyFabulous123 (#162340)

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Posted on
2022-08-17 19:18:40
Even if its not genetically possible this website is a game, we should be allowed to be creative instead of being limited to the reality of life; it would bring something more unique than just the two hybrids we have currently and I think it would be fun to have more unique hybrids, and yeah my apologies! I had Tigons on the mind and it made me misspell Liger XD tysm for the correction!

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Zambz (#2687)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2022-08-17 19:23:31
Lioden tends to fall more on the realism spectrum with things (at least with hybrids n most mechanics lol) so idk how well things like a housecat and a lion for example would work. A Tigon I think was a bit of a stretch as all 1st gens, I believe, is from an escaped tiger for example.

I'd suggest though picking an idea you really like and fleshing it out with facts and info and all that good stuff rather than all these vague ideas that don't have much to them. Things like mock up of how it would work, how it would look, all that is really good when making an idea and usually from what I've seen works out way better than 500 vague ideas.

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Edited on 17/08/22 @ 19:25:14 by Zambz (#2687)

Dusk | G1 3X ROS
Ennedi (#158229)

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Posted on
2022-08-18 05:53:36
No support, sorry. The only remotely POSSIBLE hybrid we could get is a jaglion since that exists. It's highly unlikely they'll implement a bobcat/cheetah/etc hybrid since it isn't even remotely possible

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FoxyFabulous123 (#162340)

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Posted on
2022-08-18 08:58:42
Even if it's not possible in real life this is a game, I think it would be fun to get creative with hybrids and make new possibilities for the game; besides with how scientists are excelling at cloning and genetic sciences who knows? We may end up with more lion hybrids in the future that we don't currently think are possible! I just think it would be nice to expand the possibilities of different hybrids within the game to make more unique and fun lions whether they're currently genetically possible irl or not

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Starling (G2 Ice Pie
2xRos) (#259233)

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Posted on
2022-08-18 10:44:47
I highly doubt that Lioden would ever add hybrids that wouldn’t be able to happen in real life, as like Zambz said, Lioden definitely leans towards realism in this aspect (even the addition of tigons was extremely controversial.) And plus, the offspring of a lion and housecat/bobcat would be a horrible genetic mess and would probably look a lot like something we already have: the dwarfism mutation. Also we already have cheetah markings.
As for your scientist idea, how would that work?? Would there be some scientist out in the savannah doing genetic experiments on random cats they find and release them back into the wild?? And genetic-engineering hybrids isn’t that easy and not even possible yet (and hopefully it doesn’t happen as the life of the resulting offspring would be very painful and full of health issues. It would probably die really early on tbh.) Anyways, I suggest you read a couple articles on that matter, it’s pretty interesting!
(I’m rereading this and I realize this probably sounds really rude, I’m really sorry! I mean this in the most polite way possible!)

Edit because I don’t wanna clog up the thread: it may be creative but it’s not realistic, and that’s the issue. Like we said many times before, Lioden focuses more on realism when it comes to these things. And plus, having these hybrids could unintentionally spread misinformation to users that they actually exist. And genetic engineering hasn’t even come CLOSE to what it takes to create a living breathing functioning hybrid of two species that are this different.

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Edited on 18/08/22 @ 19:14:53 by Starling (G2 Ice Pie 2xRos) (#259233)

FoxyFabulous123 (#162340)

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Posted on
2022-08-18 18:40:38
Lioden may lean towards realism but its still a game where users get to be creative, especially with the rainbow of colors and markings we're able to put on lions; as for the bobcat & Housecat ones i had ideas for those i have yet to draw. And the scientist information wasn't an idea, I was thinking of different encounters in which the hybrids would get introduced, the scientist information was just talking about how genetic testing is coming along. And even so it's just something i think would be fun and have seen many users talk about before and wanted to create a thread so people can share their ideas about it instead of it simply being in the regular chat box. I know this game leans towards realism but it feels like no one is wanting to get into the creativity side of this idea which is the whole point of why I brought it up, to give the game more freedom for creativity and more fun things to add than just the two hybrids

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