Posted by πŸ–€ DEN CLEAROUT | Clean Lions πŸ–€

Nox | G3 Cinna MR
Symme (#75398)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-08-20 11:42:55

Welcome to Nox's Lion Sales!
Edit | Edit Lions | Edit Sold | Bump

βž› Currency (SB & GB)
βž› Conversion: 1 = 1200 (Fluctuates with market)
βž› Most lions have a trade set up. Click on their image

Some cubs are not weaned. Post which cub you want and I'll reserve them until they're of age :)

Other Info
βž› Lions are shown with full opacity.
βž› Poses not included.
βž› Males are shown as females.
βž› More cubs for sale in here or here.


- G4 Bobbed Tail Raffle

- Stud my King! Zyr
Clean G3 | Symmepie | Cinnabar | x3 Sunset | Mottled Rosette | 500SB or 1GB
Zyr is currently the only Cinnabar Symmepie King on LD as of posting.

- Stud my side King! Shinei
Clean G3 | Primal | Sunset | FULL SUNSET | 450SB or 1GB
Shinei is the only lion on LD that is completely full sunset as of posting.

HTML template by Magpie (#72433)

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Edited on 28/08/22 @ 21:47:22 by Nox | G3 Cinna MR Symme (#75398)

Nox | G3 Cinna MR
Symme (#75398)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-08-20 11:49:13


G2 | SLATE | 5m+1 | Ginger Indri | 300SB

Male | G4 | UMBER | 9m | HEXA Sunset | 500SB

G2 | Event Stud Cub | 5m+2 | Ukame/Vagabond/Bandit | 300SB

G4 | 5m | 100SB

G6 | CHAMPAGNE | F7Silky/Briar | 100SB

G4 | x2Skyward/Sunrise | Sunglow | 120SB

G5 | August Stud Cub | 6m | Ruffian/Bandit/Ukame | 250SB

G2 | August Stud Clone of 7 markings + mane | 1GB or 800SB

G4 | Haliotis/Surise/Aufeis | 120SB

G2 | August Stud Cub | 7m | Ukame/Vagabond | 120SB

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Edited on 02/09/22 @ 13:50:14 by Nox | G3 Cinna MR Symme (#75398)

Nox | G3 Cinna MR
Symme (#75398)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-08-24 20:47:20
Added new lions :)

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