Posted by 🌟Peaches lion orchard🌟

Peachy (#286750)

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Posted on
2022-08-20 20:16:12

peaches lion orchard
all lions are shown at original opacity and are posed to personality and they do not come with the backgrounds
Breeding items are excepted
if Lion in still being weened they will be sent after they are weaned

Lion Meat = 10
Lion Scrot = 20
Buffalo Balls = 17
Adult/Cub Sex-Changer = 1
Cotton Root Bark = 1
Pennyroyal = 1
Instant Cub Deliver = 2
Zebra Heart = 2
Lab Test Frog = 2
Marking Opacity Changer = 2
Black Stallion = 1 500
Only bid what you have. I will block
you if you can't pay for the lion.

Please don't start a fight with someone
if they win the bidwar/lion. I will block you if I found out you started harassing someone after they won the bid/lion.

If you have any questions or if I made a
mistake on your bid, please let me know!

You have 48hrs to pay for the lion, If you don't pay for the lion then it will go to the other player that bid the highest, or back on the Auction. If this happen twice you will be block. If you will not be online those days please let me know.
The lion will be sold after 3 rollovers if no one else bid on them. If no one bid on the lion then it will be taken off the Auction

I have the right to remove a bid or remove the lions if it does not meet the requirements. I also can end a bidding for a lion early if I want to. (I won't really do this, unless I see it's necessary)

If you autobuy, please DO NOT back out if you do you will be blocked


Slot 1: White Mottled Fissures (80%)
Slot 4: Frostbitten Dapple (41%)
Slot 5: Proteles Scarce White (46%)
Slot 9: Hyena Blots Scarce Onyx (55%)
Slot 10: Noctis Grunge (43%

Starting bid (300sb) must increase 100 sb
Ab 1gb

dusk male
sex changeable


Sex changed


Slot 2: Hoarfrost Vitiligo (86%)
Slot 3: Cloudburst Web (43%)
Slot 4: Frostbitten Dapple (41%)
Slot 5: Proteles Scarce White (40%)
Slot 7: Feline 7 White (1%)
Slot 10: Noctis Grunge (54%

Starting bid (300sb) must increase 100 sb
Ab 1gb



Slot 5: Scoundrel Pelage (45%)
Slot 8: Feline 6 Elysian (77%)
Slot 9: Haliotis Feline (86%)
Slot 10: Demonic Feralis (27%

Starting bid (300sb) must increase 100 sb
Ab 1gb



Slot 4: Noctis Grunge (92%)
Slot 6: Darken Scoria (12%)
Slot 10: White Panther (31%)

Starting bid (300sb) must increase 100 sb
Ab 1gb



Slot 2: Sunset Feralis (69%)
Slot 6: Hibiscus Rogue (27%)
Slot 7: Aufeis Maofelis (1%)
Slot 8: Noctis Cheetah Royal (43%

Starting bid (300sb) must increase 100 sb
Ab 1gb




Slot 1: White Ear Spots (29%)
Slot 4: Quartz Strokes (36%)
Slot 5: Scoundrel Pelage (74%)
Slot 8: Astral Flare (48%

Starting bid (500 sb) must increase 100 sb
Ab 6gb(for bidding)

Primal female
sex changeable


Sex changed


Slot 1: White Ear Spots (29%)
Slot 4: Quartz Strokes (36%)
Slot 5: Scoundrel Pelage (74%)
Slot 8: Astral Flare (48%

Starting bid (500 sb) must increase 100 sb
Ab 5 gb(for bidding)

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Edited on 21/08/22 @ 11:03:48 by Peachy (#286750)

Peachy (#286750)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-08-20 22:26:34

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