Posted by In need of beetle knowledge

Remmy [G2 Uneven 2x
Ros 7BO] (#297580)

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Posted on
2022-08-21 09:51:54
I wanna get into breeding beetles and stuff because I really like some of the decor, but I have zero clue on how coloring gets passed down, age of death (I knew at one point but somehow I forgot), and I am just looking for any tips.
ALSO question: I recently bought two beetles of the same color and was wondering if it's possible for them to produce any other color?

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|✦Tacatto✦| (#14803)

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Posted on
2022-08-21 10:00:43
According to the wiki:
"When breeding, the parents' colours are taken into account. However, it is possible for two beetles to produce larva with a completely different colour. There is a high chance for larva to be spawned with a common colour, a low chance for an uncommon colour, and a very low chance for a rare colour."

Beetles arent my strong suit but it seems you will get mostly common and same colors from the parents but there is a chance to get any color from them.
I do know they grow up at 11 days old and day once they turn 31 days old.
Females get a cool down of 10 days after breeding
Offsprings will get the species' base stats, a bonus from the parents, and a random chance at +3 to -3 to their stats.

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Remmy [G2 Uneven 2x
Ros 7BO] (#297580)

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Posted on
2022-08-21 10:02:57
Very cool and thank you :)
I had no idea where to find any info about beetle breeding even on the wiki (idk why I couldn't find like ANYTHING)
Anyway, I appreciate all the tips :DD

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|✦Tacatto✦| (#14803)

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Posted on
2022-08-21 10:21:26
The basic wiki page Here
its down in breeding and mentions it after it talks about the clutch. <3 It took me a minute to realize that clicking 'Beetles' brought me to a page and it wasnt just a drop down menu.

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Myriad [mostly
frozen] (#76)

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Posted on
2022-08-21 11:27:50
I learned a few breeding tips the hard way:

- Female beetles can breed a maximum of twice during their lifetime.
- They die the rollover they turn 31, so the last day you can breed them (and actually get the larvae the next day, because you have to hatch them manually on the rollover after they were bred) is at 29 days old. That way you can hatch the larvae on day 30 before she dies the next day. If you breed her at 30 you have no chance to hatch them before she dies, so the larvae are lost.
- There's a 10 day cooldown between hatching a clutch and the female being breedable again, but that's actually 11 days after the breeding itself (1 day pregnant + 10 days cooldown), so personally I normally breed at 18 days and 29 days.

As for colour what was already mentioned from the wiki page is basically true - but in my experience the majority of larvae are the same colour as the parents if both parents are the same colour. They do sometimes have other colours popping up, but not as much.

When the parents are different there seems to be a bit more variation in larvae colours, but still it's unusual for the random colours that pop up (i.e. without being inherited from either parent) to be anything other than common ones. A random uncommon is unusual, and a random rare colour is only very occasional from what I've found. If you're looking for specific colours for crafting recipes, you'd probably be better off trying to get/buy the colours you want to begin with. But as with anything ymmv!

Oh, and only beetles of the same species can be bred together - I'm guessing you already know that but it's one of the common confusions I see with people trying to breed them, so just mentioning in case! :)

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Edited on 21/08/22 @ 11:29:17 by Myriad (#76)

Remmy [G2 Uneven 2x
Ros 7BO] (#297580)

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Posted on
2022-08-21 11:29:19
Thanks for more info!
I'll definitely think about buying the colors I want :3

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