Posted by Panzerr Auction >>CURRENTLY CLOSED<<

Brandon (#312246)

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Posted on
2022-09-03 18:00:24

Panzerr's Auction

Welcome to my very first Auction!
Add new lions every Week!!


Admin: Vamps (#309201) ++++++++ Lilly (#310536)

I'm open to have other people cubs in my
Auction! If you have cubs you would like
to sell in here, please let me know!


SB = Starting Bid. This is the price of the 1st bid on a lion.
MI = Minimum Increase. This is the lowest amount of money you are allowed to add to a current bid if you want to bid on a lion that has a CB on it.
CB = Current Bid. The bid that a lion currently has on it.
AB = Autobuy. If you want to skip the bidding process and automatically buy a lion, this is the price you pay.

Payment 1000 = 1

I will accept certain lions, if there is a lion you would like to offer pm me!

Items I will accept as payment:
(If you have an item of value that isn't listed, pm me)
Lion Meat = 8
Lion Scrot = 18
Buffalo Balls = 12
Adult/Cub Sex-Changer = 1
Cotton Root Bark = 1
Pennyroyal = 1
Instant Cub Deliver = 2
Zebra Heart = 2
Lab Test Frog = 2
Marking Opacity Changer = 2
Black Stallion = 1

1. Only bid what you have. Will give your a warning for the first time. Second time, I will block

2. Please don't start a fight with someone
if they win the bidwar/lion. I will block you if I found out you started harassing someone after they won the bid/lion.

3. If you have any questions or if I made a
mistake on your bid, please let me know!

4. You have 48hrs to pay for the lion, If you don't pay for the lion then it will go to the other player that bid the highest, or back on the Auction. If this happen twice you will be block. If you will not be online those days please let me know.

5. The lion will be sold after 9 rollovers or 7 if no one else bid on them. If no one bid on the lion then it will be taken off the Auction

6. I have the right to remove a bid or remove the lions if it does not meet the requirements. I also can end a bidding for a lion early if I want to. (I won't really do this, unless I see it's necessary)

7. If you autobuy, please DO NOT back out. I will ban you if you do this a couple of times.

8. I'm fine with you removing your bid. But please don't remove your bid if the lion going to be sold that day.

Lions will be shown with markings at 100% opacity to show their full potential.
Background, poses, and decor DO NOT come with the lions. The poses will match their personality.


=================================POSSIBLE HEIR's====================

=================================Lionesses (NON MUTIE)====================

=================================SPECIAL BASES!!!!====================

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Edited on 24/09/22 @ 10:21:48 by Brandon (#312246)

Necro (#329230)

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Posted on
2022-09-23 12:35:02
@brandon what’s trade chat? O.o

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Brandon (#312246)

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Posted on
2022-09-23 13:00:30
@necro the tradeing center, where you see all the trade, all the lions are listed for thier buyout

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Necro (#329230)

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Posted on
2022-09-23 14:50:57
🤦🏼‍♀️ I didn’t even know this lol so the bloodstone is up on tc? Figured I was gonna get a private trade request once the auction was done lol

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Brandon (#312246)

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Posted on
2022-09-23 15:19:28
@ necro, no she sold.

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Necro (#329230)

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Posted on
2022-09-24 07:44:19
Alrighty then lol every auction is different so I’ll remember next time

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Brandon (#312246)

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Posted on
2022-09-24 10:15:54
@necro, yes they are all different.

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