Posted by LF: Jewel Beetles for PURE GB! 1000GB+, Apps

Theodas . 5k Frail
G1 Sky (#56165)

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Posted on
2022-09-06 00:53:12
A exotic lion stares at you as you look around, eyes deadlocked on your shiny green beetles. Their fur is as light as the heavenly clouds, with small sparkling wisps of what you can assume to be particles of stars gently emanating from their leopard-marked pale coat. After grooming themselves, pristine lightly tinted paws carried the likely descendant of Menhit to be merely steps in front of you. The entity smiles at you, the ombre sunset of pinks and blues of their eyes radiating a divine light and heat.
"Oh, do let me know if you have any questions! I'm busy tending to my projects, but once a year I do go out in search of the shiniest green beetles. Thank you, and do come again if you find yourself in need of Golden Beetles!”

Welcome to your local corner store!

I am here to buy your beetlejewel.png Jewel Beetles! beetlejewel.png
(Absolute best bang for your buck for quantities of 150beetlejewel.png or greater!) I have much to offer! If you are in a rush to get , just offer a Gnawrock on my premade trades!


Trading Center - NEED SOME EXTRA GB? Check out what I'm buying!

Now Buying: Ochre Gnawrock (150JB)
ochregnawrock.png= 150beetlejewel.png = *18gb.png

Conversion Rate

150 beetlejewel.png(1Gnawrock)= 18
300beetlejewel.png (2x Gnawrocks) = 36
450beetlejewel.png (3x Gnawrocks) = 54
600beetlejewel.png (4x Gnawrocks) = 72
750beetlejewel.png (5x Gnawrock) = 90 (+5 free!)
850beetlejewel.png (6x Gnawrock) = 108 (+5 free!)
950beetlejewel.png (7x Gnawrock) = 126: (+5 free!)
**1050beetlejewel.png (8x Gnawrock) = 144 (+20 for free for each amount of 1000!)

*This month only I will buy AS MANY JB AS YOU CAN GRIND! Do feel free to come back and earn more !

*** For my BULK SELLERS <33 : Any quantities 700+ or more of JB, please DO NOT HESITATE to DM me as you get ADDITIONAL REWARDS and benefits, including additional , studs to my elusive project skyward king, and possibly rare-marked clean gifts! I am active and friendly, and want to share some wealth!
Let’s run it up!

Items for Jewel Beetles gb.png:


Muties + Special Base Rosettes for JB

*All text will take you to the lion!

** [ Work ] SQUEAKY CLEAN G3 Double Uterus BDSS Pale/Dawn/Royal/Ebony + CS
+ Natural Heat - 450JB + Outright Sale - 2100JB

[ It's just a Cigarette ] G4 Mane Imperial CRB'd BLCS Pale/Glaze/Royal/Ebony + EHR + July RL MarkhIIu8I9.png
+ Natural Heat - 300JB + Outright Sale - 1200JB

*** [ Platinum Double Uterus Baby Girl ] G10 Double Uterus Platinum Rare Base Pale/Dove/Royal/Soul + ESR + BHR + CS HEIR MAKER!ParCkcv.png
+ Natural Heat - 550JB + Outright Sale - 2900JB

*** [ Granmamare ] HERITAGELESS 7/5/22 JULY SKYWARD RL + Exclusive Dawn Slot!5fu0ZUC.png
+ Natural Heat - JB + Outright Sale - JB

*** [ The Glitter's All Wet ] 1/2 G9 Combo Based SOUL + Dove + Pale + COMBO Soul Mane + BHR + NSR + CS L2yHSj4.png

[ Name ] G?piclink
+ Natural Heat - JB + Outright Sale - JB

** [ De la'o ] SQUEAKY CLEAN G4 PON BLCS Maroon/Savage/Soul + Vit/QSU
+ Natural Heat - 300JB + Outright Sale - 1500JB

**** [ Heaven in Your Eyes ] SQUEAKY CLEAN G9 PON BLCS 1/1 Pale/Dawn/Royal/Ebony Triple Rosette Pon with 3x Skyward Marks and CS8xUmaQ1.png
+ Natural Heat - 600JB + Outright Sale - *Unlikely to accept anything less than 3200JB

The Great Green Bug Reservation:

*Currently ACCEPTING ALL JB AMOUNTS of 100 or more!

When you are ready to trade in your JB, provide HOW MANY JB YOU HAVE, AND HOW MANY YOU WILL EARN (for our trade reservation) through either ones of these methods:
1. DM me!
2. Comment below!

3. I will set up a trade! Please buy Gnawrocks or GMO Cows <3 (or if 100JB, the items specified!)


Good luck and have fun! Thanks again for visiting my little shop! Read below for the expert guide to earning those little shiny bugs!
Helpful tips to getting the highest Jewel Beetle count for your energy:

For our convenience..

1. Simp (#272006) - 1x G3 DU Heat - 450JB/3 Gnawrocks - Deposit not Sent - Heat not Completed
2. Bee (#271167) - Grinding <3 4000JB for 420GB plus more
3. Abby (#322613) - Grinding JB <3
4. Winter (#265714) - 750JB received (5/10 Gnaws) - De’lao
5. Lucian (#331573) - 0/4 Gnaws, Int not Sent
6. Lilysnape (#92961) - 6x Gnawrocks for 108GB or 7x Gnawrocks for 125GB!

BUYING JEWEL BEETLES NOW, 1000 and more Don't sleep on this easy !

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Edited on 15/09/22 @ 13:37:02 by Theodas [G1 4.7 Ros Sky] (#56165)

Theodas . 5k Frail
G1 Sky (#56165)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-09-08 17:25:50
@Zass (#292504) - Hi there! I’m I’d like to exchange at least 100JB for 10GB, or 150JB for 15GB! Feel free to chose one and DM me your choice <3!

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Theodas . 5k Frail
G1 Sky (#56165)

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Posted on
2022-09-08 17:25:52
@Zass (#292504) - Hi there! I’m I’d like to exchange at least 100JB for 10GB, or 150JB for 15GB! Feel free to chose one and DM me your choice <3!

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Winter (Proj Stud!) (#265714)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-09-08 17:30:03
Posting so I remember to come back when i”ve saved 1000jb
Also, do you have any idea of when you might run out of gb/items?

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silly guy :P (#327427)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-08 17:33:16
Can I offer 80 JB for 8 GB? I know its not much but if I need more I can grind!

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Theodas . 5k Frail
G1 Sky (#56165)

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Posted on
2022-09-08 17:33:18
@Winter (#265714) - Thank you so much for your interest! I will stash away your GB, and basically no I’ll keep paying out GB as long as you can grind it ^_*! I also will give you a refunded stud to Theodas and a surprise base applicator (July is my favorite month: hint) I will add you so we can stay in contact <3!

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ArianaisFruity (#315438)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-08 17:34:22
i have 60 jb for g gb!

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Theodas . 5k Frail
G1 Sky (#56165)

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Posted on
2022-09-08 17:37:02
silly guy :P (#327427) - Hey there! If you could get 100JB and buy me Trot in the Morning Mist BG <3?

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Winter (Proj Stud!) (#265714)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-09-08 17:41:37
I think it won’t be too hard as I have two accounts to grind on
Honestly I don’t care too much what base app I get, as I have none that I can use to decorate my lions

Warning, I do not grind from dawn to dusk, and I’ll need a couple of days to get this done(if life allows)
I’ll be done around say, ~the 20th(very loose and a approx time that’ll allow me not to have a bit of breathing if something comes up)

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Edited on 08/09/22 @ 17:46:12 by Winter(Semi-hiatus/random) (#265714)

Wolfie (#312242)

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Posted on
2022-09-08 17:46:39
I might be able to get 700+ in a week or two (trying to save up for a clan! )

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silly guy :P (#327427)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-08 17:48:32
@Theodas [G1 $.7 Ros Sky] (#56165) of course! I'll tell you when I have the Morning Mist BG

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Theodas . 5k Frail
G1 Sky (#56165)

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Posted on
2022-09-08 17:51:18
@Winter- No worries take your time you have till the 29th!

@Wolfie- I’ll mark you down! 4x Gnaw Rocc bois and fighting horses BG please <3 You have till the 29th, just DM me or comment here when you have reached the goal! I’m sending over some energy doubling items for the grind to be shortened!

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Lilysnape (#92961)

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Posted on
2022-09-08 17:52:31
i'm going to try and save up 1000JB too for this if i can....this is so kind of you.

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Theodas . 5k Frail
G1 Sky (#56165)

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Posted on
2022-09-08 18:17:02
@Lilysnape (#92961) - Just providing payment for those with the dedication! I’ll mark you down and add you to stay in contact ^_^!

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Abby (#298639)

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Posted on
2022-09-08 19:46:08
hello! how much for 120?

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Abby (#298639)

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Posted on
2022-09-08 19:47:42
or is that too little?

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