Posted by 🌺[PAUSED] badtzm's lion shop! 🌺

badtzm (#282716)

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Posted on
2022-09-10 15:18:55

welcome to my lion shop!

how does it work?

see a lion you like? just click on their picture to find their trade and buy them!

if you'd like to buy with items, please reply to the thread or offer on the trade, but be warned that lions are first come, first served, so i cannot guarantee you will receive them if someone else buys the trade out first!

What can I use to buy?

please note!

, , or the items listed below can be used to buy lions!
(can be a mix)

Current sb/gb rate: 1,200 = 1
[this will change with the market]

Items I accept:
[may be subject to change!]
- GMO cow: 24
- buffalo scrotum: 18
- lion scrotum: 38
- ochre gnawrock: 20

last update: 9/10/22

- lions will be shown with two pictures:
1. their current marking opacity (no changes!)
2. their most flattering marking opacity (i will change marking opacity in wardrobe to show their potential)
- poses are to show the lion's personality and do NOT come with the lion, as well as backgrounds
- cub/adolescent lions will be shown as adults for consistency and aesthetic purposes. you can click on the image of each lion to see them

the shop is currently:
paused; new lions will not be added for the time being bc school is taking over my life :'(

Forum HTML by Pun (#139)

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Edited on 17/04/23 @ 21:50:31 by badtzm (#282716)

badtzm (#282716)

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Posted on
2022-09-14 03:23:28
just to clarify: you want to offer a buffalo scrotum for the achromia girl?

i could give you 14gb back if you want to buy her with a buffalo scrotum, does that sound good?

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Mr. Moth (#336830)

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Posted on
2022-09-14 03:54:08

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Erik (#210671)

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Posted on
2022-09-15 17:51:48
would you take a buffalo scrot for NF1

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Edited on 15/09/22 @ 17:52:21 by Dawnswift (#210671)

badtzm (#282716)

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Posted on
2022-09-15 17:52:29
yeah! you can offer it on her trade and I'll accept it

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