Posted by ✨️🔆Wolfy's Wings of fire Interactive Outlet
Wolfy (#246093)

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Posted on
2022-09-13 16:34:00
WELLCOME! and hello! This is my overall outlet for any art related wings of fire activities! You can get am existing charecter draw for you in commissions! Or try your luck for a cool new oc with jackle and fortuneteller (my ocs) in exploration! Or even breed your ocs for a new clutch of eggs to hatch and have! Have fun and enjoy your wings of fire journey!



You stumble through the sandy dense bazaar other dragons shoving into you left and right when a slinky female sandwing grins to you and pulls you to the side of the crowd
"Hey Shiny scales you look like a dragon lookin for someone eh?"
She smiled a toothy grin and gestured to her table covered in trinkets and foods. And above the table lies a sign reading 'Jackle's baits and luxuries'
"You're just in luck I got everything a dragon needs to find exzactly what their lookin for!"
She rumbled through boxes and pulled out assorted treats.
"Everything u need to sway the odds to yer favors!"

Fish Bundle 1gb
"Best fried fish on this coast! Good to attract the eye of any seawing."
100% of seawing

Golden Ringlet 1gb
"The Shiny aspect that'll catch any sandwings eye I promise. No refunds!"
100% of sandwing

Cattail bundle 1gb
"The mudwings go crazy for these things."
100% of mudwing

Bag of jewels 1gb
"Some cheap fake jewels to attract any skywing without setting you back too much. Them grumpy dragons can't tell a bit of difference"
100% of skywing

Polar bear fur 1gb
"The icewings hate to share this stuff they'll hurry from way far just to keep it from us"
100% of icewing

Bound scroll 1gb
"The nightwings can't stand not knowing all the hot gossip of the other tribes lay this out and they can't resist!"
100% of nightwing

Fruit basket 1gb
"Those rainwing idiots can't resist this stuff and they won't even know its a trap!"
100% of rainwing

Black rocks 5gb
"For some reason this stuff attracts those crazy firescales from the sky kingdom"
100% firscales if u have a skywing If you don't get a skywing u get a refund

Suspicious plant 5gb
"Attracts those strange hybrid kids"
100% of hybrid

2 Cows 5gb
"Hey they come pre wrapped in a bundle attracts those blood red egg mudwings eh?"
100% of blood red egg only if u get a mudwing if not it'll be refunded

Strange jewelry 10gb
"Hey dunno why but this baby garentees a animus everything. Pretty powerful ally ey?"
100% of animus

Note to a queen 10gb
"Hey buy this deal I can garentee a visit from a royal family member sounds good eh?"
100% of being a royal of their tribe

She nodded " I see the instrest in yer eye and all I need is some of those fancy beetles of yers" she squinted and grinned at them
"Grab whatcha like ill get Fortuneteller she can tell you where ta go"
She turned and walked through the doorway yelling "BABE ANOTHER ONE" a beutiful slim nightwing walks back through the bead coverd doorway covered in veils and silver looking scales by each eye
"Hey hon heard you lookin for someone lemme tell ya where to go" she pulled out a large map of pyrria coverd with red trails leading to each place.

Possibility 6gb
"A town not too far from here got plenty variety of dragons for ya sweetcheeks"
20% sand
20% sky
10% mud
15% sea
15% night
15% ice
5% rain

Jade moutain 7gb
"Got a school nowadays anyone can go"
= chance for any tribe

Sandwing kingdom 10gb
"Got a girl named boa down there she can getcha set up real nice"
50% sand
20% sky
15% ice
10% rain
5% mud

Rainwing kingdom 10gb
"Hey there's this night/rainwing hybrid chilling there she a real sweet kid let her know when u get there she can help ya tell her autie jackle and fortuneteller sentcha"
60% rain
30% night
10% sand

Icewing kingdom 10gb
"Those dragons up there are cold- hearted... no pun intended"
70% ice
20% night
10% sand

Nightwing kingdom 10gb
"Hah! Can you belwive the almighty nightwings are now lead by a rainwing dragonet?!"
50% night
40% rain
10% mud

Seawing kingdom 10gb
"Careful it's a hard to get to place with most of em being in the deep palace"
80% sea
20% mud

Mudwing kingdom 10gb
"Good luck those dim witted dragons never leave their siblings"
50% mud
20% sky
15% sea
15% rain

Skywing kingdom 10gb
"Hah! To the high fly grumpy city? Say hi to passionfruit for me eh?"
60% sky
20% sand
10% ice
10% sea

"Oh and before you go dearie" the dragon stopped you "come back with your new freind and I can tell your future present and past!" The slick nightwing gestured through the doors to a place with a crystal ball and many incense "let my nightwing abilities go to use hon"

Fortunetellers future shop! 10gb
for a detailed backstory personality and other charecter details for your charecter.


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Mesozoic Malarkey (#248608)

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Posted on
2022-09-13 16:46:34
Do you have any examples?

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Wolfy (#246093)

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Posted on
2022-09-13 17:09:25
Sure here's one of my oc boa I did


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Edited on 13/09/22 @ 17:11:30 by Wolfy (#246093)

sleepingwampus (#231423)

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Posted on
2022-09-13 17:15:30
may i go to the nightwing kingdom then jade mountain w/ a suspicious plant (for either place)?

lemme know when to send the 22gb ^^
(hopefully its 22? i counted 17 for the places + 5 for the suspicious plant)

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Wolfy (#246093)

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Posted on
2022-09-13 17:21:37
Alrighty then! Explorations are closed while I work on this. I'll get it to ya as soon as I can but just rember I have school

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Skymoare | G2 x4 Ros
Const (#151482)

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Posted on
2022-09-13 17:23:18
Hiyo! are you only gb as payment?

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Mesozoic Malarkey (#248608)

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Posted on
2022-09-13 17:30:47
Ohhh your art is amazing! I'd like to go to possibility with a fish bundle?

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sleepingwampus (#231423)

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Posted on
2022-09-13 17:50:51
augh okay!

i can wait as long as need be, just lmk if/when you open em so i can send the stuff ^^

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Wolfy (#246093)

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Posted on
2022-09-13 18:53:51
ZEER here ya go! Go ahead and send over them beetles. 1 nightwing and 1 mud ice hybrid



Btw guys these are just rough ones cause it's exoration I can do more detailed ones for commissions

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sleepingwampus (#231423)

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Posted on
2022-09-13 19:04:56
sending the gbs in a second!

how do you prefer to be creditted? ^^

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Wolfy (#246093)

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Posted on
2022-09-13 19:08:38
Only if u post the art but the charecters are fully yours and if u forget to credit here and there I won't yell at you. ^^

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Wolfy (#246093)

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Posted on
2022-09-13 19:11:19
Day break! Here's ur fishy boi! Go ahead and send le geebs


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zunzhine [it/she/ze] (#322557)

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Posted on
2022-10-02 10:37:14
hihi! Can I explore the nightwing kingdom?

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Viserysor (#250106)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-10-17 15:16:49
Hi! Would you possibly accept apps?

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Sollara (#254198)

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Posted on
2022-12-11 16:12:36
Hi! Could I maybe get a band scroll? <3

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