Posted by Bootleg Lions Bazaar [CLOSED]

Khaoshund (#324391)

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Posted on
2022-09-15 10:50:47


- Please be patient, I'm not always online;

- Do not bid what you don't have;

- Do not hide your bid;

- I have the right to remove a lion (probably won't tho), or sell it earlier;

- You have 2 RO to buy your cub, otherwise they'll be put on TC;

- No drama.


1 = 1100
- The poses match their personality;
- Poses and Backgrounds do not come with the lions;
- The lions will stay on the Auction until they turn 1 year and 3 months OR if they get AUTOBOUGHT;
- If a cub gets AB I'll set the private trade once weaned;
- If a lion doesn't get any bids I'll sell it on TC;
- Please note that the lions will come with the NATURAL markings, the 100% portrait is for better view of the markings ONLY;
- If a cub is sex changeable males will be shown as male and then female;
- I DO NOT sex change lions;
- I DO NOT change the lion's markings opacity.

>>>>> ITEM PAYMENT <<<<

Please, ask before bidding with items.

(ANY Oasis item will have here the same value listed on Oasis)

- GMO Cow: 28
- Crunchy Worm: 18
- Buffalo Scrotum: 25
- Lion Scrotum: 38
- Lion Meat: 15
- Normal Poses: 1
- Jolly Pose: 20
- Black Stallion: 2
- Giant Tortoise: 2
- Meat Pie: 7
- Great Tit: 5
- Red Cock: 2

The Lions are shown at normal opacity AND at 100% opacity.

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Edited on 21/10/22 @ 06:14:59 by Lewitz (#324391)

Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-16 10:49:37
Sb on highball and Stone street please!

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Khaoshund (#324391)

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Posted on
2022-10-16 10:52:32

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Khaoshund (#324391)

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Posted on
2022-10-20 07:48:28
Since I need to clean up some space, I'll be setting up the trades for the following cubs:

- #3 - ''Boulevardier'';
- #4 - ''Gold Rush'';
- #6 - ''Highball'';
- #8 - ''Pale Ale'';
- #9 - ''Shadowfax'';
- #10 - ''Stone Street'';
- #15 - ''Agram''.

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Khaoshund (#324391)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-21 06:12:15
Removing remaining lions, I'll be putting all of them on TC

also, setting up the trade for Mitski!

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Edited on 21/10/22 @ 06:13:05 by Lewitz (#324391)

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