Posted by Pyshcotix's Auction/Selling Area [CLOSED]

Psychotix (#312951)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2022-09-16 11:19:18

Welcome to my first auction!

These lions being listed desperately need new homes! Some will be auctioned but the longer they spend here with me, they will soon become buyout only and at lower prices!

You can do whatever you want with the lions, just please do not chase them or kill them!

Do not bid more than you can afford
Auction will end for each lion after 3 days (if the lion being bid on is in heat) and 5 days if she is not or 2 days if no one else bids on that lion.
If a lion has no bids after 5 rollovers, they will be removed from auction and possibly killed or given away.
Be respectful to other bidders and to me
The lions will be sent via private trade. If you do not buy within the allotted time of the trade then the lion will be put back up for auction. (I will make an exception if you send me a PM explaining why you are not able to buy in time.)
Should you place a winning bid on a lion(s) and not be able to fulfill (i.e. cancelling on the day auction ends/ cancelling after trade has been made) you will unfortunately be unable to bid in the future.
The lions that are in heat for more than 2 days will be bred and even if they are bought out, the buyer will need to wait for the cubs to be weened.

*The images are linked and will take you to their page*
*Lions are posed to their personality*
*Sex changeable males will also have female previews. I will not provide the sex changer*

SB=Starting Bid
MI=Minimum Increase
CB=Current Bid

🌺Project 1#

SB: 200
MI: 100
CB: 200 Cosmo (#322177)
AB: 800


SB: 100
MI: 50
AB: 500

New Cub

SB: 150
MI: 50
AB: 450




SB: 200
MI: 50
AB: 550

More lions will be added, cubs will be added when they reach 5-6 months! Lions will be taken off when they are on auction for more than a week!

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Edited on 01/10/22 @ 17:59:36 by Psychotix (#312951)

Psychotix (#312951)

Bone Collector
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-09-19 17:45:47
It's ok! I will put you down for his starting bid!

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Thist | 2.6k+ 8xRos
G2 Ferus (#331723)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-09-21 19:06:35
Sb Kiota :)

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Psychotix (#312951)

Bone Collector
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-09-21 19:12:16

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