Welcome ! Will be shown here only children that my two kings have produced, most of the time following a mass-breeding. I find myself with a hundred babies, most of whom end up being chased for a lack of space. So I decided to keep the best, the cream of the crop, and serve them to you on a silver platter !
SB = Starting Bid
MI = Minimum Increase
CB = Current Bid
AB = AutoBuy
🔸All cubs listed in this topic are Clean and Sex Changeable.
🔸All auctions ends once the cub hits 2 years old and is sent to the highest bidder, although the auction may continue if the cub was added at an older age. They are sent sooner if Autobought.
🔸I do not reserve the right to remove a cub from an ongoing auction.
🔸If a cub does not get any bids, it will be chased the day it becomes adult.
🔸Starting Bid depends on the number of markings, the cub base and overall colorbomb quality or mutation.
🔸Cubs are displayed at 100% opacity, their poses matching their personality.
🔸Mininum Increase is 50sb.
🔸Only bid what you have ! If you win the auction but do not have the money to collect it when I make the private trade, you'll have 48 hours before the cub is chased off or put back in the auction. PM me, communication is key.
🔸Think twice before posting, make sure it's what you want ! Backing out of a bid will make things harder for me.
🔸If you do back out from a bid, please leave your original comment UNEDITED. Post a new one !
🔸I do not accept items, as I have another topic dedicated to buying them.
🔸Repeatedly breaking rules will get you blacklisted from future auctions. If you do not understand how an auction works or have questions, please just PM me !