Auction Rules:
🌿Do not bid more than you can afford
🌿1 = 1000
🌿Auction will end for each lion after 5-7 rollovers if no other bids are placed once there is an initial bid..
🌿If the lion is nursing or pregnant bidding will continue till they wean, and held if AB
🌿Be respectful to other bidders and myself+
🌿I reserve the right to cancel/change any auctioned lions without explanation
🌿Lions will be sent via Private Trade. If you do not buy within the allotted time of the trade then the lion will be put back up for auction. (I will make an exception if you send me a PM explaining why you are not able to buy in time.)
🌿If you decide to rescind your bid on a lion please DO NOT edit your original comment. Make a new one please as I do not always check old comments.☆
🌿☁️The first images are linked and will take you to their page☁️🌿
🌿☁️Second Image is the lion at 100% Opacity (and sex changed if applicable)☁️🌿
🌿☁️Lions are posed to their Personality.☁️🌿
🌿☁️ Sex-changeable males will also have female previews. I do not provide the Sex Change Gem.☁️🌿
🌿☁️All Lions will be listed on TC for their AB Price☁️🌿
SB- Starting Bid
CB- Current Bid
🌿🌿 Will accept Lions and Items as payment, must be discussed beforehand. Please DM me or mention in the comment this is what you want to do and I will DM you for more informantion.
I also love backgrounds and decore/non-shiny-rock jewlery🌿🌿
🌿 C Lion #2
Burnt Redwood (Cub)
Clean G8
6 Markings
[Sunrise, Arctic, Bloodmoon, 2 Wicked]
2 Breed Only [2 Tier 5]
Orchid Mane
200+ Stats
Base Associated Skin
☁️SB: 100
☁️AB: 250
🌿🌿🌿🌿Uncommon and Rare Base🌿🌿🌿🌿
🌿 R Lion #1
Anjeer Fawn (Cub)
Clean G8
Rare Anjeer Base
Combo Base Ingredient [Pulsar]
5 Markings
[Fawn, Vitiligo, Feline, Shepherd]
[1 Tier 6, 2 Tier 2]
Banana Eyes
Savage Rhodonite Mane
☁️SB: 250
☁️AB: 500
🌿 R Lion #2
Cameo Leonid (Cub)
Clean G11
Rare Cameo Base
Combo Base Ingredient [Qahir]
200+ Stats
4 Markings
[Leonid, Pulsar]
1 Breed Only [Tier 5]
☁️SB: 150
☁️AB: 300
🌿 R Lion #3
Cocoa Zebra (Cub)
Clean G11
200+ Stats
Rare Cocoa Base
Combo Base Ingredient [Cairngorm]
7 Markings
[Leonid, Fuchsia, Pulsar, Kimanjano, Zebra]
3 Breed Only Markings [1 Tier5, 1 Tier6, 1 Tier2]
Hematite Mane
☁️SB: 250
☁️AB: 600
🌿 R Lion #4
Ebony Storm (Cub)
Clean G4
Rare Ebony Base
Combo Base Ingredient
Storm Eyes
Royal Arbor Mane
200+ Stats
6 Markings
[2 Cherry, 2 Cloudburst]
☁️SB: 400
☁️AB: 800
🌿 R Lion #4
Clean G4
Green Cocoa (Cub)
200+ Stats
Combo Base Ingredient [Cairngorm]
Orchid Mane
6 Markings
[2 Feline, 2 Murk, Algae, Zebra]
[3 Breed Only Markings [2 Tier 2, 1 Tier 6]
☁️SB: 200
☁️AB: 400
🌿🌿🌿🌿Special Bases🌿🌿🌿🌿
🌿 S Lion #1
Mudstone Peach (Cub)
Only 4 Others for Sale
3 Markings
[Lilac Freckles]
1 T2 Marking [Breed Only]
Savage Mane
Peach Eyes
200+ Stats
Low Fertility
☁️SB: 10
☁️AB: 25
🌿 S Lion #2
Stellar Ethereal (Cub)
Ethereal Base
Combo Base Ingredient [Cairngorm]
10 Markings
[Arctic, Glacial, Panther, Vitiligo, Cobweb, Elysian]
Stellar Eyes
Incubus Aufeis Mane
Low Fertility
200+ Stats
☁️SB: 9
☁️AB: 20
☁️CB: 9 | Minimoo97 (250258)
🌿 Special #3
Divine Sky (Adult)
Special Divine Base
Combo Base Ingredient [Elysian]
5 Markings
Tsavo Skyward Mane
[Cobweb, Thrashed]
☁️SB: 2
☁️AB: 5
🌿 Special #4
Clean G4
Murky Mother (Cub)
Nurturing Personality
Murk Sideward Mane
Breed Only Skin Greige
5 Markings
[Feline, 2 Algae, Zebra, Murk]
2 Breed Only Markings [1 Tier 2, 1 Tier 6]