Posted by Intersex Mutation

Osmanthus (#293908)

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Posted on
2022-09-23 15:08:09
While intersex animals often can't reproduce in real life, I think a mutation that allows lions to both sire and deliver cubs is interesting!

I'm aware that maned lionesses exist (which are speculated to be intersex irl), but seeing as they can't do this, it would be a different thing. I'm thinking this would be an AMP mutation with no visible effects, kinda like DU.

Since this mutation would be a breeding advantage, it may have some sort of cap like being unable to stud while pregnant.

The intersex mutation could possibly be associated with February. Say a lioness gives birth during that month and you get a notification saying something like "all this love in the air has had a surprise side-effect!". Or it could be related to a specific item, like a double-flowered rose.

What do you guys think? Too outlandish? Interesting?

This suggestion has 27 supports and 49 NO supports.

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Edited on 23/09/22 @ 15:08:27 by Osmanthus (#293908)

Yoichi •9x
cimmerian•G1 (#316604)

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Posted on
2022-09-23 15:56:56
I find it interesting, but I don't think it "works"

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🐝 Ginger_Bee 🐝 (#167127)

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Posted on
2022-09-23 16:30:23
It'd be too complicated to actually function within Lioden terms, having a king/lioness that could potentially be kinged/be pregnant at the same time would only complicate things even further. No support

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Kate (she/her,
fae/faer) (#178966)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-09-26 11:37:56
I like the idea, however, I have a few questions in relation to this: First, questions in relation to the parts of Lioden specifically for one gender or another. Would an intersex lion fall under submales, territory or something else? Also, do you think there is a way to refine your idea, allowing it to fit Lioden gameplay more, such as it only being able to get pregnant or stud, or the player can choose one or the other and that's it, and then combine it with something else, maybe something visual, or maybe the ability to hunt and patrol, but only be able to get pregnant, or only able to stud, or maybe not able to breed at all?

I don't really know, but I really like the idea

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Wulfraptor (#242597)

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Posted on
2022-09-26 18:20:45
I like the concept but in nature intersex animals they are sterile as a default. so eliminate the ability to breed and I'm all for it a completely sterile lioness that can serve as a submale is about all you might be able to get away with. Not infertile completely sterile...

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Osmanthus (#293908)

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Posted on
2022-09-26 18:40:18
I think I like Kate's idea that an intersex lion would either be capable of studding or getting pregnant. Having the player choose, or having it be a surprise upon adulthood might be interesting.

And considering intersex individuals often display themselves as one sex, I think it would work something like this: A cub is born, and it presents as male or female (and says so next to "gender") but has the intersex mutation.

If it presents as male, it grows up like any other male cub, getting a mane and being able to patrol with a submale. But upon adulthood, there is a chance of it aging up with the message that it can get pregnant. The art would stay the same regardless, even when pregnant (similar to how tailess lions don't have an art change). In this case, the lion cannot become a king and will begin hunting like a lioness. So basically, it'd be like a lioness with male art.

The opposite would occur with a female-presenting cub. It would grow up like any other female, but adulthood might make it capable of studding, patrolling, and becoming a king. It would basically be as if a Lab Test Frog was applied to it.

Put simply, intersex lions have a chance of switching functions upon adulthood while keeping their opposite art.

There would also be a chance that the lion does not switch and keeps acting as it always has. It's a surprise for the player. Of course, some people might be tempted to Lab Test Frog a "male" intersex cub that acts female, but ideally the item would not be compatible with it.

Of course, Wulfraptor's idea might work too. An intersex lion could just be something like a trophy, like a male tigon. Unable to reproduce but cool to show off. In this case, the lion would still act like I described above, minus the ability to reproduce. It might be especially cool for people who like having Queens, since no Lab Test Frog would be required to achieve the look.

I'm not sure which I lean towards more, tbh. As for what slots the lion would take up, it would match its adult function for the sake of the game. So a lioness that acts male will take a male slot.

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Edited on 26/09/22 @ 19:16:50 by Osmanthus (#293908)

Corruptedhyena (#243378)

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Posted on
2022-09-27 15:11:59
The idea is great, but being able to stud AND deliver cubs is far too op. I would agree with something like osmanthus said Luke u get to choose, but even then it is kinda pointless as cub sex changers exist.

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Kate (she/her,
fae/faer) (#178966)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-09-28 04:23:05
Osmanthus, I love the idea you came up with! That would be absolutely amazing!

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Wulfraptor (#242597)

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Posted on
2022-09-29 20:25:52
I still think an intersex lion should just be a trophy... maybe have a unique pose to it. maybe a crouch like stalking something or in a roar depending on male or female leaning...

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JJ (#388705)

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Posted on
2022-11-02 22:59:36
ehhhh no. Intersex conditions/disorders of sexual development are a very very broad group of disorders that range wildly in levels of fertility, but one thing mammals do NOT do is successfully produce both gametes within the same individual. I would be interested in some lions having a DSD/intersex mutation that might lower fertility or render then infertile with other effects such as increased stats (i.e. to reflect higher testosterone in females or the larger size associated with XXY in a male) or higher risk of mutations in their offspring BUT that would be an entirely different proposal than yours and would likely require picking a more specific DSD/intersex condition.

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