Posted by Wildegon's | Dreamlit Beasts

ecco (#275125)

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Posted on
2022-10-03 18:09:45

Wildegons | Dreamlit Beasts
Wildegon's; species born of the dreams of others. Sporting human intelligence and even expressing human emotions, this makes for a diverse species with their own individual personalities! Empathetic creatures by nature, the Wildegon is one who keeps people company in times of great negativity. Living on the world of the Dreamscape, these creatures exist in the inside known as The Scape.


-These are a CLOSED species! You are not free to make your own!
-I do accept alternative payments (apps, breeding items, etc) for MYO's or Customs!
-Please make sure to familiarize yourself with, at the very least, their traits!
-Please beware that info of the actions are given later!

Wildegon: Large, furry beasts that stand at 10 ft tall. Commonly known for the large tufts of fur they have encompassing their back and chest, and their two fluffy tails. They commonly have orbs floating around them, small orbs represent their age (in decades) and the large ones represent their age (in centuries).
-To be Added

The Dreamscape is a place beyond reality; perfectly untouched, yet not unreachable. This place holds all dreams, nightmares, etc, and is guarded by the three Beasts; Lucem, Inanis, and Mortis. This place has never been touched by human life, but... maybe you could be the first?

Within, the Wildegon's reside. Information is currently limited on them, however, it is speculated that Wildegon's are creatures made of the dreams of others. They're keenly in-tune with emotions, and despise the suffering of other creatures. It's also speculated that the number of orbs they have correlate with their age; smaller correlates to their age in decades, with the larger ones correlating to their age in centuries. Standard Wildegon's usually come with 6 orbs, two large, four small. Wildegon's attain their first orb at the age of 10. When Wildegon's mature (at the age of 250), they're known to get a set of 5 orbs that sprout from and hang off of the large tufts off fur surrounding their necks.


What exactly can you do on this forum?

There are a variety of things you can do on this forum! Some can be adopts, others relate to MYOs or Customs, and others relate to the events you can find on here. If the Wildegon's gain enough traction, I'll also update the forums (or one of my comments) with some Q&A stuff in case you're really interested in the information! If requested enough, I can also make a reference sheet base for these creatures! If you have any questions, go ahead and ask!

Explore Option!

You can now explore on this forum! To bring some activity and life into it, I've decided to implement an explore function into the forum! You can now search a variety of places in hopes for a new Wildegon, randomized to get you lookin!

Color System
With the introduction of the explore systems, specific Wildegon's will now be color-coded depending on the area you explore in! This ONLY applies to their generic, base coloration. To give people more creative excitement, the restriction on natural colors and unnatural colors being blocked by tiers has been removed. You can now find a Wildegon of ANY color in explore, and that also means that with MYOs, you no longer need to worry about purchasing a rare trait to be able to make your Wildegon look the way you want it.


There will also be a breeding system implemented! With this system, you're able to breed your Wildegon's together! Please note the following:

Wildegon's may not often mix colors. If you try to breed two opposing Wildegon's, they may have offspring's that clash in terms of color schemes, and that you may find unappealing.

If you are willing to take that risk, then go ham!

Wildegon's have a breeding cooldown of about 20 days (in a similar fashion to Lioden's cooldowns).


Areas for Exploration:

Common (2 ):
Wildegon's found here are randomized completely; there is a low chance they will have an uncommon trait.

They will not get any mutations, and they are unable to have any rare/mythical traits.

Uncommon (5 ):

Color-Code: Cool Colors
Wildegon's found here will only be a variety of cool colors; ie blues, greens, purples, etc! Their markings may vary and may end up warm toned, but their base colorations will be cool
Wildegon's here pull from both the common and uncommon pools! They may have a mix of common and uncommon traits, or purely uncommon!

Scarlet Fields
Color-Code: Warm Colors
Wildegon's found here will only be a variety of warm colors; ie yellows, reds, oranges, etc! Their markings may vary and may end up mono, cool, or natural toned, but their base colorations will be warm
Wildegon's here pull from both the common and uncommon pools! They may have a mix of common and uncommon traits, or purely uncommon!

Ancient Isles
Color-Code: Natural Colors
Wildegon's found here will only be a variety of natural colors; ie beiges, tans, browns, etc! Their markings may vary and may end up warm or cool toned, but their base colorations will be natural
Wildegon's here pull from both the common and uncommon pools! They may have a mix of common and uncommon traits, or purely uncommon!

Phantom Forest
Color-Code: Mono Colors
Wildegon's found here will only be a variety of mono colors; ie greys, blacks, whites, etc! Their markings may vary and may end up warm, cool, or natural toned, but their base colorations will be mono
Wildegon's here pull from both the common and uncommon pools! They may have a mix of common and uncommon traits, or purely uncommon!

They do have a small chance of rolling a rare trait!
They will not roll for mutations.

Rare (8 ):

Hibernating Moons
Color-Code: Cool
Wildegon's here pull from a mix of common, uncommon, and rare pools! They may have a mix of the three, or be purely rare!

Ember Valley
Color-Code: Warm
Wildegon's here pull from a mix of common, uncommon, and rare pools! They may have a mix of the three, or be purely rare!

Abandoned Fieldlands
Color-Code: Natural
Wildegon's here pull from a mix of common, uncommon, and rare pools! They may have a mix of the three, or be purely rare!

Abyssal Sanctum
Color-Code: Mono
Wildegon's here pull from a mix of common, uncommon, and rare pools! They may have a mix of the three, or be purely rare!

They have a small chance of rolling a Mythical Trait.
They also have a small chance of rolling a mutation.

Mythical (15 ):

The Dream Rivers
The Wildegon's colorations and the majority of their traits are mostly randomized, like in the common tier.
You are allowed to pick a singular Mythical trait for your Wildegon. Any more will be randomized, if your Wildegon rolls multiple.

Your Wildegon will have a very high chance of rolling a mutation.
Wildegon's from this tier are not designed with the base, but are hand drawn by myself. These will take me more time, so please be aware of that!


Traits/Mutations a Wildegon can Have

Wildegon's are filled with a variety of traits that can make these guys funky! They'll be listed in terms of Common to Mythical, with Mutations being after them! When you purchase a MYO or Custom, you must specify the tier! You are, however, free to use a mix of any traits if you wish to specifically buy a MYO/Custom with one of the traits from any category!

Two Horns (Thin, pointing up)
Small tusks
6 Orbs
Two Tails
(To be added)

Small Horns
One Horn
Four Claws/Fingers
Wispy Orbs
(To be added)

No Horns
10 Orbs
Four Arms
3 Eyes
One Tail
(To be added)

3+ Tails
11+ Orbs
Clouds (Floats around them, commonly around the head or neck area)
'Unnatural' Markings (Symbols, as an example)
'Stardust' Manes
(To be Added)

(Suggestions are always welcome!)


Abundism (Think the Patches mutation)
No Orbs
Multiple Eyes (5+ Eyes)
Multiple Limbs (A combination of 3+ Tails and 4+ Arms)
(To be added)



Once the adopts have been autobought/their auctions end, payment is required firsthand before you receive the unwatermarked version. You have a maximum of 3 Rollovers to send payment, before the auction for said adopt is reinstated! We can work out a payment plan, but you will only ever receive the unwatermarked version once the total amount owed to me has been given.

I do also accept lions and items! Mostly looking for clean muties, breeding items, and applicators! If you're unsure of it, you're free to ask!

For February, I do accept HS! My conversion rate is 1 GB = 10 HS


MYO Prices

For some who may not be familiar with the term, MYO means Make Your Own! It essentially grants you permission to make one (or more, depending on how many you've bought) Wildegon! You will be given the option of either the MYO + Base (base is free of charge! just optional!) or just the MYO in case you wish to draw them on your own!

Wildegon's do have some guidelines, however!

Chest and Tail must be darker than the main body color. This difference HAS to be noticeable (unless your Wildegon has the melanistic mutation! Albino Wildegon's will still have this color difference, however on the lighter end of the spectrum.)

If you come up with a trait otherwise not on the list of any, do run it by me! You can request that your Wildegon's newfound trait may be one of a kind, however, you cannot do this for every trait you think of. Some traits may be bound to opening to the public, in which credit for said trait will be provided to you.

Wildegon's are often based on (both colorwise and patterns) real life animals, like big cats, regular cats, dogs, hyenas, etc. When purchasing a Common/Uncommon MYO, without also purchasing the unnatural colors/patterns from the rare/mythical traits, you must keep that in mind when making them! If you struggle with finding palettes, I'm more than willing to provide!



Common MYOs: 2
Uncommon MYOs: 3
Rare MYO: 5
Mythical MYO: 10


How do you purchase a singular trait?

You've likely seen me say 'purchase such and such trait' multiple times, but you're probably wondering how to! The cost to purchase a trait will usually cost half of the price of a standard MYO! However, Common Traits and Uncommon Traits are typically free of charge. Common traits come free with any MYO, and I am willing to let you take a trait or two from Uncommon (should you have only purchased a regular, Common MYO)

So, as follows:

Common: Free
Uncommon: 2 traits free, anymore is 1
Rare: 2
Mythical: 5


How much do mutations cost?

Mutations have different costs depending on their rarity! Note that, none of the mutations listed are lethal, and I do not count deafness or blindness as a mutation!

All mutations cost 2 with the exception of No Orbs (which is an INCREDIBLY rare mutation, limited amounts of Wildegon's have them) which costs 5


Custom Prices

When purchasing a custom, you're commissioning me to make you your own! It is very important that you pre-select the traits you want! That way I can crunch the numbers and give you a general price of how much it will cost! Please do know that some factors may influence the price, but I am willing to remove some (not all though!) charges to make it more cheaper for you!

Customs have a base starting price of 2

They abide by all design rules, which cannot be wavered!

They also abide by the trait and mutation fee in the above MYO prices! This means that, if you wish to add a mutation, it will cost an additional 2 per mutation (5 if you want the No Orbs mutation) and an additional 1, 2, or 5 depending the trait and its rarity!


Do I accept anything else other than ?

I do! I accept (Clean) muties/lions (equivalent to the cost of the custom/MYO), event items, breeding items (Crunchy Worms have a base price of 12 during this event!), and applicators! Please do inquire about specific applicators/breeding items if you're unsure!




None as of right now!


Thanks for reading!

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Edited on 16/02/23 @ 02:24:33 by ecco (#275125)

ecco (#275125)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-17 15:53:09

hihi! if you purchase a mythic myo, you get access to every readily available trait (common, uncommon, rare, and mythic)! so you wouldn't need to purchase an individual trait when it comes to purchasing it!

all in all, a mythic myo + the piebald mutation would make the myo cost 12 instead of what would've been 17 ! which means i'm willing to just accept the angellic blessing (since i don't have any qualms about the remaining 2 ), sending the bobbed tail lady is all up to you if you feel like doing so, but not at all necessary!

would you like the base as well or would you want to freestyle draw them?

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Malicious Intent
[he/him] (#157852)

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Posted on
2022-10-17 16:55:15
I'd like the base! I'll send over the angelic blessing now and a little something extra to make up for the 2gb!

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nn (#336298)

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Posted on
2023-02-16 01:39:09
Ima explore
Rare- Ember Valley
Uncommon- Phantom Forest, Scarlet Fields and Moonshore

^^ Should be.. Uhh 23 right?

Math brain go brr

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Edited on 16/02/23 @ 02:27:35 by LucifersHellHound(Prism Pie) (#336298)

ecco (#275125)

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Posted on
2023-02-16 01:44:01
@LucifersHellHound yep!

should've posted the update- but theres an explore system now!! so anyone who is still subscribed to this topic, im breathing life back into it!

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nn (#336298)

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Posted on
2023-02-16 01:44:52
I shall send them over then wait impatiently

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