Posted by Wolf Lineart for sale!

•L Ä M P
💡• (#152383)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-07 14:40:58
Wolf bases I was working on are finally done in idle pose! As of their creation, They come with 8 Unique individual Head shapes with a Fur/Body type to match!

The headshots can be purchased completely seperated from the bodies, and are even able to be mixed and matched between! (The last/Bottom Left is an example!)

Im listing the full lineart bundle (All Headshots AND Body Types) at 30gb!

For just the headshots, 15 for all of them, or 3 Separately!
For Body types, you can buy them separately for 5 each!
Buying a full wolf lineart (matching head and body) will be 7!

We will discuss terms and conditions upon purchase and before sending out PSD/PNGS!

-My linearts may be used for NOTHING other than Adoptables on this site, Character Art, Design Showcasing or the like!
-You may NOT use them for YCH's!

-You may make some changes to the lineart itself. As long as there are no drastic changes (Wings, Extra Limbs, Etc). You're free to add clothing, accessories and such that don't take away from the originals too much.
-Please always credit me for the lineart that you use, even if you made substantial changes to it.
-If you read these rules thus far, please put the emote in your reply.
-You can sell designs you make with my linearts, provided the lineart rules are followed, but you may NEVER redistribute my linearts to users who have not paid.

- Following the above rule, You may PURCHASE the linearts as a gift for others but this must be stated. Lineart you buy as a gift may NEVER be sent to anybody but the gifted person, So I ask that you provide me a way to contact them so that I may send it myself.

-I don't care how close you are with your buddies, do NOT share my lineart. I will always ask for proof of purchase if I'm skeptical, As any buyers will always recieve a note (via thread or DM) from me to screenshot and I I'll always keep a list of people who have bought.

-Yes you can use them on other websites, provided they are not merchant websites such as Redbubble or Teespring; This is NOT limited to the two, I mean any and ALL sites. Please keep them off of Facebook and twitter, as Facebook claims the right to do whatever it wants with what you upload to it.

- You can sell recolors or adopts for real currency, points, or in-game currencies found on various websites and ARPG scene. Please ask me before hand.

- For MS Paint or users who don't have a program that supports PSD or layering files you can ask me for a png version of the lines!

- Feel free to share what you've created with my lines, maybe I'll buy from you!

- I prefer credit to my TH above all else, But here's a list of all my handles! If you have a toyhouse you are REQUIRED to credit me upon creation of any designs by me bought and I am to be authorized to see them at all times.

Lioden - #152383
Wolvden - #51167
DeviantArt - Phobiasexual
Toyhouse - VeryVexy

Thank you for reading this far! To prove that you've read and agree to my TOS, Please ACTUALLY put a in your reply!

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•L Ä M P
💡• (#152383)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-07 15:05:41
Buyer List:
Silas [Side] • Headshot [Thick] • Paid: 3

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