Posted by Moonlight Auctions

Zhalia (#350145)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-10 23:13:48
This is my first auction so I'm just figuring things out but here are the rules:

Special Note: I will put lions up for auction for you, you get full profit and set the price

1. Don't bid more than you have
2. The lions are yours once you buy them but don't kill them
3. 1000 = 1
4. If lion is under 5mo I will hold it until weaned
5. Lions will be up for auction for 2 rollovers after first bid is placed
6. If/when second bid is placed lion will be up for 3 more rollovers
7. I reserve the right to cancel/end an auction early if needed
8. If lion has been up for auction without having any bids placed for 3 rollovers it will be removed from auction and will be put up for flat sale
9. If you cannot follow through for reason that has not been worked out beforehand you will not be able to bid here again
10. There will be the lion's name, markings & opacity, mutation if present, dirty and/or fertility if it applies, personality, stats, & price listed around the link to the lion
11. Some items can be used to pay at standard GB() or SB() price in the trading center but you must include some SB() and/or GB(); (This may not apply to vendors and which items I will accept depends on my current circumstances)
12. The price can be split between SB() and GB() but it must be negotiated ahead of time

Note: I haven't figured out how to put the images in yet so the link will take you to the lion (if you know how to improve this please PM me) also please don't mind lower quality lions at first, I just started recently and am working on breeding better lions




3; Dewdrop
Starting Bid: 100SB
MI: 50SB
White Inverted Quagga 38% White English Spots 42% Bone Ghost Feralis 37% Sunrise Vitiligo 34% Dark Brown Grit 42% Leg Stripes 15% Under White 5 19% Feline 9 Ginger 22% High Fertility Soft(Kind) 65 stats

4; Fawn
Starting Bid: 100SB
MI: 50SB
Fallow Shimmer 20% Fallow Shroud 22% Sunset Crackle 82% Cimmerian Mask 2% Fuchsia Marbled Unders 52% VLF Emotional(Kind) 112 stats

5; Marmalade
Starting Bid: 100SB
MI: 50SB
White Tip Toe 22% Sicora Paws 23% White Socks 27% White Undershine 29% Sunset Feralis 39% High Fertility Graceful(Good) 93 stats

6; Moon
Starting Bid: 200SB
MI: 100SB
Red Wavelet 90% Aufies Coat 44% Hyena Spots Scarce Ginger 37% VLF Mischievous(Evil) 727 stats

7; Sunset
Starting Bid: 200SB
MI: 100SB
White Underfur 72% Aufries Coat 37% Hyena Spots Scarce Ginger 49% VLF Nurturing(Good) 800 stats

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Edited on 14/10/22 @ 09:08:28 by Zhalia (#350145)

Hawley (#369181)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-11 00:28:32
Can I bid sb on both?

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Zhalia (#350145)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-11 06:59:58

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