Posted by 🧬 grolluths : species interest check !

sommer 🍂 ; qahir
rlc (#228390)

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Posted on
2022-10-27 16:07:51
hello !! keeping this rather short and sweet, but im running an interest check on an old closed species of mine that im considering revamping here on the site !

here’s a handful of new concept sketches :

[old species information sheet from like.. 2018 LMAO excuse the old art and poor grammar in it]

as far as revamped lore goes, the whole genus is a set of related "parasitic" and unnatural creatures ! they are neither mammalian nor reptilian, though they can exhibit a range of features closely related to a number of real-world animals. most lack any major bone structures and instead possess systems of teeth [more akin to tusks or horns], claws, and other hard appendages held together by tendon-like structures. when experiencing strong emotions, grolluths take the phrase "makes my blood boil" to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL by quite literally becoming more liquid in nature. their blood can literally boil.

facelings are what is featured in the old species sheet : they have no bones !! at all !! their innards are basically a very firm gelatinous "blood" substance, and they "breathe" through the facepools present on their heads that give them such a distinct look. cells conduct oxygen exchange by direct exposure to it, allowing them to breathe on land, in water, and basically anywhere with a substantial enough oxygen presence. facelings’ lack of true bones and inhuman flexibility make them very skilled predators, and potentially very dangerous.

masticats, despite their name, are not always feline in appearance [though its one of the most common morphologies for them to take on]. these toothy little creatures experience something similar to facelings" "blood-boiling" by morphing and taking on a much more frightening look, replacing most of their facial features with a large, gaping and tusked mouth. the rest of their facial features almost "dissolve" similar to the facepool of a parahemes, exposing the bloodpool behind. when calm and more docile, these creatures take on a much more natural animalistic appearance while retaining a sort of "crown" of fangs atop their faces.

graspids have evolved to meet the little ground between mammalian hands and insectoid pincers, and possess a full "hand" of finger like appendages around their face. these cranial digits are incredibly strong and can be used to hunt and feed, in order to crack open hard-shelled foods, along with being used to engage in combat. physiologically they are one of the most complex types of grolluths, with a more advanced anatomical structure than facelings and masticats. their faces are a form of facepool similar to masticats and can take on forms much less like the liquid appearance of facelings. graspid facepools can "melt" just like any other grol, and can also become less stiff / "ragdoll" and relax to retract back into the rest of the head and neck as a defense mechanism. when this is done, the fingers often close around the rest of the head into a sort of "fist" to protect the innards.

all three discovered species in the grolus genus have been found both bipedal and quadrupedal !

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Edited on 28/10/22 @ 13:38:43 by moggie 🌧 (#228390)

sommer 🍂 ; qahir
rlc (#228390)

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Posted on
2022-10-27 16:08:13
concept art + design collection :

FACELINGS [G. parahemes]

^ art shown above, revamp sketch of lucien

^ feral sketch [old as hell LMAO]

^ drawing of luce done by capirouma ! very talented artist <3

MASTICATS [G. cephalostoma]

^ set of more character concept sketches for my lad skoot, the cephalostoma featured in the genus sheet

^ a reference + recent page of beef, a less feline / more canine-leaning example

GRASPIDS [G. corripius]

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Edited on 28/10/22 @ 16:03:21 by moggie 🌧 (#228390)

Syllecia (#112425)

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Posted on
2022-10-27 16:55:46

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sommer 🍂 ; qahir
rlc (#228390)

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Posted on
2022-10-27 17:26:09

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[Polaris] (#120754)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-10-28 13:25:22

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sommer 🍂 ; qahir
rlc (#228390)

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Posted on
2022-10-28 16:03:43
added some more concepts and visual examples ! <3

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[Polaris] (#120754)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-10-28 20:05:57
I absolutely am in awe of your art style 😭❤️

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Mayor Humdinger (#279634)

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Posted on
2022-10-29 08:51:35
They are so cute. I want one so bad (also your style is so adorable and crisp.)

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absinthe (#103009)

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Posted on
2022-10-30 05:39:34
They seem so cool!! If definitely be interested

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Sleepysouls (#231662)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2022-10-30 18:19:19
I love your style! I would definitely be interested in one of these creatures! I love the idea of them wearing masks and having bodies like sharks w/ being flexible and having no skeletons. Super interesting!

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sommer 🍂 ; qahir
rlc (#228390)

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Posted on
2022-10-30 18:56:59
ahhh i’ve been ia but THANK YALL !! it always makes me excited seeing other people get excited over concepts i’ve come up with because they can enjoy them too. hopefully everyone can find a way to make one they really resonate with !! they’re super varied, and can pull inspiration from mammals / reptiles / fish / insects / plants / anything !! a lot of wiggle room for designing them :]

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