Posted by Rich Gifting Forum!
Pantherpaws (G2 PIE
EBONY RLC) (#353145)

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Posted on
2022-10-27 16:51:07
Gifting for richer users!

You should at least have an easy and hard list. But a medium list is recommended.

Easy lists shouldn't cost more than 3gb. Medium lists more than 6gb and hard lists can be any worth.

There isn't a specific time you have to have been playing for! As long as you have what the person above you needs your good!

you can gift the user above you and others if you want to be generous! But you MUST at least gift the person ABOVE you!

If you break the rules you'll get blacklisted!

You must at least have 5 items on your easy list!

You can choose to gift someone directly after someone gifts you!

If you send a user something they like they may gift you back!

Trade buyouts count as gifting!

Non gifting ads are allowed!

If a user forgets to gift you PM them. If they still don't gift you within 30 minutes PM me. I'll blacklist them.

Have fun!

Ads: Lf a Rosette pie/patches! Crunchie for buyout or offer!

It costs 2gb to PERMANENTLY have your ad on the list! Unless you request me to take it down! Price may change based on demand!

My list:

Rosette cub/adol
AMP (Under 2! PM me first to confirm!)
Pretty decor (PM ME FIRST TO CONFIRM!!!)
3+ Poses (Preferably different but not required! Fav poses: Kind, Neutral, Jolly and Snarky!)
Oasis eye apps
Main Changer
Base Changer
3+ CRB
25 vulture eggs
Transclucent Jelly +1GB
Zebra Heart +1GB
Vuka Vuka

Female Mutie (Must be under 3. Idc if dirty or clean. no mane muts, Blind. deaf, maneless etc. PM me to confirm!)
Oasis BG
Non Halloween apps (Pm me to confirm!)
Pride decor (PM me first to confirm!)
Red bull
Meat pie (Must have at least 3 uses!)
Roasted Lamp
50 vulture eggs
Gorilla Enclave BGs worth 200+MT
6+ CRP

Hybrid (I'd love you forever)
dwarf (Must be female and under 5!)
Certain bases (PM me for more info. All the ones I'm interested in are special bases)
GMO cow
Buffy ball
Lion scrote
Custom decor creator
Lion meat

Items I need specifically rn (will gift back for!):
Rosette Pie/patches (more info in my ad!)

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Edited on 28/10/22 @ 12:31:28 by a Moderator

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