Posted by What are breeding projects?

DaniBanani (#379117)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2022-10-29 11:57:04
So I'm still kind of new to lioden, but I still don't understand breeding projects. Like I understand the purpose of them, to make specific mutations or markings or something with lions, but where to people get started? How do people decide what breeding project to go for? Are there people who only play lioden for breeding projects?

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snowmew [G1 14BO
Abyssinian] (#63212)

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Posted on
2022-10-29 12:07:50
breeding projects start with a goal, and what this goal is determines how it can be achieved. it can be to breed for a specific mutation, markings, genetics, etc. this really is up to the person who is running the project. for example, i have a project im working on, trying to get a cub that has 2 rosettes and the rose gold base. why? because i like the base (only achieved by combo breeding) and rosettes are very popular. usually, a breeding project ensues when the traits are hard to achieve, there is no other lions with them, or very few with the same traits that you are trying to achieve. you can use breeding items in your project, mass breeding, etc to further it along. I would not be surprised if there are players that only play the game for projects, as it is quite time consuming

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Edited on 29/10/22 @ 12:26:17 by snowmew [G1 Subtle 3x Ros] (#63212)

DaniBanani (#379117)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2022-10-29 12:10:29
Oh cool, thank you!

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