Posted by A Starless Night ☆ (WoF based rp)

mars 。⁠☆ | art
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Posted on
2022-11-02 20:54:43
(this roleplay is heavily inspired by FrostBlights 'Hypnagogia' roleplay, i have gotten permission from them to make this roleplay !!)


☆ All 18+ actions are to be time skipped.
☆ No major plot changes without confiding in me first
☆ Please put a warning / TW before any suggestive themes come up such as gore, mutilation, descriptive harm (self or other)

☆ Do not control how another person's character acts, feels, or say what that character does unless you have permission from the player
☆ Please at least be a semi-lit roleplayer. No 1-2 sentences, you will be ignored and skipped
☆ Make sure to read the intro thread !!

☆ Post an intro in the intro thread please!! this is required

(once the starter paragraph is sent, the roleplay is free to begin !!)

Important Links

OOC Thread
Character Sheets
Intro Thread
Herb Guide
AnglerWings Guide
LightWings Guide
TaalWings Guide
MothWings Guide
The Fire Arena Guide
The Harmonic Guide


☆ There were once four tribes altogether, all living in peace and no troubles against each other
Suddenly, on one starless night, the fourth tribe disappeared, seemingly into thin air. The last three tribes were dumbfounded, they were thrown into panic and war. Battles ensued, all accusing each other of wiping out the fourth tribe, though none of them knew the truth

Years later, once again a starless night, a prophecy was given to the healers of each tribe and their respectful queens, a prophecy of old and worn..

On a Starless Night
May three eggs be born,
One of the deepest blue and the richest purple,
Deep in the sand it may lay

Hard and cracked, burning to the touch
A deep red egg, touch unforseen
Hidden in the deep cracks of the highest mountain may it sleep

Light and perfect, yellow and pink
A small egg lay in the vast cold
It rest in high, freezing surrounded by fog

The kingdoms quickly figured the prophecy out, searching high and low for the eggs but unable to find them. They all believed it was fake, that one of them had sent it to each other and war broke out, they had turned on each other fairly quickly

Three dragonets from three tribes, chosen to set out on a vast journey to find the fourth tribe, will they make it?
How will these three dragonets get along, and how will they survive?...


☆ AnglerWings

The AnglerWings tribe is located deep underwater, their kingdom located in the trenches. They resemble fish closely, an anglerfish light dangling from their head. This tribe is rarely religious, only listening to their queen and their queen only
This tribe has poison lining their throat and can build it up into their mouth, they have frills that shake on the side of their head when doing this

Queen : (1/1)
Blacktip Reef - #276913 [mars]

Royal Family : (3/3)
DragonFish - #279247 [RogueSlayer] | Son
LionFish - #218151 [Clementine] | Daughter
JewelFish - #281258 [Lily] | Daughter

Healer : (1/1)
Glider - #313105 [Calicowo]

Healer To-Be : (0/1) [DM me for this position! provide rp example]

Guardians : (0/20)

Trainers : (0/3) [DM me for this position! provide rp example]
Trainees : (0/9)

Residents : (0/∞)

Dragonets : (0/∞)

Elders : (0/∞)

Prophetic Dragonet : (1/1)
Stingray - #276913 [mars]

☆ LightWings

The LightWings tribe is located on a floating island high up in the clouds, their kingdom residing in a large mountain on said island. They have feathers, rumors say they were descendants of birds, though it's never been proven
This tribe can make weapons of their feathers and can mentally manipulate said feathers into doing whatever they want, whether it's to kill someone or find someone

Queen : (1/1)
Mourning Dove - #218151 [Clementine]

Royal Family : (3/3)
Malaika - #245505 [SilentStalk]
Cedric - #281258 [Lily] | Son
Jarita - #355201 [FlamingStorm] | Daughter

Harpy - #342592 [Cloud] | Cousin, Dutchess

Healer : (1/1)
Columbidae - #350553 [Aaron]

Healer To-Be : (0/1) [DM me for this position! provide rp example]

Scouts : (1/20)
Night - #338280 [Raven]

Residents : (1/∞)
Freya - #40407 [Lumi]

Dragonets : (0/∞)

Elders : (0/∞)

Prophetic Dragonet : (1/1)
Myra - #218151 [Clementine]

☆ TaalWings

The TaalWings tribe is located on the side of the Wernia Volcano, which is said not to erupt for another million years. This tribe is very hard-headed, literally and figuratively

Queen : (1/1)
Aucanquilcha - #313105 [Ruins]

Royal Family : (2/3)
Lavenia - #40407 [Lumi] | Daughter
Vulkan - #350553 [Aaron] | Son
Adalinda - #380556 [Deception] | Daughter

Healer : (0/1) [DM me for this position! provide rp example]

Healer To-Be : (0/1) [DM me for this position! provide rp example]

Guards : (1/20)
Skink - #276913 [mars]

Residents : (1/∞)
Freya - #40407 [Lumi]

Dragonets : (0/∞)

Elders : (0/∞)

Prophetic Dragonet : (1/1)
Anthracite - #279247 [RogueSlayer]

☆ MothWings

The MothWing tribe is the fourth and hidden tribe. They are located on an isolated island, south of the other tribes and far out at sea. They have built treehouses and adapt to environments easily, but prefer to reside in forests

(this tribe is the fourth tribe and is not with the other three tribes, they are isolated. the prophecy has not been fulfilled yet, they will be found at the end of this season)

Queen : (1/1)
Bitterblue - #218151 [Clementine]

Royal Family : (3/3)
Motylek - #313105 [Ruins] | Daughter
Atlas - #279247 [RogueSlayer] | Daughter
Airashī - #342592 [Cloud] | Son

Healer : (1/1)
Silk - #276913 [mars]

Healer To-Be : (1/1)
Laurel - #355201 [FlamingStorm]

Look-Outs : (1/20)
Auguste - #218151 [Clementine]

Residents : (3/∞)
Golden Moon - #313105 [Ruins]
Geode - #276913 [mars] (mainly npc)
Solana - #342592 [Cloud]
Shater - #281258 [Lily]

Dragonets : (0/∞)

Elders : (0/∞)

Prophetic Dragonet : (1/1)
Mektig - #342592 [Cloud]

Other Dragons [exiles, hybrids, outcasts, without a tribe, deformities] : (5/??)
Raven - #333926 [Ghost] | Hybrid
Path of Souls - #342592 [Cloud] | Angler/Taal
Talon - #313105 [Ruins] - Taal/Light
Vorona - #350553 [Aaron] - Taal/Light
Umbreon - #342592 [Cloud] - Angler/Moth

Character Sheets

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Edited on 09/12/22 @ 19:07:53 by mars 。⁠☆ (#276913)

mars 。⁠☆ | art
comms !! (#276913)

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Posted on
2022-12-09 10:48:15
Blacktip Reef | AnglerWing Queen

Beautiful black and purple jewels adorned her body, shimmering in the moonlight as she sat neatly , watching the other dragons dance
Her ear twitched at the sound of Adalinda's voice and she turned to face her [ "They should be here. Probably somewhere, messing around." ] She chuckled, offering a warm smile to the TaalWing princess

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🕷 clementine (#218151)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2022-12-09 11:27:27
Princess Lionfish
The AnglerWing princess was adorned from head to toe in magnificent azurite jewels that illuminated Lionfish’s appearance as they shone beneath the bright moonlight. An elegant forehead chain sat atop her head, two of the chains being wrapped around both of her horns. Thick, silver cuffs were woven around each one of their ankles, with dark sodalite gems engraved in them.

She had also used crushed up berries and other herbal plants to create a greyish-white body paint; there were three dots beneath both of her eyes, lengthy streaks going down her back and tail, and some more spots dotted around her shoulders.

Her enchanting garments created melodic tinkling noises as she strode over to where her mother sat, a big smile forming on her maw. “Hi, mama!” Lionfish chirped, spinning around happily.

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mars 。⁠☆ | art
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Posted on
2022-12-09 11:48:45
Blacktip Reef | AnaglerWing Queen

She looked down at Lionfish and smiled, wrapping her tail around the other
[ "Hello, dear. Have you seen your sister and brother?' ] Blacktip tilted her head, she hadn't seen Dragonfish or Jewelfish yet, maybe they had stayed home..

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🕷 clementine (#218151)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2022-12-09 11:51:25
Princess Lionfish
The young dragonet shook their head from side to side, settling themselves down beside the Queen. “No, I haven’t. I’ve been mingling with a dragonet from the LightWing tribe, so I wasn’t paying attention to their whereabouts.” Lionfish shuffled his paws against the ground nervously. “Sorry.”

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mars 。⁠☆ | art
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Posted on
2022-12-09 11:53:48
Blacktip Reef | AnglerWing Queen

She shook her head, smiling down at her daughter softly [ "It's okay, dear, no worries. I'll just look for them in a few minutes, hopefully they aren't getting into trouble." ] Reef chuckled, his wings shifting a bit as she got comfortable

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🕷 clementine (#218151)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2022-12-09 11:57:55
Princess Lionfish
“Dragonfish, I don’t think, would be one to get into trouble.” Lionfish said, peering up at Blacktip. “Jewelfish, maybe.” Lionfish tittered, flapping his wings a tad so he could adjust them a little. A loud yawn slipped from her jaws, and then came a burp. Lionfish ducked her head away in embarrassment. “ ‘Scuse me,” She chuckled sheepishly.

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mars 。⁠☆ | art
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Posted on
2022-12-09 11:59:54
Blacktip Reef | AnglerWing Queen

She chuckled, her tail twitching as she began to scan the crowd again, hoping to spot her children but no luck came to her. She shifted her wings again and let out a quiet huff, narrowing her eyes as a few more dragons joined in on the dancing. Two LightWings seemed to be adorning each other, and her eyes narrowed even more

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༽つShOwErThOuGhTs (#380556)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-12-09 12:14:46
Adalinda|eldest taalwing princess
She returned the smile nodding
"I guess I'll have to find them then, I got them all gifts for the festival," she said thinking about the necklaces she had gotten the 3 siblings, she had gotten each one to complement the dragonets scale colors.
"Well bye for now Blacktip," she said before she went to look for the dragonets.

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mars 。⁠☆ | art
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Posted on
2022-12-09 12:16:25
Blacktip Reef | AnglerWing Queen

She said her goodbyes to Adalinda, her gaze tearing away from the adorning dragons to watch the princess leave. Her wings twitched, the tip of her tail lashing a bit as she watched the dragons again, more and more being adorned every second

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🕷 clementine (#218151)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2022-12-09 12:29:34
Princess Lionfish
Lionfish's ears perked up with interest. "Gifts? Do I get a gift too?" The princess chimed, pawing at Blacktip's shoulder. "I want a gift!" The princess whined, huffing through her flared nostrils. She spread out her wings and flapped them again, they felt as if something was crawling all over them. 'Ugh, it better not be a spider, or I'll flip!' Lionfish thought to themselves.

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mars 。⁠☆ | art
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Posted on
2022-12-09 12:34:57
Blacktip Reef | AnglerWing Queen

[ "Wait until Adalinda finds your siblings, dear, then she'll give you your gift." ] She nuzzled her child on the snout, chuckling a little [ "Have some patience, you'll get it." ] Reef curled her tail over her own paws and side-eyed the direction Adalinda had went in

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Lily (#281258)

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Posted on
2022-12-09 13:49:47
Jewelfish glanced around at all the dragons, looking for what to do. Finally she saw an unguarded small basket of fish next to an Anglerwing family. She inched closer, pretending to be looking somewhere else before she quickly snatched a fish and hurried off into the crowd. "I'm a master" Jewelfish said proudly to herself after she'd stopped. She examining her small victory before devouring the fish. "That was a nice fish, well, I better get back then." She muttered before making her way to her mother by running through and dodging all the dragons.

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Edited on 09/12/22 @ 13:51:11 by Lily (#281258)

༽つShOwErThOuGhTs (#380556)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-12-09 13:59:49
Adalinda|eldest taalwing princess
She smiles as she walked away wondering if lionfish will notice the black clam-shaped velvet box with the necklace in it.
As she walked away to find the other two she remembered what the necklace looked like it was a silvery white snake chain with a shiny dark blue gem hanging from it. The gem itself when put in the right light glimmers and shows an image of an orange lionfish due to the special work she had done on it. She hoped the dragonet would like it. She then found dragon fish and gave him his necklace, It had the same box as the others with a dark grey snake chain and a dark blue almost black gem that when the light hits it the gem shows a green blue dragon fish in the middle with the glowing blue spots all angler fish have. She walked away and finally found jewelfish and gave her necklace to her. It was a gold snake chain with a greyish-blue gem that when hit with light showed a purple jewel fish with swirls of blue and black. She smiled as she walked away going to find black tip to give her the necklace she had gotten her, It was in a mermaid purse-shaped black velvet case and was a dark blue snake chain with a bluish-black gem, when light shines off the gem it shows a black, black-tipped reef shark with all the colors blacktip has in the same places.
"Well last one," sha said handing the queen the velvet box smiling.

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Lily (#281258)

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Posted on
2022-12-09 17:38:30
Jewelfish thanked Adalinda for the necklace as the princess walked away in search of Blacktip Reef, her mother. Jewelfish couldn't stop staring at the necklace, the gold snake chain shimmered like the sun, the gem was a beautiful colour and she could see a purple jewelfish with swirls of black and blue in it. Carefully, Jewelfish put it back into its case, smiling as she closed it. This necklace looks amazing! I can't wait to wear it! She thought as she continued to walk through the crowd in search of her mother.

Cedric glanced around nervously, holding his breath before looking for dragons to talk to. He spotted a group of friendly looking dragonets before he walked over to them. He talked for a while, laughing about jokes and stuff before the group eventually broke up and disappeared into the crowd. I did it! I can't believe it! I talked to strangers, they seemed really nice. I like them. Cedric smiled to himself before exploring the place.

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Edited on 09/12/22 @ 17:39:08 by Lily (#281258)

༽つShOwErThOuGhTs (#380556)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-12-09 18:11:06
Adalinda|eldest taalwing princess
She heard a bell ding that announced the games were open
"Well, I'm going to go make sure everything is alright with the games," she said to the queen nodding slightly before walking to the games hoping nobody did anything idiotic like dye the pool red to make it look like lava.

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