Posted by A Starless Night ☆ (WoF based rp)

mars 。⁠☆ | art
comms !! (#276913)

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Posted on
2022-11-02 20:54:43
(this roleplay is heavily inspired by FrostBlights 'Hypnagogia' roleplay, i have gotten permission from them to make this roleplay !!)


☆ All 18+ actions are to be time skipped.
☆ No major plot changes without confiding in me first
☆ Please put a warning / TW before any suggestive themes come up such as gore, mutilation, descriptive harm (self or other)

☆ Do not control how another person's character acts, feels, or say what that character does unless you have permission from the player
☆ Please at least be a semi-lit roleplayer. No 1-2 sentences, you will be ignored and skipped
☆ Make sure to read the intro thread !!

☆ Post an intro in the intro thread please!! this is required

(once the starter paragraph is sent, the roleplay is free to begin !!)

Important Links

OOC Thread
Character Sheets
Intro Thread
Herb Guide
AnglerWings Guide
LightWings Guide
TaalWings Guide
MothWings Guide
The Fire Arena Guide
The Harmonic Guide


☆ There were once four tribes altogether, all living in peace and no troubles against each other
Suddenly, on one starless night, the fourth tribe disappeared, seemingly into thin air. The last three tribes were dumbfounded, they were thrown into panic and war. Battles ensued, all accusing each other of wiping out the fourth tribe, though none of them knew the truth

Years later, once again a starless night, a prophecy was given to the healers of each tribe and their respectful queens, a prophecy of old and worn..

On a Starless Night
May three eggs be born,
One of the deepest blue and the richest purple,
Deep in the sand it may lay

Hard and cracked, burning to the touch
A deep red egg, touch unforseen
Hidden in the deep cracks of the highest mountain may it sleep

Light and perfect, yellow and pink
A small egg lay in the vast cold
It rest in high, freezing surrounded by fog

The kingdoms quickly figured the prophecy out, searching high and low for the eggs but unable to find them. They all believed it was fake, that one of them had sent it to each other and war broke out, they had turned on each other fairly quickly

Three dragonets from three tribes, chosen to set out on a vast journey to find the fourth tribe, will they make it?
How will these three dragonets get along, and how will they survive?...


☆ AnglerWings

The AnglerWings tribe is located deep underwater, their kingdom located in the trenches. They resemble fish closely, an anglerfish light dangling from their head. This tribe is rarely religious, only listening to their queen and their queen only
This tribe has poison lining their throat and can build it up into their mouth, they have frills that shake on the side of their head when doing this

Queen : (1/1)
Blacktip Reef - #276913 [mars]

Royal Family : (3/3)
DragonFish - #279247 [RogueSlayer] | Son
LionFish - #218151 [Clementine] | Daughter
JewelFish - #281258 [Lily] | Daughter

Healer : (1/1)
Glider - #313105 [Calicowo]

Healer To-Be : (0/1) [DM me for this position! provide rp example]

Guardians : (0/20)

Trainers : (0/3) [DM me for this position! provide rp example]
Trainees : (0/9)

Residents : (0/∞)

Dragonets : (0/∞)

Elders : (0/∞)

Prophetic Dragonet : (1/1)
Stingray - #276913 [mars]

☆ LightWings

The LightWings tribe is located on a floating island high up in the clouds, their kingdom residing in a large mountain on said island. They have feathers, rumors say they were descendants of birds, though it's never been proven
This tribe can make weapons of their feathers and can mentally manipulate said feathers into doing whatever they want, whether it's to kill someone or find someone

Queen : (1/1)
Mourning Dove - #218151 [Clementine]

Royal Family : (3/3)
Malaika - #245505 [SilentStalk]
Cedric - #281258 [Lily] | Son
Jarita - #355201 [FlamingStorm] | Daughter

Harpy - #342592 [Cloud] | Cousin, Dutchess

Healer : (1/1)
Columbidae - #350553 [Aaron]

Healer To-Be : (0/1) [DM me for this position! provide rp example]

Scouts : (1/20)
Night - #338280 [Raven]

Residents : (1/∞)
Freya - #40407 [Lumi]

Dragonets : (0/∞)

Elders : (0/∞)

Prophetic Dragonet : (1/1)
Myra - #218151 [Clementine]

☆ TaalWings

The TaalWings tribe is located on the side of the Wernia Volcano, which is said not to erupt for another million years. This tribe is very hard-headed, literally and figuratively

Queen : (1/1)
Aucanquilcha - #313105 [Ruins]

Royal Family : (2/3)
Lavenia - #40407 [Lumi] | Daughter
Vulkan - #350553 [Aaron] | Son
Adalinda - #380556 [Deception] | Daughter

Healer : (0/1) [DM me for this position! provide rp example]

Healer To-Be : (0/1) [DM me for this position! provide rp example]

Guards : (1/20)
Skink - #276913 [mars]

Residents : (1/∞)
Freya - #40407 [Lumi]

Dragonets : (0/∞)

Elders : (0/∞)

Prophetic Dragonet : (1/1)
Anthracite - #279247 [RogueSlayer]

☆ MothWings

The MothWing tribe is the fourth and hidden tribe. They are located on an isolated island, south of the other tribes and far out at sea. They have built treehouses and adapt to environments easily, but prefer to reside in forests

(this tribe is the fourth tribe and is not with the other three tribes, they are isolated. the prophecy has not been fulfilled yet, they will be found at the end of this season)

Queen : (1/1)
Bitterblue - #218151 [Clementine]

Royal Family : (3/3)
Motylek - #313105 [Ruins] | Daughter
Atlas - #279247 [RogueSlayer] | Daughter
Airashī - #342592 [Cloud] | Son

Healer : (1/1)
Silk - #276913 [mars]

Healer To-Be : (1/1)
Laurel - #355201 [FlamingStorm]

Look-Outs : (1/20)
Auguste - #218151 [Clementine]

Residents : (3/∞)
Golden Moon - #313105 [Ruins]
Geode - #276913 [mars] (mainly npc)
Solana - #342592 [Cloud]
Shater - #281258 [Lily]

Dragonets : (0/∞)

Elders : (0/∞)

Prophetic Dragonet : (1/1)
Mektig - #342592 [Cloud]

Other Dragons [exiles, hybrids, outcasts, without a tribe, deformities] : (5/??)
Raven - #333926 [Ghost] | Hybrid
Path of Souls - #342592 [Cloud] | Angler/Taal
Talon - #313105 [Ruins] - Taal/Light
Vorona - #350553 [Aaron] - Taal/Light
Umbreon - #342592 [Cloud] - Angler/Moth

Character Sheets

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Edited on 09/12/22 @ 19:07:53 by mars 。⁠☆ (#276913)

🕷 clementine (#218151)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2022-11-04 17:35:52
(Ah.. though I've already sent Myra out.)

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mars 。⁠☆ | art
comms !! (#276913)

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Posted on
2022-11-04 17:37:55
(ahdha alrighty, we can have them meet up now !! it'll take a little for Stingray to get there though, he can't fly 💀)

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!.RogueSlayer..! (#279247)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-11-04 17:41:25
( Ok , Could someone Start the post something idk what to put in the rp thread lol )

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🕷 clementine (#218151)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2022-11-04 17:42:44
(Should I just delete everything in my post then?)

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mars 。⁠☆ | art
comms !! (#276913)

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Posted on
2022-11-04 17:45:59
(nono it's alright!!! we can have them just have a feeling and head to the gem cave, once they're all there it can go from there ^^ if that's okay with you guys?)

Stingray | AnglerWing

He finally reached the shore and shook himself, sending water droplets flying around him onto the sand as he flexed his wings and spread them out
Maybe he should learn to fly, if he planned on coming up here more often..

Star blinked some sea water out of his eyes and looked forward, noticing a tiny plain before it leaked into a dense forest. He didn't think any tribes lived there, so he must be safe travelling through it
His talons itched to go somewhere and he decided to just follow where they were leading him

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!.RogueSlayer..! (#279247)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-11-04 17:46:05
( I mean if you all ready wrote it we could do it that way unless you want to do it the way i thought of )

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!.RogueSlayer..! (#279247)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-11-04 17:46:41
( Oh k )

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🕷 clementine (#218151)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2022-11-04 17:48:59
(Sure, then)

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!.RogueSlayer..! (#279247)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-11-04 17:53:13
☆ Anthracite ☆

She had a thought she couldn't even tell what it was all she knew was that the feeling was pointing over to place . She Felt like she shouldn't have but maybe there was something there. Maybe She would see the dragonets in her dream , Although it wasn't likely . She started to go where her mind were leading her. She stepped into the cave and gazed at the Beautiful rocks. She sat down by them liking the little rainbows that reflected onto her burnt Red scales . She touched the rock feeling the ruff yet smooth feeling too it . Her tail thumped onto the ground

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Edited on 04/11/22 @ 18:02:07 by !.RogueSlayer..! (#279247)

mars 。⁠☆ | art
comms !! (#276913)

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Posted on
2022-11-04 18:03:06
Stingray | AnglerWing

He continued walking, now deep in the forest as he pressed his wings close to his body, his tail lashing as the trees closed in on him, making him feel claustrophobic

Stingray shuddered and ducked under a particularly low branch, he had a feeling he was closer to where he was supposed to go, wherever that was

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!.RogueSlayer..! (#279247)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-11-04 18:20:50
☆ Anthracite ☆

After Awhile she sighed. "If nothings going to happen I might use while just Live here the rest of my Life ! " She shouted to the Cave grumbly . She rested her talons on the ground scratching at the tiny Rocks on the ground and flicking them away with her tail. Was she going to have to wait an hour to see to other dragons? She thought .Well if they didn't show up soon she would claw there face off before they could do anything about it. She Grumbled softly .

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Edited on 04/11/22 @ 18:21:28 by !.RogueSlayer..! (#279247)

mars 。⁠☆ | art
comms !! (#276913)

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Posted on
2022-11-04 18:25:12
Stingray | AnglerWing

He noticed a few scattered crystals, they were gorgeous. Maybe mother could weld them into jewelry for him..
He leaned down and picked a few up, stashing them in his pouch as he continued forward closer to a cave

Then, he suddenly heard a shout and his wings flared up. His tail lashed and he crouched down, slowly making his way toward the cave before quickly spotting a TaalWing
[ Shit. Who is that?.. that looks like the dragon from my dream. ] He thought, narrowing his eyes at Anthracite

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!.RogueSlayer..! (#279247)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-11-04 18:33:33
☆ Anthracite ☆

She flapped her wings madly before calming down . She sighed. " I guess no ones coming.." She frowned not knowing why she felt so sad about seeing the dragons her tribe hated more than Anything. She looked up at the giant crystal Infront of her letting out another sigh. " Is anyone coming ?.." She said her voice softening . She felt even more Alone sitting in a Cave. She kinda Hoped those bullies would come back so she would have something else to worry about instead of if Two random unknown Dragonets would come and meet her.

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mars 。⁠☆ | art
comms !! (#276913)

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Posted on
2022-11-04 18:36:22
Stingray | AnglerWing

His tail twitched, he recognized the dragon from his dream
[ Maybe she's harmless.. ] He thought, slowly rising up to his feet and poking his head into the cave

[ "Urm.. hello?" ] Stingray mumbled, looking at the TaalWing nervously. What if she killed him? Oh dear, that wouldn't be good..

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!.RogueSlayer..! (#279247)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-11-04 18:44:49
☆ Anthracite ☆

She jumped back in shock laying on her back and coving her face with her wings. " AAh ! " She shouted." Please don't hurt me ! I didn't do anything ..." She gulped and shrived Not sure If it was one of the dragons how bullied her.
She peaked through her Wings after awhile." H-how are you.." She growled getting up and trying to growl . Would this AnglerWing Try to attack her she got up Ready to fight if she had too. he looked a bit Bigger than her but she could take him on..Right ?

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Edited on 04/11/22 @ 18:45:21 by !.RogueSlayer..! (#279247)

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