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TheArtistLazlain (#363137)

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Posted on
2022-11-03 17:58:45
Hello hello! This is not only my first forum but its my first auction!

Also! Please go check out my friends auction here! they have lovely rossies and over all just pretty lionesses up :) They are very pretty and you should go bid!

Please be respectful!

- Please do not be rude to anyone who bids higher on a lion then you did
- Be patent, the lions here will be traded 10 days after being added
- Please do not message to try to get a lion out of me.
- If you would like to message me a question on this forum please ask here before doing so.
- MINIMUM rising on a lions bid is by 50 or 1 depending on what you are using to buy them with.
- if you do not have the money ready and in your hands by the time you get the lion (if you are the highest bidder) you will be banned from bidding again.
- Once a lion has it's days down, it will go to pending, if not bough by 12PM EST or other noted time in my morning reply, your bid will be reset and the lion will be put back up for 5 days.
- Please say how much you are bidding on a lion so I don't get confused and put the wrong amount!

All lions shown have their markings at 100% opacity to show their potential, so do not be angry if they come in without bright glowing marking, each lion's pose is their personality.

950 = 1
1,900 = 2
Ect. Just multiply 950 buy the amount of value you want to reach and that large number will be how much you need to wage in to reach that amount

Items that are worth can also be used, I will check their value on the tree and trading center before putting down their price ( I will put down the price in and not as the item they are, just incase someone is new and doesn't know its value. )

I hope these rules seem fair! Now onto the beautiful lions!

Edit: Since it was asked, there is now D or C under the lions information! D for dirty and C for clean :)

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Edited on 06/12/22 @ 18:23:04 by TormentedSoul (#363137)

TheArtistLazlain (#363137)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-11-26 16:30:44
I'm going to get a black lion so I can memorialize him, I'll send the looks below, if you have it message me

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TheArtistLazlain (#363137)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-11-26 16:33:40
If anyone has a lion that looks like:
Base: Ebony/Styx/Onyx/Obsidian/Jet/Seer/Nuummite/Noctis/Velvet (First is the one I want least, last is the one I want most)
Mane Length: Diabolic
Mane Color: Same as base but Ebony is what I want most
Eyes: Amber/Yellow/Banana/Any Yellow Gold color (Pref Amber)
Skin: Black
Gender: Male or Female (Pref male)
Age: Any (pref adults or adolescent, but I won't mind cub)
Pose / Mutation: None
Piebald/Patches: None
Posed Mutations: None

I don't mind any markings as long as he is black.

If they're melanistic I still want a black base.

I am fine with any muts as long as they aren't primal, lethal, or anything that changes the tail
If any muts, Preferred to be OG Claws or OG Teeth

Message me

I plan on freezing them as soon as I get the chance

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TheArtistLazlain (#363137)

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Posted on
2022-11-30 06:30:45
I'm good on the lion and really needs these lions gone asap!

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Silver [3x Ros|G3
Ferus] (#399004)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-12-02 09:32:04
250 on #19 please

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TheArtistLazlain (#363137)

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Posted on
2022-12-02 09:32:57

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Bee 🐝 (#345858)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2022-12-05 09:29:51
100 sb on Lion #15 !

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TheArtistLazlain (#363137)

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Posted on
2022-12-05 09:48:01

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