Posted by Mutation Idea: Intersex

Something... (#377319)

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Posted on
2022-11-10 16:39:15
This is NOT my idea! I spoke to someone briefly about it when they mentioned it and thought I'd add to it!

All intersex cubs will look look similar to a maned female, despite their role. Although intersex, it will take up a female slot. When checking the gender of the lion in cubs sired or den display, it will show up as "n/a", with a gray I as the gender icon. Intersex lions would be a relatively rare mutation.

Birth message:
"You examine the cub, unsure of their gender. Huh."

An intersex cub will act as a normal cub and have the same appearance as a normal cub.

This is where the mechanics come in. In place of the "gender" current will be an option to change your adolescent's role. "Sub-male" or "Lioness". In doing so, your adolescent can either go along on hunts or patrols. Roles can be changed at any time unless it is hunting, patrolling, up for trade/offer, or in a raffle.

The mechanics of the role are the same as the adolescents. They can act as both female and male depending on their role. Intersex lionesses CANNOT breed and will act as an infertile lioness. Despite being infertile, intersex lionesses AND intersex sub-males can act as a broodmother/father. This WILL count towards broodmother amount.

Kinging an intersex will get rid of the "role" mechanic, changing his gender to male permanently. Despite the role mechanic being gone, an intersex king will have the option to enable/disable the "broodfather" mechanic. This may/may not count towards the max amount of broodmothers.

Just a thought. Thanks for reading.

This suggestion has 185 supports and 99 NO supports.

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Anxiety Prime™
[11.25.22 RLC] (#191357)

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Posted on
2023-08-25 20:10:48
I think i'd still be a no-go, having multiple of one mutation? We also *do* already have intersex mutations like said above, such as double uterus, unsure if mane mutations count but we also have those too,

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a|Quad Ros (#299126)

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Posted on
2023-08-28 02:43:36
I like the idea! It sounds fun!

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Illyasviel (#173790)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-09-23 13:26:08
hey, i don't normally post here, but people said they would like opinions from intersex people.
i was born with a pole and a hole, and wasn't mutilated at birth. as expected, i am sterile, and needed many, many surgeries later in life (my choice) due to urinary complications, cancer risks, and more issues such as cryptochordism. i still do have said pole and hole, but my tubes were removed due to cancer risk (as they were deformed and neither male nor female) as well as everything in my uterus aside from the ovotestes. with this being said, this is incredibly rare, and the vast majority of people with disorders of sex development have more specific issues, as some people have mentioned, like the double uterus. i even know someone that was born without a uterus entirely.
to be very clear, intersex is not a gender. and as for "mutations", disorders of sex development are indeed just that, and i ironically found the first comment opposing the OP's suggestions to be the most offensive. i think the confusion here is that the disorders (such as cryptochordism) are due to mutations. intersex *people* are not mutations. i am very much familar with the experience of being treated like i ought to be fixed – many doctors wanted to chop off my pole or close up my hole and i refused. it takes ages to find surgeons (or even health providers for routine checkups) that will actually help me instead of turning me away. but i think people need to understand that intersex *conditions* can sometimes need to be addressed medically. someone did also make a point that we need to be mindful of people that may fetishize lions with mutations in their sex development, and i would wholeheartedly agree.
now, the issue i find with the proposal, as people have mentioned, is that it isn't specific. if you're going to add a mutation, it should be named, and not labeled as the sex that is assigned to a person with said mutations. that's what the sex field is for. and in fact, there's even an overwhelming number of people with mixed genitalia, including myself, that do not even prefer to use "intersex" when asked about their sex because of how broad and uninformative it is. these days, i simply state i have mixed genitalia, and that my sex is "Undifferentiated".
if i were to suggest a different way of going about this, it would need to be several specific mutation options like "No Uterus" that result in sterility. some mutations like that could be "invisible", whereas others like "Ovotestes" would physically show as a lion having mixed sex hormones. there also shouldn't be something where they can both sire and conceive – that's not how intersex conditions work, and it would be incredibly unbalanced in the game anyways. there are hermaphroditic species out there (two functioning sets of genitalia), but cats are not one of them.

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Edited on 23/09/23 @ 19:46:04 by Illyasviel (#173790)

💫🧬 (#434371)

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Posted on
2023-09-26 08:26:06

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Edited on 26/09/23 @ 08:36:46 by Nebula [#1 Ankh + Sutekh Fan] (#434371)

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