Posted by New crafting toggle(s)

production hell (#219159)

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Posted on
2022-11-11 12:10:40

Hello! thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this.

I propose two new toggles on the crafting page: show only craftable items, and show only decors/applicators/other

Well, with the current crafting system, you often have to search for specific items that you can craft and then memorise how many items you'll need. This would be fine of there were only a few( 50-100) items in the crafting feature, but at the moment there are ~200. This is just a wate of time, and it makes crafting items much harder.

The second toggle section would make things more organized, and easier to choose what items you're looking for!

With the toggle, it'll only show items that you can craft with items that you have in your inventory!
This means that, when in the crafting page with this toggle on, the only items that show up are ones that you have the items for.

this just makes it somewhat easier to organize and to craft items, which means that people will be making more stuff! how fun!

if you like this, support! If you don't please let me know how it could be improved. <3

Toggle for the current event (Wolf_MP (Semi-Haitus
expected) (#7336) )

Notable comments:

This suggestion has 23 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 16/11/22 @ 08:56:35 by KKINGQUAIL | G5 ANKH PRIMAL� (#219159)

Wolf_MP | Slate
Kinged 1kstats (#7336)

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Posted on
2022-11-11 12:27:23
Adding on to that (and I'll admit I haven't looked at suggestions so forgive me), but a toggle for the current event would also be helpful. Like how it's currently November as of my post, but you can see the February craftables.

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