!Hey! Welcome~
Here I will be bidding lions of mine. It will usually be marked with the Generation, Heritage (Clean/Dirty), Gender.
First we'll cover rules!
1. Be respectful!
2. Don't bid what you don't own!
3. Do not back out of a bid, DM me circumstances if absolutely needed, however you can only do this so many times before you're blacklisted!
4. Don't try to outbid someone who auto bought!
5.Finalized bids have a 2 day golden period - Once the trade ends the bid will be canceled.
6. DO NOT ask me to sex change! You must do it yourself.
7. Lions are shown with a pose - THEY DO NOT COME WITH THE POSE!
Thank you for reading - You will be expected to follow these rules. Not reading them is no excuse to break them!
SB: Starting Bid
MI: Minimum Increase
CB: Current Bid
AB: Auto Buy
1000 SB = 1 GB
Lets get started!
ANY Oasis Pose - 1 GB
Jolly Pose - 10 GB
Random Marking App - 1 GB
Total Shuffle - 20 (Something I really want - held at higher price)
Cub/Adult Sex Changer - 1 GB
Crunchy Worm - 20
Instant Cub Delivery - 2 GB
CRB - 1 GB
Pennyroyal - 1 GB
Jellyfish - 30 GB
Lion Meat - 10 GB
GMO cow - 40 GB
Lions Available! MUTIES
Primal Fangs G11|F|Dirty Fangs
SB:1 gb or 1000sb
MI:500 SB or 1 gb
AB: 3 gb
Primal Sp. Base G5|M|Clean Primal
SB:1000sb or 1 gb
MI:100 sb
AB:4 gb
Blood Moon Base G11|F|Dirty Special Base
SB:1gb or 500 sb
AB:6 gb
Cub# Gen|Sex|Heritiage
(Link to Lion) <*a href=URL">These are the words that will be Clickable<*/a>
(Reg Opacity) <*img src="URL" width=600>
(100%) <*img src="URL" width=600>