Posted by How to get dwarf?

#1 caitlyn stan (#392798)

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Posted on
2022-11-27 20:07:43
Hello I'm jinx! And I have been wondering how to obtain a dwarfie as I am DIEING for one. I have been on this for nearly a month and have been trying to trade for one (my offer is a primal fangs lioness) and if anyone is ok with sharing how to a dwarfie or wants to trade pls tell me!

Ty for reading have a good night/afternoon/morning

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Edited on 27/11/22 @ 21:04:33 by Jinx (#392798)

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💚Blake|G1 Angelic
Ennedi💜 (#300646)

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Posted on
2022-11-27 21:42:04

Dwarfs are one of those Lions that don't naturally pass their mutations, so they can get kind of crazy to find! There are a couple of ways to get one though.

1. The Trading Center is the easiest. Unfortunately Primal Fangs tend to run about 1 GB, and Dwarfs at minimum tend to be 40GB, but apps and breeding items can help bridge that gap!

2. Breed from another Dwarf. In order to do this you need a Lion Scrotum, which you can probably get either from the Trading Center or the Branches at this time of year, but is an event item from February. I'm not familiar with how much those are regularly, but I believe they tend to run fairly expensive as well.

3. Breed one at Random. Mutations such as Dwarfism can occur when there is a mutation chance. I believe there is a very tiny base chance of most mutations occurring, but this can be increased a bit by having a VLF (or Very Low Fertility). This can be increased by a larger amount by using Cotton Root Bark for 1 GB in the Oasis, or can be greatly raised by using a GMO Cow

4. Giveaways! Keep an eye on the Giveaway Channel, or there are Clans dedicated to helping players get Dwarves or giving away heats or Dwarves themselves.

It can be a bit daunting, but if you want one then Definitely Don't Give Up!

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Versace (#316550)

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Posted on
2023-02-08 15:38:26
is it possible to raise a leprechaun when both parents are not mutated?

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#1 caitlyn stan (#392798)

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Posted on
2022-11-27 21:47:58

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Fallen Lion (#217344)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2022-11-29 17:12:31
Think I'll hop on here

Speaking of dwarves and giveaways, I am currently hosting a dwarf giveaway if you haven't entered yet! In no means to advertise, only to give opportunity!

Here it is:

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