Posted by Give a Lion to the person below you!

Axis (#4339)

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Posted on
2022-11-30 12:14:00
If you don't get anything msg me! I will give you a lion!

a spin on the give a lion to the person above you. Just give the person below you a lion.
No begging for a one lion or another. It is the choice of the person above you what lion you receive. No crying or being upset that you didnt get the lion you wanted. This game is for fun , and nothing else.

The lions you send do not have to be clean, nor to the have to have anything special about them. If you want to you can send Muties or a rare base or something but you don't have to. You do not have to keep the lion you receive after its cool down period but make sure to ask its sender if they would like it back before chasing or killing it
There is no age limit to the lions you send, they could be young or old it does not matter.
Have fun everyone :D

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Edited on 12/03/23 @ 13:31:39 by Axis (#4339)

Firebreathing b*tch
queen/lone (#435941)

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Posted on
2023-07-22 08:46:30
What kind of pie? I know a lion but still
I have a couple lions I can give not sure which one

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