Posted by XMAS Giveaway 2022 (50+ Muties and Specials)

Jay [Clean Khnum 10m
Ferus] (#85544)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2022-12-02 09:27:28
Happy Holidays, friends!

Every year for the last 3 or so years I've begun mass breeding in December in order to give any muties or special bases (and a selection of ebony/noctis if they're really pretty) away on the 25th.

In previous years I would just use chat to give them away but it isn't allowed now and I HATE the new giveaway chat. Therefore, I think a thread is the best way to go about it this year.

All you have to do now is subscribe to the topic, simply just reply with subscribe that way you'll get notifications when I post new lions on the 25th. It'll be first come, first serve. I can not promise a specific lion to one person. Every year I've ended up with roughly 15 or so muties to give away but it all depends on if the RNGods decide they like me this month lol
I can promise you though, EVERY SINGLE MUT I get this month will go to this giveaway. I don't care if its a Gon or a Primal fangs. Every one will be given away on the 25th, no exceptions.

I hope this makes sense.
I need a decent amount of responses on this so feel free to bump as much as you'd like. Thank you!

As Xmas day on lioden is around the corner it's time I explain how this is going to work. I've been brainstorming for days and I think I've come up with the best system possible at the moment.
Here's how it will go:

I will post a group of lions, all numbered or lettered, and maybe sometimes I'll ask a small question about the lion/ess (eye colour for example). Either way, there will be a group of lions and first one to type the number and/or answer the question will get the lion.

For now, there is no limit on how many you can claim. However this is subject to change if it looks like its getting unfair.
Feel free to ask any questions, or if you have any suggestions also let me know.

There is also a chance that the giveaway will run up until new years eve. I have a lot of lions to giveaway and no set time schedule on when they will be posted. It will be totally random to be as fair as possible.


Quick Ammendment: PLEASE don't edit your comments! If the timestamp is past the 2nd correct comment I can't tell if you've changed it or not so the lion will go to the next comment. I'm sorry but it prevents cheating :')

As long as the spelling is close enough you'll still get the lion!

AD (Ignore this): Massive Xmas Giveaway! 50+ Muties/Specials to be won. Reply to the topic for a chance to win!

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Edited on 25/12/22 @ 11:59:42 by Jay [CleanPoinsettia10mFerus] (#85544)

Gen 5 (#347882)

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Posted on
2022-12-24 22:48:28
Will you be adding link or just a picture when you post? @Jay

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Jay [Clean Khnum 10m
Ferus] (#85544)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2022-12-24 22:55:41
@Wren only a link to the lions page. This will keep it as fair as possible I think.

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amber1234578 (#369243)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2022-12-24 22:56:34
Are we allowed to start sending links? Also MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!

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Edited on 24/12/22 @ 23:05:25 by amber1234578 (#369243)

Jay [Clean Khnum 10m
Ferus] (#85544)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2022-12-24 22:57:47
@everyone i have updated with how this is likely going to work tomorrow. Remember that I have no set schedule for how frequently new lions will be posted. I'll be enjoying my Christmas day with family so please understand that I'll be online when I can be!

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[14+|G2 Slender] (#377312)

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Posted on
2022-12-24 23:02:51
@jay please don't stress over this. You're giving us free and beautiful lions out of the kindness of your heart. Please have fun with your family and post lions when you can. Have a great Christmas!

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Kaizer𐬾♩x2 ros
x5 seal king (#277793)

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Posted on
2022-12-24 23:06:34
if you are still doin this, i would be happy with any mut<3

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Jay [Clean Khnum 10m
Ferus] (#85544)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2022-12-24 23:07:42
Thank you :) I just worry people are going to be upset if they end up missing out which is why I've tried to make it as random as possible lol so people don't think I'm being unfair.
I hope you have a great Christmas too!

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tarshin|7M (#241933)

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Posted on
2022-12-24 23:08:53
@jay That's perfectly fine! I'm also with my family so I'll not like if the giveaway begin right now, merry christmas! (Sorry if I am have bad english ^^" )

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🌜onstellation |
Star eater 🪐 (#404717)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-12-24 23:09:54
Merry Christmas! And yeah don’t stress out love- you’re doing all of this without most people giving you anything in return, so you’re doing enough already! Make sure you relax <3

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Edited on 24/12/22 @ 23:10:18 by Starzy (#404717)

naz|G1 Tobiano (#281043)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2022-12-24 23:12:30
Merry Christmas! I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow with your family xx

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Chi (#111089)

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Posted on
2022-12-24 23:12:50
Merry Christmas! Subscribed just now

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TotallyNotASynth (#111306)

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Posted on
2022-12-24 23:13:24
subcrised! id be happy with any mut

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Motörhead (#353197)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2022-12-24 23:13:53
Subscribing Happy Holidays! This is such a nice thing to do (your king is beautiful btw)

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🌺The Hibiscus
Curse🌺 (#253145)

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Posted on
2022-12-24 23:15:37
merry snuhmas!

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Temptation (#375082)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-12-24 23:16:56

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