Posted by Possibly a new item, idea?

Petalheart (#275650)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2022-12-05 09:21:29
The idea just came to me when I was gifting out buchu (herbs), I was thinking, since we have the toy bundle, and the food bundle, why not create a herb bundle? Since some herbs can only be found during certain event months, and are gone once the month is over. The herb bundle would give players random herbs such as; common herbs found ever day, event herbs, etc. Just like the toy bundle gives you feathers, which some can be put into crafting, and just normal every day feathers for your lioness to play with.

That's all thank you for listening :)

This suggestion has 2 supports and 4 NO supports.

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Angela |Skyward
Queen| (#77401)

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Posted on
2022-12-05 09:22:36
Herbs can be obtained year round through explore, and also through the beetle grounds on the Crossroads page.

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