Posted by Lethal Mutation: Peanut (aka; double dwarf)

ShrimpCrockpot (G2
18bo fiss) (#245091)

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Posted on
2022-12-10 16:48:58
Hey guys! this is my first mutation idea, any thoughts are appreciated!

inspired [sadly] by a peanut rabbit kit born to my veterinary science program two months ago.

Peanuts are a term for animals, usually rabbits, with two copies of the dwarfism gene. Having two copies of the dwarfism gene renders the Pituitary gland nearly unable to produce hormones, leaving the kit unable to grow and thrive; this lack of pituitary functionality ends up lethal. Most peanuts, especially rabbits, will die after only hours, or a few days, though some are recorded living up to two months (the reasoning behind the two month death date for this mutation)

Peanuts are characterized by abnormally large skulls, small, peanut shaped bodies (skinny shoulders/hips with a bulging stomach), and underdeveloped hips/back legs. Longer lived peanuts are recorded to have an almost pregnancy belly, due to its sheer size, and bulging muzzle/eyes due to the size of their skulls

Peanuts are not the same as dwarves and false dwarves, who only have one copy of the gene.

In-game mutation information (may be subject to change)
-Bred from dwarf lions
-Can be passed from both male and female dwarves (giving reason for dwarf kings!)
-Higher chance of production in dwarf x dwarf litters (maximum boost of 15%, if accompanied by lion scrot/gmo cow + CRB)
-Cub dies between 2-3 months, chance of death increasing with each day past 2 months (like 15+ year old lionesses)

Cub messages:

Your lioness notices something strange; one of the cubs is so small! Maybe it's just a really small dwarf...

1 month
(Cub) has barely grown. It doesnt seem to be able to keep up with it's siblings, and is often outcompeted for milk. (Cub's) mother tries her best to help it nurse, but she is growing worried.

2 months
(Cub) still has not grown. It's siblings are more than three times its size now; surely even dwarf cubs would be at least a little big bigger by now, right?

(Cub) never grew. It passed away from an unknown genetic condition, likely related to its small size.

Here is an example of what i think the peanut cub would look like! plus a size comparison between a cub newborn and a Peanut

let me know if y'all have any thoughts or suggestions!

This suggestion has 134 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Lunar_i (#249436)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2022-12-19 22:12:47
Just like horse reality and their (I think its called this) Overo gene, maybe there can be a some what penalty for breeding 2 dwarves.. Although to be far, it would produce a LOT more lethals which would be a bad thing.. Still supporting, but the chances would be decreased to like hybrid chance or be unfreezable.

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ShrimpCrockpot (G2
18bo fiss) (#245091)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-12-20 07:41:14
Yeah I’m thinking the natural rate of passage is the same as other lethals, but accompanied by a double dwarf pairing, CRB, and GMO cow it can rise to like 10%

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